Jan 4, 2011 at 12:58 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


1000+ Head-Fier
Oct 27, 2007
There was a thread recently opened by another member on here to get people to donate to buy joker a pair of lcd-2's for his contribution to this forum.  I for one agree that his work deserves some type of award but just what award is up in the air.  I personally feel that the man has put SO MUCH into reviewing IEM's that it only makes sense for him to own one of the best, if not the best customs out there to use as a reference point. 
Maybe it's just me but every single time I read and / or see his thread I keep wishing for him to get a pair of JH13's or JH16's to review.  He has spent many numerous days and nights listening and taking the time to do the reviews for us. In the end I want to see his work flourish even more and become complete.  I'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there that wants to see this happen and if so would you help contribute to the cause?
I've done what I could so far to help him in letting him borrow my ie8's to review and I know many others have done the same to help fuel his compilation.  I would love to set up a fund in order to achieve this and I'm willing to offer $50 towards seeing it happen. 
There are two ways of doing this:
1. Our own head-fier Rawster has volunteered to hold the funds and he has enough feedback that I would feel comfortable sending my money to.
2. Or we could also send the money directly to joker.
I would rather cut out the middle man and just send the funds to joker himself as to 100% guarantee he will receive them but we still have to plan it all out.  I don't want to risk someone stealing the funds if we don't have to.  This is all still in the works but I just want to get a feel of how many people will actually donate and help out. 
I know that other guy is doing his best to get an lcd-2 for joker and I know that everyone doesn't have enough money to donate to the both of us so we'll see how that goes.  In the end I'd rather have joker get both an lcd-2 and a jh13/16 but I understand that is probably not financially possible unless we get some really generous people on here. 
Joker is one of the most valuable members we have on head-fi, especially as far as iem's go so I really want his work to keep expanding and growing.  With a pair of JH13/16's he will be able to give us such an insight that NO ONE else on this site is possible of doing.  The amount of time and effort he has put into his work is almost unheard of and we need to make this happen.
If you want to help out please post here and we'll go from there. Everything will be structured with a full out plan within the week if we get enough replies.
Thanks all,
Jan 4, 2011 at 8:11 AM Post #2 of 13
Joker deserves a gift from the HF community more than anybody here that I see really. my only problems with getting him customs are A. if he were to review them, they wouldnt go in his UNIVERSAL multi-iem review, and B. its kind of hard to buy customs for someone. Has anyone thought of just asking him if there are any headphones or anything else that he would want?
Jan 4, 2011 at 8:56 AM Post #3 of 13
I'm in if it's something joker would like to do. It would be nice if joker could get a few universal versions of the top contenders and then own whichever he thought best as a sort of reference. Mine would currently be a JH13 as I personally slightly prefer it to the added bottom of the 16 but I've also never heard an es5. Him being in the states, I think something easily sourced here would be appropriate.
I'm with Poetik on Joker's reviews. I like how even handed and tolerent of sig they are. He ranks phones by their overall capability as opposed to preferred sig yet still manages a good description of said. I couldn't be as even handed as I can't acclimate to certain 'fun' sigs as well. That he can is great for a good # of members here. Much of this could be said about other members like Cleos, James, Shigzeo, Mark etc. It's all very appreciated.
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:22 AM Post #4 of 13
Getting the man a therapist and a bath full of industrial strength medication might be a better investment.
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:05 AM Post #5 of 13
Followers of this thread should also follow the original thread where this idea came from:
In the original case, the OP wants to invest to buy an LCD-2.
By the way, I have to say that I absolutely disagree with creating another thread (even though I agreed with the concerns you brought in the other thread), since that'll only divide the attention of the Head-Fi'ers (and, I think the original poster SHOULD get some credit for having the idea in the first place). Of course, unless we are rich enough to fund a custom AND a LCD-2 to joker... but then that's a different question to answer.
I thought I should also add that if joker is to review the JH Audio customs. I'd like it to be separate from his massive comparison thread too. It'd skew his tables far too much if he adds it into his comparisons.
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:19 AM Post #6 of 13
Maxwell, Good point but somhow I missed that one. I'm for getting Joker whatever he wants but I thnk the LCD2 an odd choice. He reviews portables (closed) and IIEMs and has stated that he does much of his listening on the move.
p.s. I just started on the other and it's already being discussed. I'll move over there. Thanks
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:20 AM Post #7 of 13

Maxwell, Good point but somhow I missed that one. I'm for getting Joker whatever he wants but I thnk the LCD2 an odd choice. He reviews portables (closed) and IIEMs and has stated that he does much of his listening on the move.

Apparently, the OP asked joker personally and he said he really enjoyed the LCD-2, hence the choice. :)
Of course, the problem with the other donation thread is that the OP has already jumped onto the boat... so, it HAS to be a LCD-2 unfortunately.
Jan 4, 2011 at 1:47 PM Post #8 of 13
We definitely need to get some customs in his ears to see what he has to say, although I'd say start with JH5's...
Jan 4, 2011 at 2:21 PM Post #10 of 13
I'm just throwing the idea of this out there.  I've talked to joker about this many months ago but that guys post about the lcd-2's made me think about it again.  It would be great to get him an lcd-2 but I believe it would benefit both joker AND the head-fi community more if he were to have a pair of high end customs.  I mean come on, the guy has spent a huge chunk of his time and money writing over 130 iem reviews.  Wouldn't you think the funds would be better suited to get him something else than a lcd-2?  Is there anyone else out there that would agree with me?
I mean how about if someone does a HUGE unheard of comprehensive headphone review on all the lower/mid level beyerdynamic, sennheiser, and denon lineups but not even do a review comparing those headphones to the t1, hd800, and d7000.  It would be a damn shame and it seems like if we get him an lcd-2 then we wont ever have another chance to get him to compare those past iem to the current king of the hill.
Once again that is my personal opinion and I'm sure there are others on this forum that feel the same exact way that I do.
Jan 4, 2011 at 2:29 PM Post #11 of 13

I'm just throwing the idea of this out there.  I've talked to joker about this many months ago but that guys post about the lcd-2's made me think about it again.  It would be great to get him an lcd-2 but I believe it would benefit both joker AND the head-fi community more if he were to have a pair of high end customs.  I mean come on, the guy has spent a huge chunk of his time and money writing over 130 iem reviews.  Wouldn't you think the funds would be better suited to get him something else than a lcd-2?  Is there anyone else out there that would agree with me?
I mean how about if someone does a HUGE unheard of comprehensive headphone review on all the lower/mid level beyerdynamic, sennheiser, and denon lineups but not even do a review comparing those headphones to the t1, hd800, and d7000.  It would be a damn shame and it seems like if we get him an lcd-2 then we wont ever have another chance to get him to compare those past iem to the current king of the hill.
Once again that is my personal opinion and I'm sure there are others on this forum that feel the same exact way that I do.

I agree, ljokerl seems to be very big on portables, a portable/IEM would be a much better gift than a full sized headphone since it doesn't seem like he doesn;t use them much
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:51 PM Post #12 of 13
Agree, LCD-2 doesn't make much sense considering he's more geared toward portable stuff and they'll require some serious amping to sound their best. But what makes it more accessible is the price drop Audeze was generous enough to offer.
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:58 PM Post #13 of 13
2 threads equals division sort it out

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