Darkest desires part 2
May 30, 2003 at 2:20 PM Post #826 of 1,066

Originally posted by DarkAngel
No, I bought this used so as usual it can arrive anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks, and it just now finally arrived

The first CD I got from The End so I have had that for a while now.

Some CDs I Will Sell
MAYHEM - Grand declaration of War
What a mess and a real let down from "wolf's Lair" album that preceded it, lots of spoken word and techno stuff mixed in with weak black metal.......like I said a mess 6/10

DODHEIMSGARD - 666 International
A weak attempt to mix industrial/electro elements with dark metal 6/10

An even weaker attempt to mix industrial/electro elements with dark metal......even Depeche Mode has more edge than this lame effort. Too bad because previous album "animatronic" was very good. 4/10

Got rid of all my albums here, just doesn't measure up to the great new stuff I've been getting from TAAKE, MARDUK, GRAVELAND etc.

Kovenant stinks, however you might want to get one of their albums before the name change when they were still called Covenant. DODHEIMSGARD is yet another crappy band, I hate techno. Grand declaration of War is crap, they tried to mixed many different styles, which is good and all, but it just doesn't work here as it all seems too forced, the drumming however is some of the best ever. Wolf's Lair however is freaking awesome and the only thing worth getting from the new Mayhem. I always found Judas Iscariot boring myself.
May 30, 2003 at 8:27 PM Post #827 of 1,066

Originally posted by KR...
Kovenant stinks, however you might want to get one of their albums before the name change when they were still called Covenant. DODHEIMSGARD is yet another crappy band, I hate techno. Grand declaration of War is crap, they tried to mixed many different styles, which is good and all, but it just doesn't work here as it all seems too forced, the drumming however is some of the best ever. Wolf's Lair however is freaking awesome and the only thing worth getting from the new Mayhem. I always found Judas Iscariot boring myself.

I do in fact have COVENANT "nexus polaris" CD, but I like "animatronic" best........you already know what I think of SETI

is interesting in that members were very influential, almost a black metal supergroup with original line up, but really only two good albums for me with:
-dom sathanas
-wolf's lair

for me has turned into a goldmine of great dark metal, I have 6 albums now all very good to excellent in quality.......thank god The End is selling them so cheap.
May 30, 2003 at 9:18 PM Post #828 of 1,066

Originally posted by DarkAngel
I do in fact have COVENANT "nexus polaris" CD, but I like "animatronic" best........you already know what I think of SETI

is interesting in that members were very influential, almost a black metal supergroup with original line up, but really only two good albums for me with:
-dom sathanas
-wolf's lair

You MIGHT want to check out their early mid 80's release called DeathCrush. It sounds like early Venom, not all that evil but lots of fun if you like Venom and CARPATHIAN FOREST. However, it doesn't sound like De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. You can get Deathcrush from the end for $9, which is a damn good deal, me thinks.
May 30, 2003 at 11:03 PM Post #829 of 1,066
May 31, 2003 at 6:41 AM Post #831 of 1,066
=================== METAL NEWS =================================
* More NORTHERN HERITAGE vinyls coming soon: ILDJARN "ildjarn" DOUBLE-LP VINYLS! Stay tuned! *(No pre-orders; sorry!)
OSMOSE NEWS: AXIS OF ADVANCE - The front lines are a blackened, smoldering bloody wreck. However, discipline and order are holding and the command remains functional. We are aggressively pursuing leads and focusing on touring in the old world and our homeland. When the details are settled and the go-ahead is given, we'll be gone. Until then, other matters are pressing. New material is starting to flow like the "Styx of Hades. " Its filthy black tar smoulders; polluting all it encounters by a fume poisoned with the black fires of abhorrence. Choke on it soon!

