Chicago Head-Fi Meet 07/31/04 Impressions (PLEASE POST HERE)
Aug 1, 2004 at 12:46 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 87


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 22, 2001
I'm back from the meet.

I let other Head-Fiers try out the equipment that I brought there.

My equipment list - as I brought there - is:

  1. Grado SR-60 with TTVJ Flat Pads
  2. Graod SR-225 with Stock Bowl Pads
  3. Grado SR-325 with Stock Bowl Pads
  4. Koss KSC-35
  5. Koss Porta Pro
  6. Sennheiser PX 100
  7. Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
  8. Sennheiser HD 497
  9. Sennheiser HD 555
  10. Shure E2c
  11. Sony MDR-7506
  12. Sony MDR-7509
  13. Sony MDR-G74SL

  1. iRiver SlimX iMP-350
  2. Panasonic SL-MP77
  3. Sony D-EJ2000
  4. Sony D-NE300

  1. Grado RA-1

I let reynman listen to my Sennheiser HD 280, HD 497 and HD 555 - as well as my Sony MDR-7506. And from an iPod powered through his Emmeline SR-71 (which he acknowledged was the first production sample ever made of that amp), I found him groovin' to the Sony 7506. But some other people found that 'phone too bright.

Additionally, I let reynman listen to my various PCDPs connected to a pair of the Sony 7506 headphones. He seemed to like the D-EJ2000 most, followed by the iRiver, then the Panasonic, and finally the other Sony.

This time around, all of the headphones that I brought to the meet had their fans. I let nismo96 listen to my three portable headphones, connected to my Panasonic SL-MP77 PCDP and no amp. He didn't care much for the earthy sound of the Sennheiser PX 100, but (surprisingly) found the Sony MDR-G74SL "airy", and the Koss Porta Pro was somewhere in between. And someone who brought the Sony MDR-V700DJ headphones to the meet tried my MDR-7506 and MDR-7509, and my Sennheiser HD 280 Pro. He found the 7506 to be "weak" on the bass, and his own V700DJ "muddy", and my HD 280 "underpowered" - he preferred my 7509.

I also listened to the Stealth amp connected to both a pair of the Cardas-cabled Sennheiser HD 600 and the Grado PS-1. The HD 600 sounded less "strained" than the PS-1 through that tubed amp.

I then listened to both the Beyerdynamic DT931 (custom-cabled, of course) and the Sony CD3000. The DT931 isn't bad at all, maybe a touch bright. But the CD3000 struck me this time as being much too bright for their own good. (And it's not that the entire treble range that's overhyped; it's the peaky, uneven treble that did that 'phone in.) And I listened to the Jecklin Floats - one of the weirdest set of headphones that I've ever laid eyes on! (The sound is meh, however - I've heard better, but I've also heard worse.)

Oh, by the way, the Sennheiser HD 555 is the true successor to the HD 545, based on a pair of the HD 545 that I've listened to over at the meet. Why did Sennheiser ****** this lineage up by coming out with the HD 570 in the interim (1999-2004)?

Finally, I talked to elrod tom about Beatles recording trivia before I left.

Wow! I had a great time this time! And a special thanks to bhd812 for hosting the meet (even though he's strictly a Grado man).

Aug 1, 2004 at 2:58 AM Post #2 of 87
I agree, this was an awesome meet. I got to try Billy's PS-1's coupled with his HR-2, and now all I can think about is saving up $2500 for the same.
Thanks to all who came for sharing their stuff, and especially to Billy for hosting and Ray Samuels for bringing samples of his whole line.
Aug 1, 2004 at 3:26 AM Post #3 of 87
The meet was terrific. I really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere of Billy's folk's bar (well the basement anyway). There was a lot of gear there, and a lot of cool folks to talk to. I really enjoyed listening to Ray Samuels' new phone stage. I'm sure that it'll be a top seller for him. I enjoyed listening to Randall's gear as well as Billy's PS-1.

For me though, the real star of the show was the SR-71. The hype is true, this is a terrific little amp. It really compares favorably well to the HR-2 and other home amps. That's saying a lot for a little pocket sized amp.

Thanks go out to Bacci Pizzeria and Dominicks for the free food and drinks, plus I'd also like to thank Kat for making cofee for all of us crazy Head-Fiers (and putting up with us). ...and how could I forget our host, Billy. Thanks for a great afternoon of food, fellowship, fun, and of course listening to great gear.

P.S. Why isn't there a PS-1 smiley among our choices?
Aug 1, 2004 at 5:09 AM Post #4 of 87
Wow, what a day!!

