Considering Fostex TH900
Jul 28, 2017 at 7:21 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 25, 2017
I have been searching for a good closed back headphone to compliment my setup (see signature at bottom) and I think I have found what I need. I need something with a bit more bass than typical offerings such as the HD, LCD, and HE lines without sacrificing detail.

As my current headphone list probably suggests, I enjoy a more relaxed but fun sound with slightly rolled off highs and punchy but balanced bass. I listen to everything except country really, all CD quality or above. I am not really a basshead but I think I would really like something with a good kick to it, in terms of low end. Some songs I listen to seem to have something missing when I'm listening with the Senns or Audeze, and I would appreciate a headphone that has a visceral bass presence to compliment my more balanced cans.

Do you guys think the TH900 would be a good addition to my lineup? I hope it would fit nicely due to its (supposedly) strong bass, for when I want to listen to electronic music or similar. Bonus points for anybody who has heard both TH900 and HD650/LCD2 for a direct comparison. Thanks in advance!
Jul 28, 2017 at 7:39 PM Post #2 of 7
It's not a terrible idea, but hard to say without the usual "you should try to demo a pair" answer. I think the TH900 bass is way oversold around here. Yeah back a few years ago when the choices were HD800, TH900, and LCD2/3 the TH900 has the best bass of that bunch, but it's not leaps and bounds better in quality or more in quantity imo, and so many competitors have appeared in the past 5 years. Something like the Sony Z1r with it's monstrous dynamic drivers can probably go deeper.
Jul 28, 2017 at 7:58 PM Post #3 of 7
I used to have all the headphones you mentioned. What stood out for me the most with the TH900 was, ironically, how delicate, refined and textured its presentation was. It's certainly somewhat V-shaped (click here for measurements), with sucked-out mids and some added treble sparkle, but it is undeniably an audiophile headphone. I'm not sure why I wasn't able to get strong impact out of it with a Chord Mojo. (Which has far more than enough power for it.) I know that everyone talks about it having strong impact, so it confused me when I didn't get that at all. At any rate, the LCD-2F and HD 650 give you more of a typical audiophile sound, so in that sense, the TH900 could be a good compliment for you. But to be honest, I think all of them aside from the HD 650 are overpriced.
Jul 28, 2017 at 8:33 PM Post #4 of 7
I A/B'd TH900 and LCD 3. I also owned a pair of LCD 2 last year.

If you want a relaxed presentation with rolled off highs, you should run as far from the TH900 as possible. These have spiky Treble that is harsh and vocals are sibilant as hell. Coming from a LCD, your ears will definitely experience quite a lot of discomfort from that Treble. That said, some people really like that elevated Treble but this is the polar opposite of LCD Treble.

Bass is where it gets interesting. TH900 bass is pin precise, fast, controlled, good texture and on point. By comparison LCD 3 bass is slightly bloated, better definition and texture, same speed, not as pin precise and on point and not as controlled. LCD has the advantage of having that planar definition. TH900 has that dynamic mid-bass impact.

Mids no comparion, LCD 2/3 wins hands down. TH900 is very V shaped. Mids are sucked out. I like to joke around with my audiophile friends that TH900 has no mids(just like LCD 2 has no Treble), you get the rough idea.

The worst con I find in the TH900 is the extremely off male vocal tonality. LCD has that realistic male vocal tonality that you are probably used to(I would say HD650 has a similar tonality). Male vocals sound feminized on the TH900. They sound as if the singer suddenly changed his gender and is struggling to be a female. These sound like the entire midrange part suddenly shifted to the upper midrange -Treble part. It's hard to explain this without trying out the TH900.

Hope my post helps you in your decision.
Jul 28, 2017 at 9:16 PM Post #5 of 7
Thanks for all the replies so far! Perhaps the TH900 isn't what I'm looking for then. I like the idea of the Sony but haven't really considered them for anything. For some reason my brain writes them off as "the Beats of the audiophile world", no clue why :p
Does anybody have other recommendations other than the Fostex then? I want to find something of equal or greater quality than the 600/650 because I think it'd be a waste to spend money on something that sounds worse than the stuff I have already, even if I only end up using it when I'm in the mood to get slapped with bass.
Jul 28, 2017 at 9:18 PM Post #6 of 7
I used to have all the headphones you mentioned. What stood out for me the most with the TH900 was, ironically, how delicate, refined and textured its presentation was. It's certainly somewhat V-shaped (click here for measurements), with sucked-out mids and some added treble sparkle, but it is undeniably an audiophile headphone. I'm not sure why I wasn't able to get strong impact out of it with a Chord Mojo. (Which has far more than enough power for it.) I know that everyone talks about it having strong impact, so it confused me when I didn't get that at all. At any rate, the LCD-2F and HD 650 give you more of a typical audiophile sound, so in that sense, the TH900 could be a good compliment for you. But to be honest, I think all of them aside from the HD 650 are overpriced.
I would agree about the overpriced part, which is why I found a preowned LCD2 pre-fazor which was modded with new style flat cable, new thick earpads, new drivers with warranty until Dec 2019 for 600 bucks and in excellent condition
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Jul 29, 2017 at 6:36 AM Post #7 of 7
Try looking into ZMF Atticus. That might be exactly what you are looking for

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