Calling All "Vintage" Integrated/Receiver Owners
Aug 9, 2014 at 11:19 PM Post #13,187 of 19,145
That's the same model beast that Silent One just sold.........a second sighting and a rare one at that. $1795 sounds reasonable all things considered.

Considering in 1978 it was $1400, the price they show isn't bad at all, if it's in good shape. But, even I could afford it, I have nowhere to put it. None of the places I have stereos, is big enough without some major re-configuration. 
Aug 10, 2014 at 5:29 AM Post #13,188 of 19,145
Just over a year ago, a G33k sold for $10,000 in West Sacramento 

What both the G-33000 & G-22000 share is some unobtainable original parts. 
Aug 10, 2014 at 2:35 PM Post #13,190 of 19,145
  Hey, I am wondering if you guys could help me with out with a couple of short questions:
1. I've read that replacing all electrolytic capacitors is absolutely essential on any vintage amp. What are the effects of doing so to the sound? And, what are the risks of not replacing them?
2. Do I have to replace the power supply of my vintage amp simply as a matter of age?
3. If anyone here is familiar with vintage NAD amplifiers, are you only supposed to bring the volume knob to 12 o'clock? After which it begins to distort? Or, is that actually a problem with the age of the amp rather than the inherent design?
Thank you guys so much! I don't even want to listen to my vintage amp because I feel like it will explode if I don't get some repairs done :frowning2:.

1) replacing electrolytics in old (like 20 years plus) gear is a good idea for several reasons:
- they do age - sometimes they just sound bad, sometimes you get smoke signals or a blown output stage.
- to properly measure them (capacity, ESR and isolation/leak current) you need a lot of measuring equipment and you need to solder them out. Since most only cost a few cents even when taking brand stuff with higher voltage and 105 centigrade temp tolerance, you can as well skip the measuring and just replace. Mark the polarity before unsoldering when doing so!
- in the signal path electrolytics are not really optimal and replacing those with wima or the like might improve the sound (but will change the original sound).
2) in most cases not. electrolytics should be tested or replaced as well as the anti interference capacitors directly at the power switch (only replace with proper X or Y type rated for use on mains power!). If you have a selenium rectifier pay close attention to the output voltage - these tend to grow in resistance with age and the DC voltage is too low. Also they are hard to get nowadays and will age again. Replacing them with Si rectifiers is also not so easy since the latter have a lot less resistance and thus the DC will be too high and you need a heating resistor.
3) haven't heard of this but anyways I don't own any phones or speakers where I dare to turn up beyond 10 - although my NAD is a bit stronger than your average 3020.
Aug 10, 2014 at 6:55 PM Post #13,191 of 19,145
Well, I had received two major pieces of listening hardware around the same time, he SX-737 I am loving, and the X5.  I've never been much of a desktop listener, but I find that's changing due to the recent acquisition.  The X5, while very capable and clean and paired with an E12, is great for it's purpose, portable listening, which for me involves being able to listen in bed, on the back porch, chores, etc., but cannot compare in some respects to the receiver, mainly when it comes to bass.  The thing is, the headphone I go for whenever I want to listen for the sake of fun has been the he-400, more and more of late.  Unless I were to start double amping by ignoring the line out and doing the headphone jack so I can use the X5's EQ, there is no way the E12 could ever keep up with the bass provided by the SX-737.  I'm not really a basshead, although I do have basshead tendancies, it's just that there is a purpose for everything, and I have a lot of music I enjoy that has a noticable bass emphasis in it.  Even leaving the bass in the middle at it's default setting, or what I'd naturally assume to be the intended default, and just leaving the loudness switch on, there is just no comparison.  I think the solution I'd really have to find for portable bass listening is a truly bassy yet good quality IEM or headphone.  I swear, this hobby is more addicting than and obviously nowhere close to as cheap either.
I honestly feel slightly bad for the X5, because before the arrival of both these wonderful bits of hardware, I listened on my X3 quite a lot, which I absentmindedly assumed would continue to be the case.  I know, first world problems, I have too many listening choices and not enough ears.  At least I can say without a doubt the X5 sounds magnificent with classical.
I just had a bad thought...  I wonder how much bass this receiver could push into my xb500...  I get the feeling this is something I should most likely not find out.
Aug 12, 2014 at 2:46 PM Post #13,192 of 19,145
Originally Posted by Saoshyant /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I swear, this hobby is more addicting than and obviously nowhere close to as cheap either.
I just had a bad thought...  I wonder how much bass this receiver could push into my xb500...  I get the feeling this is something I should most likely not find out.

Not possible... those donuts could resurrect you with their holy taste alone. If I lived closer... I'd probably be doing horrible things to feed my inevitable addiction to them right now. Sorry if that sounds weird, guys. I'm just saying... don't knock 'em 'till you've tried 'em!
But yeah... you should do that with the XB's and the paper test!
Aug 12, 2014 at 2:48 PM Post #13,193 of 19,145
Not possible... those donuts could resurrect you with their holy taste alone. If I lived closer... I'd probably be doing horrible things to feed my inevitable addiction to them right now. Sorry if that sounds weird, guys. I'm just saying... don't knock 'em 'till you've tried 'em!

But yeah... you should do that with the XB's and the paper test!

Ha, I live pretty close to them
Aug 12, 2014 at 3:38 PM Post #13,194 of 19,145
I've been through many iterations on receivers, never thinking of keeping any of them, and currently use a Pioneer Elite with my home theater.
However, I kept a Marantz SR2000 that I purchased in 1980. I used it about  year ago when ripping some old vinyl .
It's in perfect condition. Hell, its not even dusty.
I'll give it a try as a headphone amp, um, once I figure out where I left my analog hat...
Aug 13, 2014 at 1:18 AM Post #13,197 of 19,145
I've been to hundreds of garage sales and this is the first time I've found any vintage audio! A little deoxit, some LEDs and now she's looking good.
Aug 13, 2014 at 2:53 PM Post #13,200 of 19,145
I've been to hundreds of garage sales and this is the first time I've found any vintage audio! A little deoxit, some LEDs and now she's looking good.

Those babies sure look good with the LED's. Nice find.
@harrinj I've never tried a H/K, that model looks really cool. Congrats!

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