We (myself, btaki and The_Mac) made the 5 hour drive from Detroit down to the meet, and was it worth it!!

Thanks go out to bhd812 for his great hospitality - thanks for hosting the meet.

I'm pretty wiped out, as I just drove 5 hours. I'll post more impressions tomorrow. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed getting reacquainted with so many head-fi'ers, and meeting so many new ones.

Favorite gear from the meet: Reynman's Eddie Current 300/Meridian 507, Tuberoller's Stax Omega II/Meridian G08, and Ray Samuels' XR-71 portable amp...what a cool little amp!!

As I said, more tomorrow....g'nite all, and thanks again.
Aug 1, 2004 at 5:25 AM Post #6 of 87
Before I babble about my impressions, I just want to thank Billy and his folks for having the meet at their lounge; we all had a great time.

I'm going to go in order of what impressed me most.

1) Ray Samuel's vinyl rig. He had a Rega Planar 3 TT with his new phono stage, hooked up to a Stealth, driving a pair of Sennheiser HD-650's -- and suffice to say, it was the best recorded sound I've ever heard. So dynamic and energetic, yet at the same time smooth and very natural; it seemed as though nothing was holding this setup back. The music just flowed. Analogue is king!

2) Tuberoller's Wheatfield HA-2, with some top-notch tubes (one of which was $750!). It was fed by an SACDP I've not seen before, the Music Hall Maverick. Through my HP-2's, the sound was absolutely gorgeous. It had an intimate, insanely fluid sound and so full-of-texture and detail. The sound was just soothing beyond belief. Perhaps this amp isn't the most dynamic amp around, but what it delivered instead hardly left me complaining. But that's not to say it couldn't groove. When it was time to boogie to some Steely Dan or what have you, it belted out the lower register in spades, and showed off its great midrange with vocals.

3) The famous, the mysterious, the conveniently bite-size SR-71. I don't expect anyone to believe what this amp can do, because it seems like everyone has nothing but praise for it. Well, I listened to it much more carefully this time, and compared it to both the newest Woo Audio headamp and the Eddie Current HD-300. I can safely say that it beat the Woo Audio in terms of most everything, especially in terms of overall transparency and dynamics. The Woo Audio sounded comparatively more grainy, with less resolution all across the frequcency spectrum. When compared to the Eddie Current, I preferred the SR-71, but it was more of a matter of preference, it seemed, judging by others' responses. I thought the HD-300 definitely had a bit more of that tubey signature, but both had their strengths. The SR-71 was a bit brighter, with perhaps a tad lighter sound, but I thought that it sounded a bit crisper and more transparent as well. But I would honestly need more time to say anything definitive. What I can say for sure is that this amp is brilliant, regardless of its size. It seems almost shameful to confine this amp to just portable use; its capability almost begs for a Meridian- but it sounds great with portable sources too. If you don't believe all of my drooling over this amp, then you owe it to yourself to at least try one out.

4) The Omega II's, Meridian G08, and Stax tube amp. Once the room quieted down a bit, I could really appreciate this setup. At the last meet, I didn't really understand the appeal. While I still preferred the Wheatfield + HP-2 combo, I can see how the sheer resolution and sense of airy transparency could seriously win some hearts with this rig.

This was a lot of fun! Great seeing everyone again!

Aug 1, 2004 at 5:36 AM Post #7 of 87
Sounds like you guys had fun.

I have a question for Tuberoller. I just put my Wheatfield back into service, and was wondering what tubes you're using now. (You posted a tuberolling thread a couple of years ago, which I've printed out. What have you changed since?)

Aug 1, 2004 at 5:45 AM Post #8 of 87

Originally Posted by Edwood
Any pics?


the best part of any meet impressions thread. so where are the pictures?

I'm too tired to think up request for other details about the meet such as how certain combos were... so I'll be back later with more questions.
Aug 1, 2004 at 6:10 AM Post #10 of 87
Oh, did I forget to tell y'all that Nismo96 got his Sony D-NE900 PCDP from bangraman? (Yes, it is the very same D-NE900 that bangraman had reviewed both here and at the Minidisc T-forum.)

I've just listened to my Sony MDR-7509 again, and although its sound ain't quite my cup of tea, I did see how some people would like that 'phone.
Aug 1, 2004 at 6:12 AM Post #11 of 87

Originally Posted by ProParadox
Jecklin Floats...

it isn't that fun if we don't know who the guys in the pictures are.
thanks for the awesome Jecklin Float photos though.

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