Burson Audio Fun Review!
Feb 27, 2019 at 9:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 14, 2010
Burson Audio FUN

Well I have received from Burson Audio a new headphone amp to me. In the past I have reviewed Burson's Audio Cable + and Pro, and have always liked the Burson products. They seem to build some really well liked and well built headphone amplifiers. For people that like to play and experiment with various op amps to see if there are any differences etc, the FUN amp I just received is the “cats meow” for this type of activity!


Imagine a company that is enticing you to open up the device and plug and play to your hearts content and your wallet can stand!. The circuitry is designed to handle a wide variety of op amps, from inexpensive to expensive... They even supply you with an allen wrench and a spare power fuse!.

All it takes is 4 small hex head screws to pop off the cover and see the internals! The build quality inside the unit is second to none. I have built and worked in the electronics industry and this is a top of the line amp. The circuit board is well laid out, and there is no BIG unsightly power transformer inside that will ever “hum” or have isolation issues.


The FUN is a class A headphone amplifier that again encourages Opamp rolling. There is also an added mic input on the front. The Mic input is straight wired to a Mic output in the back for less cable clutter if used in a desktop pc system. For me I use this amp as a headphone amplifier....there is no DAC inside. But the FUN can fit into a PC drive bay and connect to your PC sound card and headphones. For gaming and great audio as well.

Instead of the traditional AC power into a transformer then into a bridge rectifier and filtering to remove the AC component etc...Burson designed what they call Burson Max Current Power Supply or (MCPS). The transformer is removed altogether. Burson states that main power at 50-60Hz is within the frequency the human ear can easily discern. A traditional linear power supply charges and discharges 50-60 times a second. They claim this is too slow for audio amplification. Their MCPS increases the working frequency to 179Khz. Any noise at this frequency is well above the human hearing threshold of 20khz. They say this allows for a pitch black soundstage critical for micro-details to shine through. Now this is techno talk from Burson, and I am a real technical geek that always has doubted many if these claims, the end result to me is the proof in the pudding. I will tell you in this review whatever they are doing here has led to a really GOOD amp. Call it what you want, this $299 Class A gem, is very crisp and clean.....pitch black for sure.


So there is no need for those LARGE capacitors for AC filtering and hum reduction. This amp puts out 2 watts of power into 32 ohms. A day when size natters, or bigger is better, this little amp throws all that away for sure. So its a 4x Max Current Power Supply, symmetrical dual mono design, Class A, Two DIP8 sockets for op amp rolling, ELNA audio aluminum electrolytics, and Vishay Professional MELF resistors ( with a 1% tolerance and a +/- 50ppm/K). Then volume pot is an ALPS pot with excellent tracking, All this with a 5 yr worldwide warranty.

The unit is the same size as a CD/DVD PC Drive that fits into a 5.25” PC drive bay. Its power can come from a 12VDC 5A source from your PC via a Molex connector. If you want to use it as a standlone unit they supply a small external power supply that has a green power led. The backside has two sets of RCA plugs, input and output, this unit can be used as a preamp as well, the preamp output impedance is 25 ohms, and the head amp output impedance is 6 ohms. They supply you with a nice set of RCA cables as well and 6.5mm to 3.5mm socket adapter. Inputs require 2V RMS line level, mic input. The unit weighs approx 2kg.

Class A amps run HOT. I have run this FUN amp for hours with 600 ohm Beyerdynamics T1 R2 and the case is slightly warm, there are 4 power transistors for each channel mounted to the bottom chassis assembly. Nothing like some other Class A amps I have built and owned. Not even close to hot to touch. Great design here.

The front of the FUN has a nice small bue LED to indicate power on. Its subtle and does not blind you.

The aluminum case is a matte black finish and it exudes 'professional” to me....very well done, like the SR 71 blackbird finish at the Smithsonian at Dulles Airport! There are four small plastic feet on the bottom.

The volume knob is large and fairly easy to turn the ALPS pot...nice and firm feel when rotating it...again exudes good parts and good operation.

The unit at the entry price of $299 comes with a pair of NE5543 X 2 op amps. My unit had JRC 5534D's which are in the $10-$15 cost retail. They are a high performance low noise op amp well beyond the old 741's. The amp with my headphones was silent with the volume turned up all the way. With 32 ohms cans I did hear some very slight noise with the volume up at 3pm, way, way beyond any listening. Most listening with 250 ohms or higher are dead silent.

So how does it sound...I used headphones from 32 ohms to 600 ohms and all were easily driven. All sound great. I have only 7 headphone amps at present, been selling! The Burson FUN sounds as good and “better” than most of them, its that good. Beyer 1350's, T1's, Audio Technica M50x's, Grado 325i's,

Beyer T90's, Audio Technica MSR7's....and others. All sound great, of course I have a preference....