YATTERING have announced the first tour dates in support of their Candlelight debut, Genocide (CDL59). The tour will include five dates in England as well as dates in Belgium, France, Switzerland, and France.
Candlelight proudly announces the signing of Norway's GRIMFIST. The band's debut, Ghouls of Grandeur (CDL60), was produced by Peter Tagtgren at Abyss Studios and is set for US release on September 23. Featuring current members of Immortal and Deride, GRIMFIST joined Candlelight in late 2002 after receiving interest from several other labels. Album track listing includes: Primal Aggression, Outlined In Black, A World of Wrath, From Hell & Back, No Compromise, Obsession, Lesser of Two Evils, Ghouls of Grandeur, Mosh-pit Underground, Christ Denied.
Candlelight have acquired the US license for Walking on Phantom Ice (CDL68), the third album from Denmark's WITHERING SURFACE. Set for release September 23, the album has already received rave reviews on its initial 2001 European release. This will be the band's first album with proper US distribution. Formed in 1994, WITHERING SURFACE recorded their debut, Scarlet Silhouettes in 1996. The album featured a guest appearance from In Flames guitarist Jesper Stromblad. The band entered Studio Fredman in 1998 for their second album, The Nude Ballet with the production help of Fredrik Nordstrom and In Flames vocalist Anders Friden. The album was nominated in 1999 for a Dutch Grammy. The year's additional highlight included a performance at the renowned Roskilde Festival. The band signed with England's Copro Records in 2001 and recorded Walking on Phantom Ice. Following its release, the band toured Denmark with Iniquity and in 2002 would tour England in support of Opeth and Arch Enemy. The year's highly included a performance at Germany's Wacken Open Air Festival.
================================================== ==
May 31, 2003 at 1:37 PM Post #832 of 1,066
ENSLAVED - Below the Lights
I have seen reviews at either extreme on this album, I will tell you for me it is a success in every respect and along with ARCTURUS "sham mirrors" represents the most skillfull and successful attempt of combining black metal with more progressive and diverse style elements.

I have heard other groups try this branching out and have had disappointing results, including OPETH Damnation album. So if you have open mind try new Enslaved, and also pick up thier traditional classic masterworks Frost & Eld if you for some unexplainable reason don't already have these.

Where did that new guy Joe go...................
May 31, 2003 at 10:22 PM Post #833 of 1,066
BESEECH - Soul's Highway

lethoso, you are right; this is a good album. I like it better with each listening, and that's always a good sign. It's not that it was bad the first time through - just had to get past my perception of the drumming. But this drummer's rhythm fixation I have is just my cross to bear...

THALARION - Tunes of Despondency

This one's had one spin, and I'm still making my mind up. It's well-done and raw, but could use more of the female vocals. Oh, OK, I guess that's just my vox femme fixation coming out...
Jun 3, 2003 at 2:47 AM Post #834 of 1,066
Artist: Pantheïst
Title: O Solitude
Label: Firebox
Year: 2003

Let me begin by saying that, when I heard Pantheïst for the first time, I realised I’d made one of the greatest musical discoveries of my entire life to date. And, listening now to the awe-inspiring masterpiece of woe that is ‘O Solitude’, I can only strongly vouch for that statement.

It begins with a sudden crushing wave of guitars and plush double bass (the huge, low-pitched string instrument), with Kostas Panagiotou’s wretched, tormented bark following shortly afterward, and continues this way for the next 58 minutes or so...this album could no better be described than as a series of requiems - funeral music. And it is of such good quality, and displays such rich emotion, that I wonder whether or not these four men are perhaps not humans, but some far supreme race. It’s THAT good.

And It’s not as if I’m some kind of funeral doom fanatic either, as I’m simply not (although this band have inspired me to research the genre further). Because, although most describe Pantheïst as a funeral doom band, they are far above the limitations this or any other genres provide...so don’t let this categorization restrain you from giving the band a listen. Hell, if a fussy, pre-pubescent My Dying Bride obsessed nerd can fall madly in love with Pantheïst, anyone can.

Another remark numerous critics have taken to is that the band is heavily influenced by classical music, which, to a point, is true. For starters, the monolithic fan-favourite ‘Envy Us’, which also features a superb vocal contribution from deep-growling multi-project/instrumentalist Stijn Van Cauter (who also sometimes aids the band as live rhythm guitarist), is directly influenced by, and includes re-arranged music courtesy of the great classical composers Beethoven and Chopin. And there are several other direct classical influences also...the afore-mentioned double bass as well as lots of other interesting acoustic instrumentation, the heavy usage of synth, keys and piano, the general song structures etc., however, I think this is definitely still a metal release. The music also features its fair share of (reasonably) speedy, aggressive moments, with rampant drum-bashing, frenzied vocals and potent guitars (at one point, at the near-end of ‘Time’, there is even a solo guitar improvisation, which one cannot resist air-guitaring devotedly to), however, these are few and far between. No, for a majority of the time, the music is downbeat, slow and arduous, deeply dark, depressing and mournful, and crushingly heavy, but still very tense, emotive and atmospheric. Besides the growls and screams of pain, the vocals are also often sombrely chanted or crooned, and there is the occasional empathic yet miserable spoken word also. The second track, ‘Don’t Mourn’ seems to have been proving to be especially popular and discussed thus far, being extra slow, mellow and atmospheric. It’s also incredibly emotional, and by the time it reaches the climax of the song, represented by the high-pitched, sweet-sounding baglama at roughly the 10 minute mark, you desperately want to burst into tears and wallow in misery forevermore.

