Comparison: Shure SE535 - Westone 3 - Westone UM3X - UE TrippleFi 10
Nov 1, 2010 at 11:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 36


New Head-Fier
Nov 1, 2010
hi everyone, it has been a month since i've started my ultimate search to find the best Earcanal headphone that suits my ears and my kind of music the most. at the end i've come to these 4 hi-fi earcanals, which seem to be the best universal fit earcanal headphones ( if i'm wrong please illuminate me ). But i cannot choose from these four, since they have very similiar specs. i've read tons of reviews and forums but that just confused me more, since there are complete opposite opinions about each of them.
Unfortunately there is no dealer in my country for any of these brands, so i dont have the opportunity to test them myself, so i will be very very thankful if you can help me a little to choose one (if you have a better earcanal headphone in mind, please tell me).
the music i listen to the most is metal and deep electronic music, bands like: Tool, Archive, Judas Priest, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Muse, etc. and usually i listen to them at a high volume, so i need an earcanal that doesnt sound noisy and grainy in higher volumes with these kind of music. I've tested a beyerdynamic reference IEM (dont know which model, but the price was around 600$ in my country) and it sounded AWFUL! i asked the dealer about the reason and he told me since it is a REFERENCE IEM its not good for listening music with, cuz you'll hear every detail in the sound and it'll make it noisy! ( the music i was listening to with the Beyerdynamic was Marilyn Manson - The high end of low at 320kbps MP3 with my ipod touch) well i dont know if the dealer was right or not but the idea that the Reference IEMs are not good for listening music with scared the hell outta me, and since i dont have access to any other IEM to test, it's still a question for me!
well, i dont know what else i should add, but i'll check this thread to answer any question that would make the choise easier. i'll be greatful to hear your opinions, and thanks for your time and attention.
BTW, sorry if my english sucks...
Nov 1, 2010 at 11:20 AM Post #2 of 36
you can purchase these iems from, they took them back, even if you use them!
(by the way. I had only the triple fi and that´s why I can´t vote)
Nov 1, 2010 at 11:38 AM Post #5 of 36
I heard that SCL5 is really good for metal although it is a little outdated.
Nov 1, 2010 at 11:53 AM Post #6 of 36

you can purchase these iems from, they took them back, even if you use them!
(by the way. I had only the triple fi and that´s why I can´t vote)

hi, thanks for your post, unfortunately i cant buy from Amazon or any other online marketing site, since they dont ship items to my country and i dont own a credit card!
i have a relative in germany who is comming for a visit and thats how im gonna buy one of these.
but what's your experience with TrippleFi10? what kind of music do you listen to with it? how is the sound quality? is it noisy at higher volumes? does it fit good? how is the sound signature?  thanks for your post by the way:)
Nov 1, 2010 at 12:04 PM Post #7 of 36

you may add Earsonic SM3 in the pool. Earsonic has option to ship internationally.
But i'm sorry, have not tried all above except TF10.

hi and thanks for your post!
i didnt find the SM3 in any "top 10 earcanals" list and reviews, and havent heard of them since now, but after your post i've done a quick search and they seem to be good too. but what concerns me the most is the so called "sound signature"! for example i tried the Beyerdynamics and they sounded very awful, noisy and cold to me, compared to a normal cheap Creative in-ears! so i've came to this conclusion that each in-ear has its own signature and i should find the one that is best for my taste and kind of music. I just dont want the music to be too noisy, nor too bassy, and i dont like it well lets say "cold" or "clinical". i want a loud, crystal clear sound that i can hear every detail of the music with, and i dont want it to be noisy or boomy or cold or anything!

i'll appreciate if you share your experience with the TrippleFi by the way.

Nov 1, 2010 at 12:10 PM Post #11 of 36
the fit of the TF10 is for most of the people... bad to horrible. (that´s one of the reasons, why the TF10 are the cheapest from your list) To their sound signature: The TF10 has a peak in the deep bass (=subwoofer feeling) and a peak in the highest highs. But the fans of Shure/Westone says that the mids are not good. (=cold for example) 
Nov 1, 2010 at 12:24 PM Post #12 of 36

the fit of the TF10 is for most of the people... bad to horrible. (that´s one of the reasons, why the TF10 are the cheapest from your list) To their sound signature: The TF10 has a peak in the deep bass (=subwoofer feeling) and a peak in the highest highs. But the fans of Shure/Westone says that the mids are not good. (=cold for example) 

this peak you mentioned, doesnt it make the sound noisy, specially in highs? or it makes the highs sound more detailed?
Nov 1, 2010 at 12:31 PM Post #13 of 36
Do NOT judge the SQ only by the number of BA's. It is a common mistake many make, but to tell the truth there are a lot of people who enjoy the DBA-02 more than the triple fi. Search for the thread top tier universal IEM and I'm sure Joe's chart will help you out.
Nov 1, 2010 at 12:46 PM Post #14 of 36

Do NOT judge the SQ only by the number of BA's. It is a common mistake many make, but to tell the truth there are a lot of people who enjoy the DBA-02 more than the triple fi. Search for the thread top tier universal IEM and I'm sure Joe's chart will help you out.

 who's Joe?! :-B
can you share the link for the thread please?
Nov 1, 2010 at 1:00 PM Post #15 of 36
Here's the link to average-joe's table of top tier IEM's. All of your choices (except it has the SE530, not the SE535) and many others held in similar high regard are listed. The comments shown seem to be the consensus opinions.

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