"ChiUniFi 4" the Official and Annual Chicago Headphone Get-together November 13th 2010
Aug 31, 2010 at 1:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 239


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 4, 2003
Four Years Later...​
Post 1: The event of ChiUniFi ​
Post 2:  raffle, gear, members​
Post 3:          Updates          ​
The concept then:
On September 17th 2007 there was a crazy concept posted to the Head-Fi community that was a result of ideas from tiny mini-meets to gigantic international meets. it was an idea of an event that was never held down by anyone, any size, any where, and the most important idea is it would be carried on free of money worries! basically the idea was to pay for next years event by having a raffle and next years budget and size was set up by the raffle income. Mot's/vendors, companies, DIY'ers and even members donate anything to the raffle and the attendees buy a raffle ticket in hopes to win a prize (usually with great chances). after that the attendees are asked if they think there should be a next years event and if so what date should be set. year to year the event could be carried on by anyone who wanted to host it, and anyone who wanted to help. a self sufficient event the is carried on equally by members and companies was pretty crazy in 2007. still the question remained would it work? would the event go on? 
November 17th 2007 was the day the first ChiUniFi was held at the Holiday Inn in Skokie IL. a week prior to the event and even past the event was held Head-Fi went completely down, offline, and yet the event had a great attendance and a awesome budget for the next year. I remember everyone scrambling around the Internet from Face Book to other forums to get in touch with the details and location of the event. head-fi members not only showed great support but they wanted another ChiUniFi..
November 8th 2008 was the date of the second ChiUniFi and this time with a slight twist, it was co hosted by Recstar and proved the idea of being carried out and hosted could work. it not only worked great but remained to its original idea and focus.
November 7th 2009 was chosen for the third ChiUniFi event by the attendees the year before. this event was held at the Hyatt O'Hare and was lead hosted by Recstar and Aura. this was the year when most of the raffle donations came from area members themselves. people where willing to give up there own gear just to keep this concept alive...
the concept today:
Looking back at the past events and what is going on today (current head-fi meet trends) i want to introduce a slightly different setting for a event this size yet a setting that has worked in much smaller scale mini meets. lots of decent sized meets today are usually held in banquet halls and meeting rooms in hotels. there are Lot's of positives to these locations but to every positive there is also a negative. these locations are usually very bland in decor and formal in setting, a great place to have a wedding reception but a headphone get-together with old and new friends? I don't know about you but i don't say to my friends "lets hang out at the Windsor meeting room tonight...it's going to be awesome!" I want to introduce the idea of a location YOU and your friends would hang out at, i want to introduce an idea of location that has Panache and is relaxed. another negative i have found over the years is the rules these hotels have, i do respect them and understand why but to a headphone get-together some of these rules just don't fit. for example the best one is the food/drink rule, in fact i challenge you to find a clean hotel in Cook County that will let you bring in any food you want or any drink you want. what if we want pizza or what if a member brings some soda for everyone? to the hotels they want to "fine" you for it..again i understand and respect why but i want to try a place that really is open to the idea of us deciding there and then what we want to drink and what we want to eat and most importantly from where. i also want to have a place a bit larger in size to fit more people if there is a need yet feel perfectly comfortable is less people show up. 
i feel you all may like this place so much you may want the very same location for another event, maybe another event next November or maybe another event you want to host within the upcoming year. with all this in mind from Sept 17th 2007, all the way up to now let me say..
Four Years Later..​
!!!!!! ChiUniFi 4 November 13th 2010 !!!!!!
Saturday November 13th 2010, from 10am-5pm
usually meets start at 11am but then everyone wants to come early to setup, so this year let's just say the event is from 10-5. doors will be open to us at 10am and the room will be ready to start setting up the gear. usually at past events everyone breaks their stuff down around 4:30 and is out by 5. i actually booked the building till 6pm just in case we need it abut it will open to the public at 6pm and be open till 2am for anyone who wants to party it out all night..
Who can come and what the admission price is:
The same exact rules apply that were posted in the ChiUniFi thread from 2007 . we can fit in about 30-35 people this year, if the list and demand is greater i will go back to the location and see how many more this event can hold. anyone who is attending will need to be on the list so i know how much space, food, panache, etc will be needed. there never is any admission price as there was not in 2007, but again remember this event is paid for by the raffle and so will any future events. anyone who wants to donate to the raffle then pm me or Audio Addict! any company or member of trade who wants to show up pm me or Audio Addict. ​
Cafe Two07​
5842 S Archer Ave
Chicago, IL 60638​
Description of the Location: 
Like i said before this place is really a great location to have a get together. The decor is contemporary with plenty of room to setup our gear and plenty of couches to relax and talk to friends new and old. there is a circle shaped bar that can be hold any headphone rig if we want. parking is close and there is three options we have. first option is behind and on the side of the building, its secure and rite next to the entrance door. second option is directly in front of the building along Archer Ave and the third option is in the parking lot across Archer Ave. i suggest go threw the alley and see if there is space open on the side or in back first as this is the easiest to carry gear from the car to the building and in front of the building on Archer is also the great parking. here are some pictures of the place, mind you the place is not setup for a headphone meet in the pics, the Cafe has there lights dimmed in the pics but they will be turned up for the event...seriously don't even think about the lighting..i mean come on that's what i do for a living! ​
Anyone who has questions and wants to help (esp with my grammar) pleaseeeeee feel free to pm me anytime!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 31, 2010 at 1:01 AM Post #2 of 239
This will be updated as time goes on (aiming for every Tuesday mourning)
Friends that are Helping us..
($7.000+ in the raffle sofar!)
[size=small]Audio Addict:[/size]
[size=small] Many moons ago on a late cold night in Montana the group of us attending a audio show realized we were so wrapped up in hours of music and gear listening fun we all were starving! now late night in Montana there really is nowhere to get food (well in my mind at the time), just then like a heavenly light from the sky one of the people attending said "Steve sent us BEERNUTS!!". you see the Steve that saved our stomachs that night is Audio Addict and has been giving his time and gifts like Beer nuts to headphone meets since i can remember. This year at ChiUniFi i am so proud to tell you Steve is handling the raffle prizes with the companies and even throwing in a gift of his own to the Raffle. Steve is donating Brand new Shure 440 headphones to us![/size]
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[size=small] ALO Audio: 
We all know ALO and Ken Ball from our iPods to meeting him in person at past meets, you might even know ALO is one of Head-Fi's Premier sponsors also. well now you will know Ken has agreed to give something to the support of ChiUniFi, what it is is yet to be determined. Ken and ALO now have their own store front in Portland called "32 Ohm" which is a long way to travel from starting out from LOD's here on the forums years back, i just had to mention the store cause i love the idea of headphone stores here in the states!
One of the top closed headphone makers out there in a land filled with competition Beyer has committed a set of their DT 770 Premium 600 ohm headphones to the raffle! Beyer are famous from their German made quality to their different OHM verison of almost every headphone they make. if you have a tube amp Beyer has a set perfect for that, if you are running a solid state amp Beyer has you set for a lower OHM version also. something i wish to see more companies follow! 

