Canpur Audio - Impressions and Discussion Thread
Feb 17, 2024 at 8:21 AM Post #31 of 74
So i managed to spend some time with the 622B and here is what i can tell so far.

First up, the shell is light and relatively tiny, it fits for me almost like custom. No complaints about the cable either, it's not heavy, annoying on the earhooks and it looks nice. The package is well made too, even the tips worked for me in large size. So out of the box you can enjoy it as it is, you put it on and forget it's there 10s later.

With that out of the way. Let's talk about sound:

This is i would say overall a more neutral signature than we are used to in this range. It sounds rather flat, with a little bass boost and some party trick in the very low that i will touch upon later.
It actually sounds a lot like a great monitoring speaker. Vocals are more forward but only because it's not as shaped than we are used to i believe. If i had to mix with one earphone i have right now, i would certainly go with the Canpur to know what's going on more accurately. The stage is a bit narrower than say a Maestro or RN6, and significantly so compared to a Mentor, but the imaging is not bad and precise enough. It just doesn't throw at you informations too obviously, left and right, up and down constantly, which is something im totally fine with and even have a preference for, to make it a more relaxed and focused experience.

-Highs are not as silky as a RN6 (one of his strong suit) or even a Maestro, but it's fine and it generally does the job, while making it for my own sensitivity, very unoffensive, even at high level.

-Mids are quite detailed, voices are very very nice on it, getting close to the quality of the MSE when it comes to texture and details (although MSE's voices are not as forward). Instruments are rendered quite correctly, however they don't reach the level of refinement of an RN6 (its other strong ability), but overall very good timbre/tonality and without a doubt worth its slot with the TOTL in this regard. It just doesn't sound as thick, expensive and big as the other two mentionned sets yet it's also a enjoyable presentation if you are into a kind of more physicaly accurate rendition.

-Bass, then comes the bass. You wonder at times where they ve hidden the DD... more seriously, it's a quite interesting bass region. While in general the attacks are not as dry and fast as a Mentor, it has a lot more body, it's rounder with a very decent slam. As a dirty basshead i could totally live with it, even if it's not as prominent and exciting (most of the times) than on the likes of the Maestros, which reigns supreme in this category. It's well balanced between mid bass and sub bass, until you play some tracks that dig very low and all of a sudden it seems like the lower a track goes with the set, the harder it plays. It's a bit confusing at first and im gonna try to illustrate that:

(YT version is nasty, this is just to get the idea of what im trying to describe)

This drops at about 50s, it's a big humpf on the Canpur, but more than that, it represents it as some sort of sinusoidal vibration, where as MSE and RN6 plays hard too, it's more of a hit playing up and down in level. This is the best i could describe and i definitely want to investigate this further but they are doing something in the sub bass that is out of the ordinary especially considering this is produced by BA's/BC (i bet nobody in his right mind would think it is, if listened to blind). I can't say i have been as wowed yet as some other youtubers but it has its own thing going on that is remarkable considering the driver composition. It's not very noticeable until a track plays something that has a clear elevation there (say below 50-60hz), so most of the time you ll just get a very solid bass and that's it. It certainly makes me reconsider how a bass region can sound without a DD, which has been a bad experience so far in my book.

Preliminary conclusions: It's a surprising set, i would say in the TOTL range of things, it might be the safest choice actually as it doesnt have the last word on anything but it's damn close to have it on most things as well and doesnt display a particular weakness besides its relatively narrower stage and a presentation that could appear a bit bland at first but could also turn into something very enjoyable if you dig something less "tainted". If you are into a more neutral signature, with great voices, more forward there, unoffensive highs, and surprisingly good clean bass, this might be your pick.

Would i take this over a Maestro/GM or RN6 personally? i don't know yet. I kind of want to have all of them right now. It gives a new different flavor that i find refreshing and with some plot twist in the sub bass that makes it -at times- also exciting in a different way than my other 2 current favorites.

