Cowon Plenue D
Dec 11, 2015 at 1:55 PM Post #181 of 4,949
  I like it ,  I have 4 important questions
1.  Can you swipe album art from left/right to next song like i can on my X9?
     i see there is screen buttons bellow the album art but in theory you can go to next song by swiping album art?
2. can the background frame around album art be changed, i see on youtube it change to adapt to the album art.
   can a wallpaper be used as frame.
3. Does it supourt or come with UCI themes, probaly only music uci
4.  I currently own X9 and S9 i wanted to upgrade to Plenue P1 or M but price still too high
     would i benefit from upgrading to Plenue D is it better than X9?

1. Dunno
2. Dunno
3. Currently I doubt it, but in time yeh I rekon it will support UCI. I think this is 'Matrix' browser, and like the M2 it can also have different themes applied. The C2 themes even work on the M2. I bought a C2 years ago, and it's stock UI was terrible, thankfully some really decent UCI's emerged and saved the device, I'm quietly hoping the Plenue D gets some new UI, possibly even improving lag if that is at all possible (tho i doubt it). I'm just going to wait this one out, see what develops.
4. I believe the Plenue D will only be successful to the X9 in a couple of areas (this is pure conjecture mind u).
a) The price tag and battery life suggests it is indeed stepping away from the P1 and M components. It is more likely to have similar components to the M2 and X9 than the other way around. It will prolly be fine for most IEMs but cans may disappoint.
b) I would place money that when volume matched, using same headphones, using same DSPs applied, during specific passages in a track, you would not be able to tell the difference. Where they might differ is hiss/background noise, I would expect and hope that the D is quieter.
c) The D has a few added firmware benefits that the X9 doesn't have, is it worth that upgrade?
d) The D is smaller and more compact (lighter also I think).
e) Has a better screen quality.
I would also say that again I doubt you could even tell the difference between the P1 and M against your X9 if yer using a specific volume, volume matched and during certain passages etc. Where the P and M should trump the X9 is in cleaner background and the ability to power some harder to drive cans. But at that price you have to ask yerself if it's worth it... You might get similar results from investing in a small yet premium amp if that is required.

Just my 2 cents.
Dec 11, 2015 at 2:47 PM Post #182 of 4,949
Why would the lag be firmware? Why would Cowon release the D with lag if they could address it. That's hopeful thinking right there, it has lag because it doesn't have the processing power of the M and P.

The Plenue D is once again an example of Cowon using old tech and trying to get away with it. This is essentially a M2 with a capacitive screen, course it's gonna lag.

It's a deal breaker for me at that price point. I could barely finish the youtube vid let alone have one in my hand and cope. $399AUD!

I could cope better if I paid half of that price point, but really I'll put my $399AUD to better use elsewhere.

Lag could be due to Kernel issues or different processor and hasn't been optimized. I agree with you Bruce, this SHOULDN'T be an issue nowadays.. Especially with larger established companies.. But.. Sadly it happens.. Look at each time Apple or Android releases a new update.. There will ALWAYS be glitches. So take it easy on Cowon.
Dec 11, 2015 at 3:01 PM Post #183 of 4,949
I do love Cowon, i have owned many of their products. But in this fast paced world of technology Cowon seem to be behind the times always playing catch up. And even when they release something that seems half decent (P1 and M) they slap a price tag on it that is (imo) completely outrageous and puts a significant market off. They're not alone, other companies are guilty of this also, I just think the audiophile DAP market is being ripped off.
Dec 11, 2015 at 4:18 PM Post #184 of 4,949
I do not care about any lag. It has to be able to play my music files properly. Thats what Cowon did many years for me. 3x Cowon X5, D2+, D3, V5,
IAudio 7 ... and some I may have forgot.

Soundwise they always were over average. I do not see any reason to bash the Plenue D yet.

Yes, I am sort of a Cowon fanboy.
Dec 11, 2015 at 6:16 PM Post #185 of 4,949
I am too! I think the i9+ is one of the BEST DAPs ever, and it's price is extremely reasonable for what you get.

But the trend for Cowon at the moment is to have a high price tag on their products, even the M2 with a 1999 resistive screen fetches $200AUD this way! If it lags also it's a bit forgiveable for its price tag, but c'mon man the Plenue D is $399AUD over this way and is laggy?!
To put it into context I just bought my son a Google Nexus 4 handset for xmas for $99USD (new), processor wise it will wipe the floor with the Plenue D (and the nexus 4 is outdated now), so exactly what the heck are they putting inside these units to cause that kinda weakness? I expect lag on technology that costs $50-99USD, not $260-400, even if it is audio specific. It's 2015... once again Cowon reusing old tech they have lying around I bet.
Look, I want to get excited about this i really do but in the end I can't justify that kinda spending on this. This is the first capacitive AMOLED screen that we have seen in a long time from Cowon that has a mid range price tag that will prolly meet a lot of users expectations. It should be better than their D3/Z2 experience at least, but if I am paying that much for the Plenue D then I want to User Interface experience to be enjoyable and comfortable, not lagging and infuriating! I'd rather get a M2 and be frustrated on that front and at least know I paid less for it.