[size=small] [size=small] The Cable Company:[/size]
[size=small] This place has been in business before many of us realized our HI-FI worlds we know today, its a one stop shop from DIY cabling to room treatments! they have donated to CARE this summer and now are donating something to our Event here in Chicago. it's nice to finally see a place carry and sell what i have found to be the best Room acoustic treatments, this shows these people actually sell a product they listened to![/size]
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Cardas is like a tree is to a forest, wait i might not have said that correct but you should get the idea. Cardas Audio has sent us some great gifts for the raflfle with the help of ToddR this year. such a well known company in the business of anything goes Audio helping us out is truely amazing!​
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[size=small] Grant Fidelity:[/size]
[size=small] Their slogan is "High End, Not High Priced" and the many customers that have dealt with them would say it's true. Grant Fidelity carries a long list of products on their site along with allot of good to read reviews (even You tube videos!). they believe in the factory direct way and the reviews for some of the product back it up. [/size]
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[size=small] Head Direct:[/size]
[size=small] Fang and crew made a trip out to the ChiUniFi 2008 event and this year they are continuing their support by donating little something something this year also. Have you heard of the upcoming HM-602 yet? if not then research it because along with some iem's Fang is sending us there will also be one of these in the raffle![/size]
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[size=small] Headroom:[/size]
[size=small] I once heard at a mini meet Headroom is the center of the Headphone world, not sure about that but i do know this is place where the high-end Headphone hobby pretty much started. Headroom has had headphone tours, given away countless gifts, and they even gave away really cool coffee cups a few years back. this year Jamie has told us he will be sending something for the raffle and is willing to send us some demo gear for us to try at our event! if you want to hear anything in Headroom's current lineup post in this thread and we will see if we can get the piece of gear on November 13th for you to try out![/size]
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[size=small] Head-Fi:[/size]
[size=small] Ok this is kind of weird to write this because well, Head-fi has given everyone of us so much just being here on the Internet yet i have to tell you they have given us some t-shirts for the raffle also. seriously we are here using these very forums known as Head-fi yet Head-fi is also donating to the Raffle, this is the kind of stuff that can make the world implode truly! [/size]
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[size=small] JH-Audio: Going back before the custom iem rush on Head-Fi there were two companies in the market, one local to the windy city and another based in California. that "other" company had all the talk and a huge part of the talk was because the company founder was just that type of custom iem dude. nowadays that dude is leading not only another iem company but like in the past another company getting huge talk here on the forums. Ladies and Gents i can tell you now that JH-Audio is one of our friends and will be giving in a set of JH-5pro's to the Raffle!
There are companies out there that are known for good audio and then there are companies out there known by all generations for great Audio! Klipsch is a company your parents and grandparents know for amazing horn speakers while you know them for amazing earphones. Meredith from Klipsch has told us they are sending over one pair of X10i headphone and four pairs of S4i headphones for the raffle! 