Any comments, questions, or disagreements are welcome.
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Feb 18, 2024 at 4:38 AM Post #33 of 74
Have you run the 622B through a log sweep? At what point does the bass BC stop being apparent, and how clean is the output compared to the MSE?

I don't imagine much of the bass, if any, is covered by the BC. Data sheet from Sonion shows that most of the energy is in the upper midrange for conveying voices. This is very much in line with my listening experience. Tactility was present in the midrange that added contrast in imaging ability and texturing of vocals. Whereas bass was essentially what I expect of very well implemented BAs.

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Feb 18, 2024 at 5:30 AM Post #34 of 74
I can share this coming from a seller of Canpur.

Feb 18, 2024 at 5:44 AM Post #35 of 74
Have you run the 622B through a log sweep? At what point does the bass BC stop being apparent, and how clean is the output compared to the MSE?
No but what i thought about yesterday was to try movies on the computer that i know hammer hard in the lowest lows, and the Canpur indeed renders the sensation of an actual sub producing something you can feel more than you can hear, the sort of scenes where you physically see the subwoofer moving back and forth while there is no hit on the track, it's just extremely low frequencies. One thing also that kind of hit me like a ton of brick was how more veiled on raw voices any other IEM was sounding in comparison to the canpur. Does it sound better on music, that's where it's gonna get debatable...

I think this is a wonderful set for rap in particular, where vast majority of the time you get those overly fat beats so the "magic" activates, and to some extent some EDM (not always plays that low). It runs other genres very fine but this is where i would say it will shine the most and kills it there, some rock too, but generally anything that is a bit more processed with a lot going on in the low. On more analogue music, i find it a little polite or smaller, it's very relative and nitpicking, but maybe i would prefer my other sets, this is surely a matter of taste however.

I want to add as well, it's pretty easy to drive, nothing like an MSE, just needs a bit more juice than the RN6, so it's like 50% of an MSE to play at the same level. No concerns there either.
Feb 18, 2024 at 6:06 AM Post #36 of 74
No but what i thought about yesterday was to try movies on the computer that i know hammer hard in the lowest lows, and the Canpur indeed renders the sensation of an actual sub producing something you can feel more than you can hear, the sort of scenes where you physically see the subwoofer moving back and forth while there is no hit on the track, it's just extremely low frequencies. One thing also that kind of hit me like a ton of brick was how more veiled on raw voices any other IEM was sounding in comparison to the canpur. Does it sound better on music, that's where it's gonna get debatable...

I think this is a wonderful set for rap in particular, where vast majority of the time you get those overly fat beats so the "magic" activates, and to some extent some EDM (not always plays that low). It runs other genres very fine but this is where i would say it will shine the most and kills it there, some rock too, but generally anything that is a bit more processed with a lot going on in the low. On more analogue music, i find it a little polite or smaller, it's very relative and nitpicking, but maybe i would prefer my other sets, this is surely a matter of taste however.

I want to add as well, it's pretty easy to drive, nothing like an MSE, just needs a bit more juice than the RN6, so it's like 50% of an MSE to play at the same level. No concerns there either.
Interesting. When you say veiled voices, do you mean in a tonal way or a visceral way (dB difference vs accompanying vibration from nonlinear freqs)? I'm assuming in a visceral way, like the sensation you get from someone singing right in front of you vs in an auditorium from far away given the BC.

Of the three sets I'm looking at here (RN6, MSE, 622B), 622B has the most mid centric tuning, which seems to me a possible explanation for clear vs veiled vocals. Not sure though because I don't know if the coupler captured the BC.

I think I'll let things shake out a bit. If you aren't definitively convinced the 622B is a clear technical upgrade from the MSE, I think I'm just getting FOMO. My MSE and V14 are plenty satisfactory for me right now. I'm still holding on for a PM + BA + EST tribrid, I think that'll be what breaks through the precision vs tactility paradigm.
Feb 18, 2024 at 6:22 AM Post #37 of 74
Interesting. When you say veiled voices, do you mean in a tonal way or a visceral way (dB difference vs accompanying vibration from nonlinear freqs)? I'm assuming in a visceral way, like the sensation you get from someone singing right in front of you vs in an auditorium from far away given the BC.

