Crack;Bottlehead OTL
Dec 31, 2016 at 4:10 AM Post #8,026 of 12,347
Does anyone know how to connect a Bottlehead Crack to a Silicon Arts Next Class Si2 DAC?
The main source would be music from my computer. I don't know what cables are needed. Any help will be appreciated.

I think it would be well worth trying a converter you could probably pic up a decent used one to try for not a lot of cash and that way you can move it on at minimal cost. I remember looking at the J kenny ones think the MK III or the current one I think is the Ciunas. Just to a search for usb to s/pdif on ebay and select the used listings should bring up plenty of choices to read up on. Something will turn up if you keep your eyes open or post a wanted add perhaps
Dec 31, 2016 at 4:54 PM Post #8,027 of 12,347
Have a great New Year everyone!
Jan 1, 2017 at 5:08 PM Post #8,030 of 12,347
Hi everyone, I just purchased a bottlehead crack that is already built and I want to add the speedball upgrade. I am looking for someone who can install it for me as I have no experience or the equipment to accomplish the job. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Jan 2, 2017 at 1:37 PM Post #8,031 of 12,347
I think you should try it yourself. That is the whole point of these kits, to get some good sound and to learn something new at the same time.
Jan 2, 2017 at 1:46 PM Post #8,032 of 12,347
I think you should try it yourself. That is the whole point of these kits, to get some good sound and to learn something new at the same time.
I agree with this also. I was going to assemble one myself but got such a good price on one assembled I couldn't pass up and waiting on the Speedball to be delivered so I can install it myself.
Jan 2, 2017 at 4:08 PM Post #8,033 of 12,347
Guys I have had a Bottlehead Crack with Speedball for almost a year now and its a very, very good amp to be used with Beyerdynamics T90's and T1's.

I recently got a set of the newer T1's and they are indeed a magical pairing...with a well recorded / mastered song they are surprisingly good.

The depth and layering with this OTL and Beyers are really amazing.

If you think you might want to venture into the DIY area of this hobby the Bottlehead Crack is "the" kit to start with...especially if you like the nostalgic vacuum tube "glow"

Jan 5, 2017 at 10:08 AM Post #8,035 of 12,347
I am a proud crack + speedball owner thanks to Bottlehead for the last two years.  I've been feverishly lurking the 536 pages in this thread for the past year and even branching into other forums (bad, bad, bad jedi).  Anyway, I have all the tools to disassemble desolder, solder, etc to upgrade my caps and the gear under the hood but alas!  I find myself struggling to source a build that has upgraded and presents a way for me to get in touch with the OP and ask which items to remove.
Specifically I am looking to replace the knob, the caps, the resistors. 
I love the crack thus far but I would love it even more to rock out these Sennheiser HD6xx headphones that came in during the holidays.  Would any of my fellow headfiers have a few reference posts I can use to help me out?
Jan 5, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #8,036 of 12,347
I highly recommend this knob
There are silver knobs too. Usually I prefer a bright sound, but for some reason, I liked the dark knob :D

I also highly recommend you upgrade the pot first as that will give you the biggest upgrade in SQ. You can go crazy with pots, but if you want a tried and true inexpensive upgrade, get a blue velvet. You will need a Dremel or file to enlarge the holes for the pot, but that is very easy. This is the pot I got and I'm thrilled with it. Channel balance is perfect, and volume control is much more precise.
Jan 5, 2017 at 2:14 PM Post #8,037 of 12,347
  I am a proud crack + speedball owner thanks to Bottlehead for the last two years.  I've been feverishly lurking the 536 pages in this thread for the past year and even branching into other forums (bad, bad, bad jedi).  Anyway, I have all the tools to disassemble desolder, solder, etc to upgrade my caps and the gear under the hood but alas!  I find myself struggling to source a build that has upgraded and presents a way for me to get in touch with the OP and ask which items to remove.
Specifically I am looking to replace the knob, the caps, the resistors. 
I love the crack thus far but I would love it even more to rock out these Sennheiser HD6xx headphones that came in during the holidays.  Would any of my fellow headfiers have a few reference posts I can use to help me out?

Just for clarity's sake.  Are you asking for a link to a post ( forum, blog, or other ) that has detailed instructions on how to upgrade the Crack? Failing that for links to a post of an upgraded crack that has contact information?

I've not seen any detailed upgrade instructions.  But if you browse the Bottledhead forums, there are lots of discussion of upgrade paths, and potential parts; Caps, Pots, etc... I've not seen any good instructions... 
Jan 5, 2017 at 2:41 PM Post #8,038 of 12,347
I think that's because every "upgrade" or replacement is simply a unique one every time. 
Replacing a volume knob = remove the old and install the new. If it doesn't fit, make it fit and continue. 
Same with caps, the rectifier, the choke's, the volume pot, everything really.
FAQ #3 is described in Bottlehead's Crack FAQ on the forum. 
Jan 5, 2017 at 8:39 PM Post #8,040 of 12,347
I have a crack with speedball. A year ago I put an Alps, it is better than the original but not much. A month ago I put a TKD 2CP 2511, it's expensive but when you hear it seems cheap. The improvement is spectacular

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