[size=small]Locus Design/CryoParts [/size]
[size=small]we all know Cryoparts around here but how many do you know of Locus Design? well get researching cause we have a 3FT Axis ($549 value) and a 3FT Polestar ($249 value) [size=small]going into the Raffle! these were well liked at the 2009 national meet and i am more then sure the lucky ticket holders are going to love them! [/size][/size]
[size=small]Micca Store / FiiO[/size]
[size=small]Micca has been so amazingly giving to us members with countless gifts for lots of events like ours, they have the well talked about MdPlay-HD that is taking sweeping the media streaming world. they also offer a great selection of other electronics like digital photo frames and even a hot soy milk maker thingy..anyway they have been giving enough to grant our raffle with the E7/E9 headphone amp and dac set! [/size]
[size=small] Moon Audio:[/size]
[size=small] Drew and team have been doing headphone recabling since..wait. Drew and team have been doing some of the best reviewed headphone recabling since 2003! they now offer a wide arrange of custom cabled gear along with a slew of DIY parts! Moon Audio is extending the raffle with a few Blue Dragon v3 LOD's. [/size]
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[size=small] Morrow Audio
Have you heard of the MA3 ic line? Mike Morrow  is the maker of the cables and he also is the president of the company, pretty cool having your cable made by the man in charge. His love for the hobby expands with products sold on his website that he has in his set up himself also. i love how he sells speakers from the Gigantic Legacy's to the Cain & Cain, talk about a jump!  
[size=small] [size=small]NuForce[/size]
[size=small]NuForce is throwing in two gifts, all i know is these will be brand new cause they're not scheduled for release until early November. can the gifts be a new dac? can they be some new earphones? the mystery will be found out on November 13th, though i was thinking of calling Scooby doo before then cause this question is killing me!!! [/size]
[size=small]PS Audio [/size]
[size=small]The company that is the talk of the DAC town with their Perfect WAV series is donating five separate Noise Harvesters [size=small]for the raffle. some say these clean the noise in your A/C line while some don't believe it..either way five lucky people will be able to try them first hand in their home setups. [/size][/size]