The first word, adjective that comes to mind is “clear”, then “transparent”, then “soundstage”, followed by “accurate”, “lifelike”...and all those lesser adjectives...then I kept thinking “how are they doing this?” Its that good / different..the old “I have to listen to all my music again stuff...” The bass extension on headphones like the Audio Technica MSR7's is really mind blowing! The bass is indeed tight and well controlled with all my headphones.

The FUN has no internal DAC, so I am feeding it with a Schitt Bifrost Multibit DAC which I like very much as well....its a wonderful pairing that is making this amp come alive for sure, but there is magic in this little FUN Burson amp!

I could go over many of the songs I use to audition headphones and head devices but suffice to say I and hearing new stuff from my old favorites in a very enlightening way. Its like I am there. The tonality of violin strings are lifelike and mesmerizing. The music is effortless, the amp is supplying enough power throughout the frequency range...clear crisp, dynamic, tight......etc.

Everything from the remastered Beatles, A Hard Days Night, Eva Cassidy's , Eva by Heart, and on and on are being amplified very well. Whats there in the CD is being heard accurately and musically with my T1's....oh gosh its that nice.

Ok the surpy stuff is over....:>) I have not used the mic input or the preamp outs. So I cant comment on them. As a headphone amp, Class A, its the cats meow IMO.

I have been listening for three hours now and just dont want to stop listening its that nice....There are a lot of choices in this price range $299. But if your looking for a great Class A amp, that allows you to swap out and roll to your hearts content op amps, like NOS tubes...the Burson FUN should be high on your list. I look forward to rolling in some of Bursons other discrete op amps as well...Its just FUN!



Alex Dydula

NOTE: I got up this morning, cup of coffee in hand, to see if the Burson Fun was still working as well as my first impression...Instant on and instantly the smile appeared on my face...Burson has a winner here!
Feb 27, 2019 at 10:00 AM Post #2 of 10
Listining to Three's Company, "We'll Be Together Again"...Danny Boy.....with HD600's...from Schitt Bifrost MB Dac...
The word here is WIDE and Spacious and Lucious Sound...the bass plucking left channel and horn in the right channel is about
as good as it gets...


Note: You may not like this typ of music, but its a Class A High Quality Demo CD for sure"...
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Mar 1, 2019 at 10:16 PM Post #4 of 10
Very nice looking amp. Could be an end game amp for some people

I think that will be the case for me, at least on the SS side.

Shane D
Mar 2, 2019 at 5:26 PM Post #5 of 10
SS side.....ha I thought this several years ago with the O2, since then I have built several of them with varying variations....even a desktop ODA based on what some think the desktop version would have been

..and I like you was tempted over time to start looking at tube amps, I gre up with these, and was drawing loadlines when tubes were not yet NOS!

There are many choices with tube amps....and the differing designs OTL, SET, transformer coupled and on and on....

If you want to get in to a good tube amp, and your headphones are high impedance take a look at BottleHead Crack for starters...its a wonderful OTL amp that plays well with 250 ohm and higher cans like
Beyer T90, T1, Senn 600, 650, 800, 820 etc...but does not work well at all with low impedance cans....below 120 ohms etc...

After all this back and forth this FUN amp is the one amp I can live with now for a long time....its that good to me...

But if you have never gone down the tube route you might just have to spend some $$$ and go there and see if its as good as the FUN!!

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Mar 2, 2019 at 6:36 PM Post #6 of 10
If I go tube it will have to be hybrid as my headphones are 32 Ohm (3 of the 4).

The Loxjie is appealing as the price in Canada is $129.00, plus 15% tax. However, when you add two tubes and two XLR cables the price will be at least $300.00, in my money.

For now I am just really enjoying my little Fun.

Shane D
Mar 18, 2019 at 7:57 PM Post #8 of 10
UPDATE: Burson FUN with Bursons V6 Classic Op Amps.

Just received a pair of single Burson Classic Op Amps from Burson for evaluation.

A pair will set you back approx $70 according to their website. Not too bad when you consider the costs many of us spend chasing down that
elusive set of NOS tubes! The FUN amp will allow many different op amps to be plugged in and easily be tested and evaluated. Burson actually
wants you to try out different op amps and they have a few of their own as well. If your going to sell amps, good amps and then add some upgrades
via op amp rolling thats a real plus in my mind.


Burson has been making good discrete "stuff" for years and they indeed know how to make op amps....from their V4 to the V6 generations.
According to Burson "The V6 Vivid and V6 Classic are the results of over 12 years of research and six generations of designs. They are the most refined we have ever created."