Of the three sets I'm looking at here (RN6, MSE, 622B), 622B has the most mid centric tuning, which seems to me a possible explanation for clear vs veiled vocals. Not sure though because I don't know if the coupler captured the BC.

I think I'll let things shake out a bit. If you aren't definitively convinced the 622B is a clear technical upgrade from the MSE, I think I'm just getting FOMO. My MSE and V14 are plenty satisfactory for me right now. I'm still holding on for a PM + BA + EST tribrid, I think that'll be what breaks through the precision vs tactility paradigm.
It's strange because i didn't have this sensation on music vocals, there the 622B presents them more forward but i still think the other two, in particular the MSE has a slight edge on voices rendition. But when you removed the music and you are just left with some raw voices, (i even checked some documentaries afterward...) the canpur is more intelligible without a doubt and not just play the voices at a higher level. Could be the BC working better there when you remove music or because it's less processed. (it's also singing vs talking)

I don't know if it's an upgrade compared to the GM/Maestro, i would say i find those more engaging on most music. This is why i used the monitoring reference yesterday, i genuinely think the canpur sounds like a great monitoring/mixing speaker (besides the bass) and the Maestro/RN6 more something that went through mastering or a bigger Hi-fi speaker. Both presentations can be appealing in a different way.
Feb 18, 2024 at 6:29 AM Post #38 of 74
It's strange because i didn't have this sensation on music vocals, there the 622B presents them more forward but i still think the other two, in particular the MSE has a slight edge on voices rendition. But when you removed the music and you are just left with some raw voices, (i even checked some documentaries afterward...) the canpur is more intelligible without a doubt and not just play the voices at a higher level. Could be the BC working better there when you remove music or because it's less processed. (it's also singing vs talking)

I don't know if it's an upgrade compared to the GM/Maestro, i would say i find those more engaging on most music. This is why i used the monitoring reference yesterday, i genuinely think the canpur sounds like a great monitoring/mixing speaker (besides the bass) and the Maestro/RN6 more something that went through mastering or a bigger Hi-fi speaker. Both presentations can be appealing in a different way.
Okay, that actually makes a lot of sense. Mastering engineers modify individual tracks to help listeners clearly identify and separate instruments and vocals from each other. The few I worked with over the years all had their methods on how they present their mixes, but in general they'd use pretty steep high pass filters to tone up vocals to make room for bass guitars and drum kits, same with acoustic guitars. I imagine for movies and the like that is less the case given the vocals are the center of attention.
Feb 18, 2024 at 9:52 AM Post #39 of 74

Canpur CP54E and CP32E

I have been lucky to borrow some Canpur IEMs from a friend. I also had another model, the Joyful 1&2 but it's not that interesting. Starting with the shells being a slight step up in the resin and finish from many of the cheaper brands being made in China, this is also made in China but the brand is from the Netherlands.

Canpur CP54E has 5 BA and 4 EST and is priced at $1999, the CP32E is 3 BA and 2 EST priced at $819. They have both drivers from Sonion, same BA bass driver but the rest have different model numbers(also same bass driver as the flagship).

CP54E is what I would call a warm U shape, the CP32E has much less warmth and comes off as brighter W shape.
For my taste the CP54E is perfect, with a good amount of energy without being fatiguing. Cp54E actually improves upon one of my favorites, the Neon Pro.
The CP32E is also excellent, but is a step back in technicalities. But for me the bass is reduced too much compared to the upper range, making it too bright for most of my music.