[size=small] Ray Samuels Audio:[/size]
[size=small] have you seen those most interesting man in the world commercials? well Ray Samuels Audio has to be the most talked about people/companies in this hobby (for better or for worse). the products from this Skokie based company has set the bar in portable amp's that most other companies had to follow, this company has had its phono stages and preamps reviewed by some of the top reviewers in the world of high end audio, and of course you might of heard something about Ray himself..not sure.[/size]
[size=small] Ray will be at this years ChiUniFi singing his number one hit song "A Love for you baby" and had said he will be donating one of his amps to the raffle. Ray might choose to go with a musical number and a few dancing girls instead of performing his song, regardless this man is a show in himself at any meet he is at! [/size]
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[size=small] SoundEarphone.com[/size]
[size=small] They have their own section here on Head-Fi and by he end of the day you may win one of their donations to ChiUniFi 2010. A great list of products they carry along with plently of deals and specials on some stuff in the year. got a question about them? head over to their section and ask away. Ohio Based for any of you close by, seriously who would of thought a headphone store in Ohio? [/size]
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[size=small] Todd the Vinyl Junkie:[/size]
[size=small] anyone who knows Todd Green personally knows he is a man of his name, because he is a true Vinyl Junkie! this is the place lots of headfiers go to when they are first getting into the world of Vinyl, and for good reason! in recent years he has teamed up with Pete Millet and came out with a few headphone amps and phono stages, both have received high reviews also. Todd is donating a few gift certificates to us this year! [/size]
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[size=small] Todd R from TR-audio:[/size]
[size=small] Todd needs no introduction to anything regarding headphones and Chicago! he has been at most if not all any events here. Todd has brought us products to demo for as long as I been on this earth (well). over the years he has brought his family to the meets that make us feel like we are apart of his and even gave away Records at past events to anyone who wanted them.[/size]
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[size=small]Ultimate Ears:[/size][size=small] [/size]
[size=small]U.E [/size][size=small]as they are best known [/size][size=small]on the forums don't really need an introduction here, but i will tell you something you may not know of them yet, which is their Dedication to these forums and to this hobby! Vincent from Ultimate Ears has agreed to send us not one, not two, not even four, but five pairs of [/size]
[size=small]Super Fi 5 Pro earphones! thats is $1250.00 worth of gear for the Raffle! holy snap!!![/size]
[size=small] [size=small]Warren Audio:[/size][/size]
[size=small] [size=small]Rick from Warren Audio has a Sponsor Announcement thread[size=small] here. Rick has also told us he is throwing in a gift to the event, not sure yet what its going to be but be sure to check out his thread right now![/size][/size]
[size=small]We all read the reviews of the famous Westone 3 and let me tell you now because of Westones friendly donation to ChiUniFi 4 you have a chance to win a set yourself! Thank you Jeff and everyone at Westone! [/size]

[size=small] [size=small]This new company received a high review for one of their custom cables from Gopher here on Head-Fi not to long ago. this new company has also committed to donate a certificate to one lucky person on November 13th. pretty much these guys take a very different look at custom cabling and all their products are said to be great sounding, can't wait till i get to try one of these out myself![/size][/size]
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[size=small] Whiplash Audio [/size]
[size=small] Craig has been nice enough to donate some of his product to the event, Something that has yet to be determined. Craig made waves here awhile back by offering a Millet maxed out for sale and one that has received high reviews and usually does not end up in the sale forums of the board.
[size=small] Woo Audio:[/size]
[size=small] I remember my first headphone i attended and the first Tube headphone amp i listened to there, it was a Woo Audio amp and since then i (along with the rest of Head-Fi) been lucky to talk to and enjoy Jack and his amazing amp's at meets. He supported earlier ChiUniFi raffles and this year is no different. His amps have pleased many ears from the GES Electrostatic amp to one of his crazy tube rectified amps. [/size]
BHD812 and Secret Head-fi member:
any meet from a mini to a national is great to for hearing the gear but this year thanks to special Head-fi member donating his skill and time to us EVERYONE will be walking out with a gift of why we have the gear we do! i put fourth the idea and he was all in! The day of the event you will all know who he is and what you're getting and more importantly you all will understand the term Listening-Foremost-Forever!
  Member attending: ( if the name has "joe mama" then they are confirmed)
ToddR (TODD!) (+1)
Keithpgdrb (keith) 
Volkum (Sean) (+1)
[size=small]roscoeiii (Roscoe)[/size]
Motomatt (Matt) (+1)
Rolamoto (Brendan) 
audiosceptic (Brian) 
dariusf (Darius) (maybe 3)
DJGeorgeT (GT)
MellowVelo (matt)

