Can you "hear" absolute silence?
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:03 AM Post #31 of 78
I heaer the high pitched whining, it's not tinnitus, I've gotten actual tinnitus from concerts temporarily and it's not comfortable at all and can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.
I just call it my "brain sounds" haha
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:05 AM Post #32 of 78
I'm pretty sure that any chronic ringing in your ear is classified as tinnitus...
I've had it ever since I can remember.  I've honestly never heard "true" silence in my least my tinnitus isn't that bad though.  It's so bad with some that it's actually debilitating.
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:16 AM Post #33 of 78
Tinnitus sounds like a medical condition, ears ringing for short periods of time is perfectly normal.
Some people think I listen to music with IEM's or headphones at really high volumes, but seriously, my volumes don't approach the average volume at a bar, club or concert, which I find really loud, I just don't get it.
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:17 AM Post #34 of 78
I'm pretty sure that any chronic ringing in your ear is classified as tinnitus...
I've had it ever since I can remember.  I've honestly never heard "true" silence in my least my tinnitus isn't that bad though.  It's so bad with some that it's actually debilitating.

You've had since you can remember because it's normal.
Tinnitus that is caused by damage is what we are concerned about.
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:27 AM Post #35 of 78
In the modern day and age, EVERYONE, EVERYONE has tinnitus.
Urban noise pollution, various music / movies / games with lots of volume, etc. They add up and over time everyone has various degrees of irreversible inner ear hair cell damage, a.k.a. tinnitus.
The only time of the day when you hear ABSOLUTE silence is the 2~3 seconds right as you are in the process waking up, before all the sound in the real world rushes in. Your mind cuts off all noise signals, even tinnitus signals, when you sleep, so right when you wake up before your hearing is "re-connected" you get a brief moment of conscious silence.
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:32 AM Post #36 of 78


You've had since you can remember because it's normal.
Tinnitus that is caused by damage is what we are concerned about.

It is indeed normal, but not everyone is born with it, only some.  A pretty high percentage, but I think a higher percentage are born without it.  Doesn't make it any less annoying though.  But I wouldn't be surprised if nearly everyone develops it as they grow up.
I think I have suffered hearing damage for various reasons, but it hasn't gotten worse since I've started using headphones extensively, I'm pretty careful with volume...
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:36 AM Post #37 of 78
I also only hear ringing when I'm trying to sleep or when I'm wearing my IEMs. It doesn't really annoy me enough, though.
I don't know if I have tinnitus, however, I do know that I used to listen to music kinda loudly, but nothing insanely loud.
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:37 AM Post #38 of 78
It's not tinnitus.  Unless tinnitus affects everyone and I do mean everyone from a very, very young age.
Tinnitus is hearing damage/disorder and is a painful ringing sensation in your ears. 
The "sound of silence" Aizura is talking about here is natural -- as he has mentioned he has heard it ever since. I heard this as well when I was a child, I still hear it today.  I take care of my hearing despite using headphones and IEMs so it hasn't gotten any worse for me. I have used this sound for meditation for as long as I can remember.
Methings Aizura that you are just becoming more aware of it since using IEMs, since IEMs tend to really zap you into isolation. And since you have gotten into this hobby, you'll find that your hearing actually gets better in this hobby (as long as you aren't abusing your ears with too-loud playing). Reason being that you are now becoming more aware of listening to sounds, your brain is becoming "burned in" so to speak to listen for things you didn't listen for before.
When I first got into this hobby with a pair of Shure e2c's, using foam tips gave me absolute isolation. I couldn't hear the toilet flushing when I was wearing them. What incredible isolation.
Nowadays, with the exact same tips and conditions, when I flush the toilet I can hear it!  The IEM/foam/etc did not change (I even bought new foams as I was suspecting the old ones may have gotten worn and lost isolation properties), the noise level of my toilet did not change. Did my ears get better? Or maybe he ear canals got larger from wearing so many tips that they could no longer be sealed properly with foam? I doubt it.
More likely my brain just got better at listening for things thanks to this hobby. Sounds I mechanically could hear before but never noticed are now very noticeable with my heightened sense of hearing. I bet most of you have achieved this "heightened hearing" as well after years in this hobby.
Nov 7, 2011 at 2:41 AM Post #39 of 78