This is...one of the doomiest, greatest pieces of music I’ve heard in a long time (if not ever), and I cannot stress enough how much I think anyone remotely interested in sad, heavy, emotive music should at least check this amazing band out. You can do so via their official website; pantheist.doom-metal.com. These young fellows really have work to be proud of with this masterpiece, and have a massively promising future ahead of them...okay, so perhaps it won’t be wrought with ‘chicks, booze and money’, but success within the doom-metal scene for sure.
Jun 3, 2003 at 11:47 PM Post #836 of 1,066
CDs purchased and soon to arrive:

ARCTURUS - masquerade infernal (completes Arcturus collection)
GEHENNA - first spell (this completes 1 & 2 spells)
ULVER - kveldssanger (bergtatt was lonely)

Some great CDs recently arrived:

GORGOROTH - pentagram 1994 & antichrist 1996
Great stuff sounding similar to early SATYRICON "shadowthrone" era material. Black metal that is both savage and beautiful in turn,
there was so much great dark metal made during this period that I keep discovering. One of these will be in my revised top 20 list, what a great find........both equally good. (redstream purchase)

MORK GRYNING - tusen har gatt 1995
Never heard of this group before, they have only three albums this is the first and from what I hear easily the best of this group, produced by Dan Swano. For fans of Dimmu and OMC another must have CD i'm afraid.

Next to listen to:

ANCIENT - svartlvheim & cainian chronicle
Later albums dissed as being COF wannabes, but early material (like these) supposed to be another story.......will find out.
Jun 6, 2003 at 2:54 AM Post #837 of 1,066
from doom-metal com

As mentioned before My Dying Bride guitarist's Hamish and Andrew have started a record label together with Debora Moretti called, blackdoom, to promote fellow Doom-metal bands. The first band signed is The Prophecy from the UK. Their 'ashes' CD is already available through the label now. You can now however, for more information, also visit their new blackdoom website.

check it out here :

Jun 6, 2003 at 6:54 AM Post #838 of 1,066
Hey, KR..., have you heard Anathema's Silent Enigma? In the same way that their more recent stuff reminds me of Porcupine Tree, a track or two off this one reminds me of MDB. Hold on a sec, I'll tell you exactly..."Shroud of Frost", "Sunset of Age"...L, any of them:

Restless Oblivion
Shroud Of Frost
... Alone
Sunset Of Age
Nocturnal Emission
Cerulean Twilight
The Silent Enigma
A Dying Wish

...well, except for the title track, that one kinda sucked just a little bit.
Jun 6, 2003 at 7:29 AM Post #839 of 1,066
I only like old school Anathema, I am not into the new stuff.

I have some news here, none of it good

guitarist David Rairan died last week as the result of a tour bus accident

vocalist Matthew Barlow has decided to leave the band to obtain his
Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration and focus on a career
in law enforcement administration

drummer Henry Ranta has quit because he is worn out – according to Ranta:
“for the past two years I haven't really found any joy playing, and with
all the tours coming up this year I felt that it was time for me to leave”

the band has called it quits due to dissatisfaction with the current state
of the black metal genre

due to the unprecedented level of anticipation and the prevalence of
sub-standard versions of ‘St. Anger’ already in circulation, Elektra
Records has moved up the release date from June 10 to June 5

Nothing but sad and depressing news there. But, good luck to Matthew Barlow on his new day job!
Jun 6, 2003 at 7:50 AM Post #840 of 1,066

Originally posted by KR...
I only like old school Anathema, I am not into the new stuff.

Silent Enigma is more "transitional" period Anathema, neither old school, nor new school. Just try like one track.

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