Pls no hate here, I have owned a X5, D2, O2, C2, i9, i9+, E2 and E3, I love them, but always I take each device at face value and make decisions accordingly. This Plenue D is really a M2 with a capacitive screen, their using the 'Plenue' name to whack on an additional $200AUD on it just because they can and it'll work.
Dec 11, 2015 at 8:37 PM Post #186 of 4,949
  This Plenue D is really a M2 with a capacitive screen, their using the 'Plenue' name to whack on an additional $200AUD on it just because they can and it'll work.

wouldnt it be better to wait for comparisons?
it could sound better than the m2 it could sound worse or like you say exactly the same, but we wont know until people start getting them.
Dec 12, 2015 at 1:02 AM Post #187 of 4,949
wouldnt it be better to wait for comparisons?
it could sound better than the m2 it could sound worse or like you say exactly the same, but we wont know until people start getting them.

I doubt I would take many comparisons here on headfi too seriously. I would need to know the set up ppl used to compare rather than just peoples opinions, which seems to stray far and wide here.

Now don't take what I said as being disrespectful, it's just I am a avid believer in putting yer money where yer mouth is. Too many placebos exist (that I too have been guilty of). There are many studies that show for example that if the volume of player A is just a tad higher than player B, then player A comes out with the perception of better sound quality. And then don't even get me started on abx testing which seems to be sorely lacking around here (point being that no one can pass that test yet many use FLAC or praise Hi Res when in fact it has little if any benefit other than placebo to the user).

What I am saying is of my own experience A/B testing devices against one another. The C2 and i9+ are exactly the same sound wise, they even hiss the same. The E3 doesn't hiss but doesn't carry the same volume capability or range of DSPs.
I own a Alien Shozy, when pitched against various other devices (such as AP100, Sansa Fuze, Hippo Biscuit) sounds different at certain moments in a track, but then also indistinguihable on other tracks during certain passages. I wouldn't even rate one necessarily better than the other, just that they sound different. I prefer the AP100 overall but that's due to a better EQ implentation (hardware based).
The point is Cowon have a track record of having the same sound signature for all their devices, what differs is power to be able to drive headphones (P1 and M being better equipped), but really that's it. If there is a difference between the Plenue D and other Cowon devices I would bet it is so small and insignificant that I wouldn't base your purchasing decisions around it. All Cowon DAPs sound good, base your choice in $ and features is my advice.
Dec 12, 2015 at 6:55 AM Post #188 of 4,949

Apparently it will one out on December 2 and cost around 260$. They promise 100 hours of playback on mp3.

Some specs :

And pics :



Very interesting...
So, how would you guys compared this unit's sound to that of P1, Calyx M, AK240, AK120?? Does it come close?
32GB internal memory is a big disappointment... but its size and price make sense. 
$260 is not bad..
I won't pay anything more than $300...After owning LG V10, I have realized that it's all waste of money.
Dec 12, 2015 at 1:01 PM Post #191 of 4,949
Originally Posted by BruceBanner 
This Plenue D is really a M2 with a capacitive screen, their using the 'Plenue' name to whack on an additional $200AUD on it just because they can and it'll work.
That's explain why they don't tell about the DAC chip.
Dec 12, 2015 at 2:04 PM Post #192 of 4,949
  Originally Posted by BruceBanner 
This Plenue D is really a M2 with a capacitive screen, their using the 'Plenue' name to whack on an additional $200AUD on it just because they can and it'll work.
That's explain why they don't tell about the DAC chip.

I always wanted a M2 with better material quality :)
Dec 12, 2015 at 4:20 PM Post #193 of 4,949
  Very interesting...
So, how would you guys compared this unit's sound to that of P1, Calyx M, AK240, AK120?? Does it come close?
32GB internal memory is a big disappointment... but its size and price make sense. 
$260 is not bad..
I won't pay anything more than $300...After owning LG V10, I have realized that it's all waste of money.

I hear ya. I even own an Xperia E1 bought for $99AUD, it hisses less than my Cowon's!
My main gripe with all Android devices is that they are capped volume wise, they need the mixer_paths limit lifted and then they get better, sadly that's a root thing plagued with traps and bugs!
I always wanted a M2 with better material quality :)

Yer not alone. But you do realise what Cowon are doing is whacking on a Ferrari body work on a Lada engine?! Personally for paying twice the price of a M2 I want some increased performance and not just improved looks...
Dec 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM Post #195 of 4,949
Someone take those screws out of the Plenue D and see if it's the same as this :p

You can imediately see, that it is not like the M2. In the M2 you see the wolfson DAC, with its pins soldered on the side. The Plenue D has a DAC with BGA soldering.

At least you can tell, that it has not the same DAC. (You can see the Plenue D DAC on one of the presentation pics)

BTW, thanks for opening up your Cowon :)

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