It's not tinnitus.  Unless tinnitus affects everyone and I do mean everyone from a very, very young age.
Tinnitus is hearing damage/disorder and is a painful ringing sensation in your ears. 
The "sound of silence" Aizura is talking about here is natural -- as he has mentioned he has heard it ever since. I heard this as well when I was a child, I still hear it today.  I take care of my hearing despite using headphones and IEMs so it hasn't gotten any worse for me. I have used this sound for meditation for as long as I can remember.
Methings Aizura that you are just becoming more aware of it since using IEMs, since IEMs tend to really zap you into isolation. And since you have gotten into this hobby, you'll find that your hearing actually gets better in this hobby (as long as you aren't abusing your ears with too-loud playing). Reason being that you are now becoming more aware of listening to sounds, your brain is becoming "burned in" so to speak to listen for things you didn't listen for before.
When I first got into this hobby with a pair of Shure e2c's, using foam tips gave me absolute isolation. I couldn't hear the toilet flushing when I was wearing them. What incredible isolation.
Nowadays, with the exact same tips and conditions, when I flush the toilet I can hear it!  The IEM/foam/etc did not change (I even bought new foams as I was suspecting the old ones may have gotten worn and lost isolation properties), the noise level of my toilet did not change. Did my ears get better? Or maybe he ear canals got larger from wearing so many tips that they could no longer be sealed properly with foam? I doubt it.
More likely my brain just got better at listening for things thanks to this hobby. Sounds I mechanically could hear before but never noticed are now very noticeable with my heightened sense of hearing. I bet most of you have achieved this "heightened hearing" as well after years in this hobby.

Tinnitus is not a disease, it is simply the sensation of ringing in one's ears.  It can be a symptom of a disease or hearing loss, however.
But any ringing in your ears only audible to you is classified as tinnitus, whether it is related to hearing loss or not.
Nov 7, 2011 at 3:05 AM Post #42 of 78

Ask Simon and Garfunkel.


Nov 7, 2011 at 3:41 AM Post #43 of 78
Ok I asked, and tried to understand.
"When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light <- monitor
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw <- monitor
Ten thousand people maybe more <- internet
People talking without speaking <- forums
People hearing without listening <- Dr. Dre
People writing songs that voices never shared <- vocaloid?
No one dared
Disturb the sound of silence"
So my take on it is the sound of silence in this song is keyboard tapping.
Please excuse me while I leap and bound forth across the meadows and sing the depths of my heart to the fluttersparrow.
Nov 7, 2011 at 5:11 AM Post #44 of 78

That is fine when a song goes from low to high, I love that!  Great dynamic range like it should be.  It's when the whole song is nothing but loud, that is what I don't like.  ie: Death Magnetic

