Darkvoice 336i & 336SE Tuberolling PartII
Oct 24, 2008 at 7:36 AM Post #17 of 14,543
I just did some tuberolling yesterday and I think I moved a big step forward. My curent setup is: Marconi 6SN7 and a Raytheon-Jan 6080WC.

I'm using it with a Linn Mimik CD player and a LP12 record player with an AKG 701 (Sennheiser HD 600 is in my inventory, too).

Especially with the 701 (yes, they are 'burned in') this is the first setup of tubes that I really enjoy. The sound is very clear, detailled (spotting details that I've not heard yet on recordings), voices are very clear and understandable, bass is deep and the heights have lost their 'agressiveness'. Overall, the sound made a big step towards being more natural.

I can easily attribute those changes to the change of the 6AS7 (the larger tube in the back) to the 6080WC.

Just another question - has anyone tried different power cables for the Darkvoice or changing the phase?

Oct 24, 2008 at 5:55 PM Post #18 of 14,543

Just another question - has anyone tried different power cables for the Darkvoice or changing the phase?

In reference to the power cables, I have a couple of upgraded ones, however, the difference to me was more evident when I connect them to my DAC vs. amp, thus making my amp sound better

That is a very debatable topic here. I did not spend a lot of money on them, but I do notice a bit more uummff with them. IMO........
Oct 24, 2008 at 8:54 PM Post #19 of 14,543
These drawers are awesome

I am waiting for my DV 336i to show up, probably next Monday. In the meantime I have read each of the 100+ pages of the other tube rolling thread. My eyes were burning but plenty good advise there. That being said this long thread got me contaminated. I don't have the amp yet but I already purchased some tubes. Help! I received a Mullard 6080 from Langrex (looks like brand new) and more will show up in the mail next week.

I know, I know... I'll listen to the stock tubes for an extended period first. Still I'm looking forward to collect more information about good tubes for the 336 here.
Oct 25, 2008 at 12:33 AM Post #20 of 14,543

Originally Posted by Ocean7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
These drawers are awesome

I am waiting for my DV 336i to show up, probably next Monday. In the meantime I have read each of the 100+ pages of the other tube rolling thread. My eyes were burning but plenty good advise there. That being said this long thread got me contaminated. I don't have the amp yet but I already purchased some tubes. Help! I received a Mullard 6080 from Langrex (looks like brand new) and more will show up in the mail next week.

I know, I know... I'll listen to the stock tubes for an extended period first. Still I'm looking forward to collect more information about good tubes for the 336 here.

Thanks Ocean7..

I also read that entire thread before receiving the DV while taking notes on various combinations. You will have a lot of fun with different tubes. Recently I have been using a JAN CRC 6AS7G with a brown base GE 6SN7GTB and really like the sound with my DT770s.

It's all about finding the sound you like. The Tung Sol 5998 is excellent. I'm sure as you have seen the 6SN7 tube can get very expensive, just choose carefully and buy from respectable dealers...

Happy rolling
Oct 25, 2008 at 1:33 PM Post #21 of 14,543

Originally Posted by HeatFan12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks Ocean7..

I also read that entire thread before receiving the DV while taking notes on various combinations. You will have a lot of fun with different tubes. Recently I have been using a JAN CRC 6AS7G with a brown base GE 6SN7GTB and really like the sound with my DT770s.

It's all about finding the sound you like. The Tung Sol 5998 is excellent. I'm sure as you have seen the 6SN7 tube can get very expensive, just choose carefully and buy from respectable dealers...

Happy rolling

Thanks. Lots of fun ahead indeed. And I'll be careful with my wallet

I also want that TS 5998. I just missed one on the auction site that sold for $15.
Oct 25, 2008 at 1:44 PM Post #22 of 14,543
Y'know, I recently went back to 6AS7G's in my 337, and darned if I don't think I like them better. Not sure the same would be true in the 336, but the 337 is not a warm sounding tube amp, and in fact tubes that are a little warmer sound better to me in the 337. My Tung-sol black-plate 6AS7G's are a little warmer than the 5998, and seem so far to be very nearly as detailed.

In any case, Tung-Sol 6AS7's are terrific, and worth seeking out.
Nov 29, 2008 at 8:23 AM Post #24 of 14,543
I recently found the perfect fit of tubes for my 336i and my AKG 701: metal-base JAN-RCA 6080WC (for the 6AS7) and black- base Tung-Sol 6SN7GT (bought coincidentally for just 7 $). The Tung- Sol works better for me than the Sylvania 6SN7's.

The change in sound with my 701's in this particular combo could be described as follows:
- Deeper bass, more body but still dry
- Smoother highs
- Beautiful, smooth, singing mids

Need to mention of course my 701 has >300 hours on it. With this combo, I am happy for the first time and I now really prefer it over its predecessor (Sennheiser HD600).

For cables, I played around with various pricy power cables and yes they do change the sound drastically - almost as if you'd change tubes. After listening to some of them the one that sounded the best *in my combo* was a DIY of the thickest piece of cable you could get in a store with decent plug and socket for the connectors (overall, 20$ costs) - but the whole thing as short as possible.

I could imagine the next step that would yield improvement is having an isolating transformer (if that's the right english word for a transformer with 1:1 windings) that filters all the HF rubbish in the power supply before it comes to my Darkvoice. Probably especially useful in our modern households with switching-mode-power-supply DVD players/ PC's/ light installations and power-line-LAN's.

Anyone with experiences on this?

Thanks & happy listening
Dec 4, 2008 at 9:42 PM Post #25 of 14,543
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a Sylvania 6SN7WGT. Anyone have one for sale? Or know a good place to find one?

Dec 4, 2008 at 9:52 PM Post #26 of 14,543

Originally Posted by dunski /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a Sylvania 6SN7WGT. Anyone have one for sale? Or know a good place to find one?


Dec 4, 2008 at 11:02 PM Post #28 of 14,543
I found the Chatam 6080wa ( just like the bendex) & the Sylvania 6sn7w to be a sweet combination.
Also occasionally I would switch out the Sylvania 6sn7w with a motorolla 3122326 and that too was a sweet match.

I also use a matched pair of Bendex 6080's in my SP Extreme.

As for sources , I use a resolution audio modded Opus 21, with Sony transport, Cambridge Azur 840 cdp and an ipod

I mention this because I recently had the pleasure to listen to a RSA Raptor hitched to a vmod & imod. Dont discount the little old ipod as a source, that system was smoking. A couple upgrades and you have a great source for a little bang.
Dec 5, 2008 at 12:34 AM Post #29 of 14,543

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thanks Skylab, you got a deal

You mentioned that the WE 421a is just a rebranded Tung-sol 5998. Are there any differences between the two?

Dec 5, 2008 at 12:57 AM Post #30 of 14,543
No. Only Tung-sol made the 5998 (not to be confused at all with the 5998A). The WE421A is just a Western Electric branded TS 5998. Don't let anyone tell you different. They are identical.

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