Maverickronin (he is confirmed but did not give a name, so we will call him Bob..Hi Bob!)

francisdemarte (Alan)

BoyNamedSue (Yong)

HeadFi Fanatic (Brian)

Stringgz301 (Darrell )

Dxanex (David) (+1)

AudioAddict (Steve) (+1)

bhd812 (Billy) (+3)

James93 (james)

Jeffro (jeff) (+1)

Zlobby (Linas)

EagleDriver (Eagledriver)

Detroit (Steven) (+1)

Lwood (Lwood)

Eire51 (T.J.)



Stax Sr-Lambda,  
Stax SR-007 Mk II, 
Sennheiser HE60 (3)
HD-650 (4) 
Audeze LCD-2
Grado Sr-80, 
Grado SR-125
Grado SR-225
Grado SR-325 
Grado RS-1
Grado SR-60, (2)
Grado HF-1
Grado HF-2
Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 4 (2)
Koss A250,
koss KSC75
Shure SE530 (3)
Shure 420 
AT ATH-W1000x
Panasonic HJE-900 (a.k.a. CZs),
Sony XB700
Beyer DT880
Beyer DT770
AKG K340
AKG K701
Denon D7000  
Denon D2000 
Phonak Audeo PFE 
JH|5 Pro 
Stax srd-7sb, 
Sansui 7 (vintage integrated), 
Little Dot MK VI
Bottlehead Crack
NU Force ICON Portable
Headamp Blue Hawaii SE, 
Headroom Portable Desktop Amp
RSA hornet
RSA sr-71
Supermicro V5
Maverick D1
Yamaha R-700

Head Direct EF5





Music Streamer Pro
Tascam CD player as transport, 
Ipod Touch
Sony Media Player, 
iPod Nano
Zune 120, 
MacBook Pro (2)
 Metric Halo ULN-2 DAC
Flo 2, 
Rio Karma
iPod Video 5th Gen
Oppo DV-980H
Maverick D1
HR Bithead
Cowon D2
[size=small]AMB y2,[/size]
[size=small]EMu404 usb[/size]
[size=small]MF V-dac[/size]
[size=small]NuForce uDAC [/size]
Whiplash Audio LOD
TMC Yellow Cable

FiiO Line Out

Kimber i/c

blue jeans i/c

Cardas i/c 

Aug 31, 2010 at 1:01 AM Post #3 of 239
random updates put in on the the following days..
August 31st: original thread and post made!
Sept 6th: 6 more friends added
Sept 9th: ALO and JH Audio added!
Sept 15th: Tooth pulled and UE added!
Sept 27th: Klipsch added!
Oct 14th: Westone, Beyer, and Morrow added
Oct: 19th: 25 confirm pm's sent to everyone who replied in this thread up till this day.
November 6th: added the attendence list and gear list. updated our friends list with two new friends..Micca store and Cardas!
November 8th: updated the attendence list and added one more gift to the event!
November 9th: Updated the attendence list, we now have 38+ in!!!
November 13th: it is 1AM the event is happening in 9 hours away! this reply is closed until i update with a impressions link. we broke a record for ChiUniFi with replies and views and Friends donations this year. seriously only something this good could come from the HEAD-FI people!
Aug 31, 2010 at 12:58 PM Post #4 of 239
I will be there.
New source did not happen this year.  if anyone has a dac or cd player they would be willing to let me use for the meet, I would be forever grateful.
-stax sr-lambda w/srd7-sb
-some kind of source
Aug 31, 2010 at 2:18 PM Post #6 of 239

I have a lite ah dac, benchmark dac1, and meridian 566 dac. Which one would you like to use?