One neat thing when changing out SS op amps, its an relatively easy thing to do. You need to make sure power is off and the power plug removed. Four screws are remove easily via the allen wrench Burson gives you...the top cover pops off and you carefully remove the exosting two op amps..noting the PIN 1 location etc. The little orange tower assemblies are popped into the sockets, again noting the little haf moon indentation on the op amps aligns with the half moon indentation of the IC socket. Detail direction are found on Bursons webstite as well.

Then its as simple as reconnecting power, turning the FUN on and start listening. Simple.


The FUN came to me with 5534D's which I mention in my first review above. They really worked very well for me across all my music source's. I have tried several other op amps as well. All worked, and all had their little differences, and I could live with most any of them so far. But when I plugged in these V6 Classics I noticed a few things that were abit different....

First of all the soundstage and its uncanny three dimensional characteristic....was better...live songs had a depth to the soundstage that was better than the stock op amps and a few others. This is the most important trait that comes to the forefront for me, with the tonality of instruments coming in a close second.

I have not heard the Burson Vivids which should have more transparency, details and soundstage. But the Classics have this as well....guess I would have to have a set of these to really compare. Compared to the stock op amps these are indeed better and the winner hands down. But the V6 Classics are right up there, world class IMO.

Some of my older Joni Mitchell CD's are brutally recorded IMO...harsh at times. thin sounding etc...but with this amp and the Classics WOW! They are a joy to listen to, right now I am listening to her BLUE cd and "California"....what transparency...overtones, tonality so nice, a wonderful depth to the presentation...much nicer than the stock op amps. Note: I am using a set of HD 600's right now...300 ohm impedance, a great pairing with this FUN amp with the Classics.

Play some good stuff, well recorded and this combination will "Blow" you away!! I have many, many DEMO quality CD's collected over the years from friends in the business and I can sit here for hours using the FUN and this set op op amps and not be in the least bored or wanting to stop listeing! From the guitars of Joe Satraini "Rubina" and "Surfing with the Alien", The Theme from the Pink Panther...with its hard brass crashes....all reproduced wonderfully. Spyrogyra, Dire Straits, Tom Petty, and on and on all shine thru ...early Beatles "Rubber Soul" and "Hard Days Night" are like listening to them for the first time....

Female voice is right there....its like the music is in your head! Nora Jones, Torch Singers like Etta Jones, Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Shore....and Aimee Mann and Suzane Vega.....gosh so real...so lifelike...

Instrument tonality...the xylophones that sound like xylophones! The ability to discern the type of wire brushes being used on a drum, the tighness of the bass kick drum...the ability to discern nylon strings...the harmonics etc...Stattaco life like piano...omg good, natural sounding "ivory" keys

To sum it up the V6 Classics allow you to have a grand musical experience with the FUN, and they can be used in many other pieces of gear as well...many examples of this are on Bursons site.

Never having heard Bursons headphone amps and always dreaming of a HA160...and now finally having a Burson FUN amp with a set of their wonderful V6 Classic has been a real treat!

My hats off to Burson for making this amp for the low cost it has been selling at....a few sales lately for $199!!

If your looking for a great head amp try this FUN amp and a set of V6 Classics!!


Jul 30, 2019 at 1:57 PM Post #9 of 10
UPDATE: 5 months later....

I have built a few other headamps that I like very much....and still have 10+ headamps in house.
After several weeks of not listening to the Burson FUN amp, plugged it into my setup...Jriver CD Redbook Flacs, to
Schitt Bifrost MB dac, to the FUN...using now a set of Sprakos op amps...to a set of HD 600's at the moment.

One Word: EXCEPTIONAL.....absolutely wonderful....still a world class amp IMO.
Hard to beat it for its overall excellence.

Makes listening open, transparent, spacious and just plain one of the best.

Jul 30, 2019 at 6:42 PM Post #10 of 10
UPDATE: 5 months later....

I have built a few other headamps that I like very much....and still have 10+ headamps in house.
After several weeks of not listening to the Burson FUN amp, plugged it into my setup...Jriver CD Redbook Flacs, to
Schitt Bifrost MB dac, to the FUN...using now a set of Sprakos op amps...to a set of HD 600's at the moment.

One Word: EXCEPTIONAL.....absolutely wonderful....still a world class amp IMO.
Hard to beat it for its overall excellence.

Makes listening open, transparent, spacious and just plain one of the best.

Totally agree about Fun and Sparkos op amps! imo they transform the Fun into the sound quality level of an amp that costs WAY more. I have found my solid state amp Keeper.

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