What has been the most eye opening is the bass quality of CP54E, many BA models have been praised before but none have been this close for me. It does sound very close to a DD, in a blind test I bet I would have had problems hearing it's not a DD in the bass range. People who have tried the CP622B flagship already know how nice and textured the BA bass is, according to the driver spec and Musicteck the bone conductor is focusing more on the midrange and not the bass.
So the one that comes off as the most warm of the models is actually CP54E, with more elevated bass. All 3 models will have good bass quality, but due to much less energy it's not as prominent on CP32E.

Already decided that I need a Canpur in my life, but I'm going to wait a month so I can get to try the CP622B first.

Listening now too CP54E and Interloper, ambient electronica. Nice when relaxing on a silent Sunday.


Feb 25, 2024 at 2:35 PM Post #41 of 74

A wonderful synergistic combo!

Airbook w/Roon(Qobuz) bit perfect -> cinnamon usb c -> LP P6pro -> Eletech Iliad IC 4.4 -> VE Runabout 2BFE -> Effect audio Leo II 4-wire -> Canpur CP54e

Playing this breathtaking album


Compelling & realistic string timbre. Very engaging with ample textures and staging. Dark Background with vivid contrasts.
I have been listening to the CP54e almost exclusively since receiving it as my Xe6 is getting a refit and I am still waiting to receive my 622b custom (any day now)

I have the Legendary Oriolus Traillii in my stable as well but I’m still reaching for the CP54e the most. Canpur has some of the most thoughtful tuning choices I’ve heard in this hobby to date.

I’m the most content I’ve ever been with the choices I have now and haven’t been on the constant search for what to hear next. I’m finally at a very relaxed, calm place in this fast paced hobby.

One more glamour shot 🫣

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Feb 25, 2024 at 2:48 PM Post #42 of 74
A wonderful synergistic combo!

Airbook w/Roon(Qobuz) bit perfect ->cinnamon usb c -> LP P6pro -> Eletech Iliad IC 4.4 -> VE Runabout 2BFE-> Effect audio Leo II 4-wire -> Canpur CP54e

Playing this breathtaking album


Compelling realistic string timbre. Very engaging with ample textures and staging.
I have been listening to the CP54e almost exclusively since receiving it as my Xe6 is getting a refit and I am still waiting to receive my 622b custom (any day now)

I have the Legendary Oriolus Traillii in my stable as well but I’m still reaching for the CP54e the most. Canpur has some of the most thoughtful tuning choices I’ve heard in this hobby to date.

I’m the most content I’ve ever been with the choices I have now and haven’t been on the constant search for what to hear next. I’m finally at a very relaxed, calm place in this fast paced hobby.

One more glamour shot 🫣

Love it! The 54E is my favorite Canpur, it’s nice to see it get some recognition.
Feb 28, 2024 at 1:53 PM Post #43 of 74
A wonderful synergistic combo!

Airbook w/Roon(Qobuz) bit perfect -> cinnamon usb c -> LP P6pro -> Eletech Iliad IC 4.4 -> VE Runabout 2BFE -> Effect audio Leo II 4-wire -> Canpur CP54e

Playing this breathtaking album


Compelling & realistic string timbre. Very engaging with ample textures and staging. Dark Background with vivid contrasts.
I have been listening to the CP54e almost exclusively since receiving it as my Xe6 is getting a refit and I am still waiting to receive my 622b custom (any day now)

I have the Legendary Oriolus Traillii in my stable as well but I’m still reaching for the CP54e the most. Canpur has some of the most thoughtful tuning choices I’ve heard in this hobby to date.

I’m the most content I’ve ever been with the choices I have now and haven’t been on the constant search for what to hear next. I’m finally at a very relaxed, calm place in this fast paced hobby.

One more glamour shot 🫣

Your photos are outstanding. Makes me want them bad.
Mar 5, 2024 at 5:17 PM Post #45 of 74
I just compared a few response curves and I suddenly noticed that the graphs of the Sound Rhyme DTE500 and the Canpur CP622B almost overlap. Just for clarification: the DTE500 is very well tuned. If someone is interested in this fact.


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