wow, thanks Billy!  I dont know those well, so whichever one you like best.  I assume all the inputs are either digital, optical, or both.  I believe my player would be digital, but I'll double check that.
Sep 1, 2010 at 2:57 AM Post #7 of 239
7 hours? That's so short lol. I want to bring a friend, and because of that I won't make it there till noon. That leaves like 4.5 hours of listening time for me. Could use another hour; anyone willing to stay till 6?
I would!
Have you contacted the Chicago Audio Society? I'll head on over to DIY Audio forums for an interest check if that's ok with you. My rig is in my sig.
Btw, about the food and drinks, you guys better not be eating nor drinking near the equipment! And always wash your hands thoroughly before touching them.
Sep 1, 2010 at 7:58 AM Post #8 of 239
Hey Billy,
Thanks for the kind words.
Member attending: Todd R
Headphones: Sennheiser HD-650 w/ Cardas cable, Hippo Shroom EB, Hippo VB, JH Audio 16 Pro (but I don't know why since you can't borrow them)
Amps: Bottlehead Crack w/ Speedball update, RSA Protector, Peachtree Nova (DAC/Headphone amp)
Source's: Since all my music is on the big computer, I probably won't be bringing any source other than an iPod, but feel free to hook into my Nova. It has a USB, 2 Coax, & 2 Toslink digital connections (and 3 analog)
Cables: I'll have the new Cardas Clear Light cable, the Golden Reference, and Soundstring cables.
Sep 1, 2010 at 5:15 PM Post #9 of 239

wow, thanks Billy!  I dont know those well, so whichever one you like best.  I assume all the inputs are either digital, optical, or both.  I believe my player would be digital, but I'll double check that.

I just bought the Meridian and am really liking it, but i always liked the Meridian sound. the BenchMark Dac-1 is good also, it has a USB port so you can use a laptop with it. both do have optical input!
7 hours? That's so short lol. I want to bring a friend, and because of that I won't make it there till noon. That leaves like 4.5 hours of listening time for me. Could use another hour; anyone willing to stay till 6?
I would!
Have you contacted the Chicago Audio Society? I'll head on over to DIY Audio forums for an interest check if that's ok with you. My rig is in my sig.
Btw, about the food and drinks, you guys better not be eating nor drinking near the equipment! And always wash your hands thoroughly before touching them.

I have not contacted the C.A.S. yet because i want to keep the spots open for Head-fi'ers first, if any spots are open closer to the day of the event i will contact them then. member list and Friends list will be updated any Tuesday mourning if needed, so this upcoming Tuesday mourning will have some more friends and raffle prizes along with all confirmed attendees. in the mean time i will PM people that were on the IC thread letting them know the thread is up, over the next few days these will go out. it funny you say that 4.5 hours ain't enough, i been to shows that the days were 8-9 hours long and plently of gear to listen to..boy those were fun but after the second day you felt the need to step outside..haha  there will be plenty of room to enjoy your food and drink while being far enough away from the gear also.
Hey Billy,
Thanks for the kind words.
Member attending: Todd R
Headphones: Sennheiser HD-650 w/ Cardas cable, Hippo Shroom EB, Hippo VB, JH Audio 16 Pro (but I don't know why since you can't borrow them)
Amps: Bottlehead Crack w/ Speedball update, RSA Protector, Peachtree Nova (DAC/Headphone amp)
Source's: Since all my music is on the big computer, I probably won't be bringing any source other than an iPod, but feel free to hook into my Nova. It has a USB, 2 Coax, & 2 Toslink digital connections (and 3 analog)
Cables: I'll have the new Cardas Clear Light cable, the Golden Reference, and Soundstring cables.

Thank you for everything you done Todd! those words are nothing compared what you have done for headfiers over the years man!
Sep 1, 2010 at 7:51 PM Post #10 of 239
Billy will update post 2 when he gets a chance, but 3 more friends have joined in.

I guess I should also confirm I will be there since I probably will have most of the prizes sent to me.