you are supposed to be listening to the highs and lows BEFORE the 36 second outburst.
those rise and falls before that loud part are what audiophiles call dynamics.
the loud outburst at 36 seconds is simply an increase in volume.. and while it is preferable in an orchestra pit, because it makes the whole pit glow with audio, it isnt the same beautiful thing when you stick a microphone in there to record it.
and it isnt ANYTHING close when movies do it with their stupid explosions.
i'm not being mean or cruel in sway with the economy..
i'm trying to tell you the difference.
those orchestra pits are usually the dome where it looks like you take a ball and cut it in half.. and then cut that piece in half to seperate the top from the bottom.
and when you are in the audience, those large outbursts can be translated to how lights perform.
the translation goes as follows..
you get a curtain and hang it up vertically, and you've got dozens of lights that are moving around the curtain like a lazer pointer.
then you get this one light that comes along and lights up the whole curtain.
can also be translated to fireworks..
you've got all these smaller explosions, and then one big one that is wider than all of them.
dynamics are about the different sizes of the smaller fireworks.. the different sizes of the smaller lights.. the different sizes of the very subtle rises and falls in the audio.
not the large ones that make you jump.
it makes sense to think about it if you realize exactly why the word dynamics (for audio) is used in the first place.
that reason is the amplifier.
because an amplifier is designed in one of two ways:
1. there is a straight line of volume that is capable of large amounts of volume increase (and this brings on the volume knob)
2. there is a straight line of volume that is NOT capable of large amounts of volume increase.. but the straight line can go up and down 5dB without any problems (and this brings no volume knob.. much like a preamp)
for a long time..
there was either one or the other.
and trust me.. if you've got a straight line of 70dB that refuses to do 71dB or 72dB or 73dB (or any other decibel) ... then what you said about the emotion being sucked out of the audio is exactly true.
way back in the roman days..
if they were playing music for the whole family.. they had to swap out different battery packs for specific parts of the music.
because those battery packs were ment for a small change in volume.. or loud changes in volume.
all of the audio before 36 seconds would need to be on one battery pack.. and then the battery pack would need to be switched for the loud outburst at 36 seconds.
and if there wasnt any time to switch back to the soft volume.. anything soft would suffer, or get stretched out to something really loud.
a lot of the amplifiers from the 1950's and earlier will show you the clamp i was talking about.
there is always the 1-5dB difference
and then some large scream that takes up all of the amplifiers power for a brief moment.
the important thing to note here is..
there are headphones being sold that dont do a good job of showing those soft changes for the audio from the start of the video up to 36 seconds.
all of that audio has lots of small rises and falls.
that is partially the reason i bring up 'cardboard sound' when describing a speaker.
it is because the speaker is too dull and unresponsive to output those small changes in volume.
the beauty of what i know is..
if you seek the path of those small changes in volume.. things start to get blistering fast, and when that happens.. you can actually begin to hear audio lay itself on top (or behind) a different piece of audio.
for example..
if you are watching a movie and there is a female actor and a male actor with a deep voice.. both of those people can be talking at the same time and it sounds like there is air (or empty space) between those two voices.
that has been high-end for speakers since the inception back in the 1960's
and it became that way thanks to the many radio broadcasts BEFORE that time, back when radio companies were putting in very high quality speakers and amplifiers into the radio to see who would sit down and warm up the voice coil long enough to hear the improvement.
matter of fact,
consumers seen the depth stretch larger and larger and larger.
if you keep stretching it.. you'll find two seperate layers of audio.
and if you think two is impressive.. try five layers or more.
many people are struggling to see the stretch of one single layer.. that is why i say audio has become an embarrasment.
one cardboard sound after another, and instead of getting the full frequency response.. they switch to 2-way speakers with a subwoofer.
i mean c'mon..
the frequency response is stated as 20hz - 20khz
but people let their system stop as high as 60hz ... and the worldwide average is 40hz
simply hearing a subwoofer that plays down to 30hz is an improvement to people.
and then it happens again when the sub plays down to 20hz
people call it extra money because the speaker box is bigger.
you dont cook like that do you?
when it says 1/3 cup of water.. you dont totally go without any water.
i guess the confusion comes from cooking.
because people are always trying to lower the oven temperature.. or remove a few minutes from the cooking time.. or add less water.. or instead of using water, use milk.
all of that to get your PRE-SET recipe tasting better.
it is chemistry.. and you didnt add any powder chemicals, but you might of made the powder that comes with it a bit poisenous for excessive long-term use.
people dont learn because they dont know why they get old and die.
if they get organ damage.. and the organ damage doesnt kill them.. then they never know what they did was wrong.
we've got to look at the governments instructions and take them literally in a time when they are requesting it the most.
no sense doing all that team work, and then you come along saying the team didnt try hard enough.
we wouldnt be talking on this internet forum without team work.
there are always people that think something special is hidden deep inside of whatever they touch.
most of the time there isnt.
and that team work has done their job to make sure you cant make it into anything special.. because if you can make it special, you should be building your own and selling your products that might actually prove to be heavy-duty compared to the stuff on the shelves.
(but i think this chance has officially came and went.. because society is wising up to the lack of heavy-duty.. or simply growing 'used' to the low duty)
long post w/ multiple points
let them know you care!
Nov 7, 2011 at 5:36 AM Post #45 of 78

Tinnitus is not a disease, it is simply the sensation of ringing in one's ears.  It can be a symptom of a disease or hearing loss, however.
But any ringing in your ears only audible to you is classified as tinnitus, whether it is related to hearing loss or not.

different cultures say it differently.. that is why the information is classified.
some say it is ringing only.. some say the ringing must be accompanied with hearing 'damages' (meaning, your ability to hear is lowered)
some say it is inner ear cell hair damage, but they dont say which 'ear' you are speaking about.
because our whole body is full of water and eletricity.. as well as chemicals that promote or discourage the electricity.. you can change your 'hair damage' by detoxing the body.
for some, detoxing the body will make it worse because it was the wrong way they wanted to go.
i believe if your body has the natural resources to do something, cleaning up the body with a detox program is only going to allow your body to do what it can.
think of the toxins like mud.. and if i slapped some mud onto your neck and let it soak in really REALLY deep.. then it could slow down your arm and leg movement on that side of your body.
that is what all of that detox propoganda was talking about.
your body has streets and highways inside of it.
and toxins are like a bunch of abandoned vehicles on those streets.
information, data, and electricity cannot travel on those roads if there is something blocking the path.
clean your body and become a better person.
realize a perfectly clean body can (and does) prove to be annoying for some people.
instead of TRAINING themselves until it changes.. they simply lay a bunch of trash on the road so nothing can use the road.
that is how in depth the chemistry industry is with the human body.
getting custom electricity flow, by adding some or removing some.
those chemicals inside you travel down those roads and it brings your hearing back after it has been temporarily abused.
sometimes you can feel the path the energy takes.. maybe not for hearing repair, but for something else.
what you do feel is probably more than one thing going on at the same exact time.. and that is why amatuers always fail.

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