I will have to figure out what equipment I bring as I am also discussing with a few friends of ChiUniFi to have them send me some of their wonderful toys so I am not sure what I will bring.  Most likely I will at least bring my PS Audio  PWD, which hopefully will have their new bridge by then and a laptop for a source.  
Sep 2, 2010 at 12:57 PM Post #12 of 239
Awesome! This place is 10 minutes away from me and I never knew it existed.
Since I've never attended a meet before, how does it work? Do I just bring my equipment in for anyone to try?
Sep 2, 2010 at 1:01 PM Post #13 of 239
I plan to be there, and plan to bring my Dad, and my Son.  Exact time and gear TBD.
Sep 2, 2010 at 2:17 PM Post #14 of 239

Awesome! This place is 10 minutes away from me and I never knew it existed.
Since I've never attended a meet before, how does it work? Do I just bring my equipment in for anyone to try?

how close are you? just wandering how close the closest headfier is to me..
if this is your first event then you'll love it and might even get addicted to the meet thing, you will learn some much at the event just by talking with others about gear that it would take you forever on the forums. and thats the best part (imo), is talking to the people in life about gear and other stuff. its really a blast..even for your first time. every meet is different as there really is no one way of doing it, most you just go to and if you want you can bring your gear for others to try..more gear makes the meets even better. you dont HAVE to bring gear but it does make it better for others. bring some music (cd's i guess) so you can listen to other peoples stuff with music you know and love. say you wanted to hear what a set of Grados that were getting alot of talk on headfi but you never had the chance or the money to try them, you go to a meet and someone else brings their set of grados..if you bring your gear you can ask that person if its ok to try the headphones out in your rig and usually they say yes (i never heard of someone saying no) and next thing you know you are listening to a set of headphones on your gear with your music that you would never of had the chance to before..and this is just one part of what happens at a meet. i been to meets where my Meridian go8 was being passed around to everyones rig so they could listen to it for the first time and see if they like it, just another example. also at meets you will learn so much and see so much stuff you never knew existed, like an amp or a set of headphones that you never seen..now you can talk about them with the owner and try the gear. at ChiUniFI we have the raffle (and an amazing one this year) where you buy a raffle ticket and you could win something donated by one of our friends (look in post 2 of this thread for more info) and in turn the event keeps going on,,so its just a super fun time with alittle walkout bonus for everyone! look in meet impression threads on how the meets usually look and also remember you are going to be putting on someone else's gear on your head so loads of hair gel is not cool..nor is blasting the piss out of the gear..in other words just respect it as you would your own.

I plan to be there, and plan to bring my Dad, and my Son.  Exact time and gear TBD.

your Dad?..lol awesome! i want you to track your mpg on your way..my friend and i always talk about your car so expect to get asked at the event..haha
Sep 2, 2010 at 2:34 PM Post #15 of 239
I'm at 44th and Archer which is Brighton Park. I'll make a note to take it easy on the Jheri Curl that day
how close are you? just wandering how close the closest headfier is to me..
if this is your first event then you'll love it and might even get addicted to the meet thing, you will learn some much at the event just by talking with others about gear that it would take you forever on the forums. and thats the best part (imo), is talking to the people in life about gear and other stuff. its really a blast..even for your first time. every meet is different as there really is no one way of doing it, most you just go to and if you want you can bring your gear for others to try..more gear makes the meets even better. you dont HAVE to bring gear but it does make it better for others. bring some music (cd's i guess) so you can listen to other peoples stuff with music you know and love. say you wanted to hear what a set of Grados that were getting alot of talk on headfi but you never had the chance or the money to try them, you go to a meet and someone else brings their set of grados..if you bring your gear you can ask that person if its ok to try the headphones out in your rig and usually they say yes (i never heard of someone saying no) and next thing you know you are listening to a set of headphones on your gear with your music that you would never of had the chance to before..and this is just one part of what happens at a meet. i been to meets where my Meridian go8 was being passed around to everyones rig so they could listen to it for the first time and see if they like it, just another example. also at meets you will learn so much and see so much stuff you never knew existed, like an amp or a set of headphones that you never seen..now you can talk about them with the owner and try the gear. at ChiUniFI we have the raffle (and an amazing one this year) where you buy a raffle ticket and you could win something donated by one of our friends (look in post 2 of this thread for more info) and in turn the event keeps going on,,so its just a super fun time with alittle walkout bonus for everyone! look in meet impression threads on how the meets usually look and also remember you are going to be putting on someone else's gear on your head so loads of hair gel is not cool..nor is blasting the piss out of the gear..in other words just respect it as you would your own.



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