Brand New : Tralucent Audio Ref.1 Too & original Ref.1
Sep 13, 2014 at 1:36 PM Post #1,727 of 4,426
Okay. I remember one of the Headfiers mentioning that he would have the customization done and would report on the results after that, but I don't recall who. It was on this thread though so maybe you can do a search for it. So, maybe you can just stay tuned on that, b/c I feel such an upgrade would not take away from the perfection you perceive, only add to it. If he makes a good report then you'll know who to send it to and your fears will be allayed.
Sep 13, 2014 at 1:45 PM Post #1,728 of 4,426
It puzzles me why you would spend umpteen gazillion dollars on the Ref.1 but would not bother to have them sent to one of the reputable people to make them custom. That's obviously the very best upgrade you can make, as far as sound quality and fit and you won't have to spend any money on replacement tips either. The prices I've seen quoted for such alterations does not seem high, not compared to what you paid for the Ref.1.
Btw, what did you guys (and gals) pay for them, anyway? I haven't seen any price quoted in my explorations.

I think it was $1650 which included standard silver/gold cable. So expensive yes, but not exactly umpteen gazillion dollars 

Sep 13, 2014 at 2:26 PM Post #1,730 of 4,426
frankly speaking when you think about money saved on endless upgrades then 1690$ starts looking reasonable. Was my story before i heard 1+2 :frowning2: :)
Sep 13, 2014 at 2:36 PM Post #1,731 of 4,426
frankly speaking when you think about money saved on endless upgrades then 1690$ starts looking reasonable. Was my story before i heard 1+2

Exactly. When it comes to sources I did the right thing (listened to good advice) and went for the best right away (Tera) and have never been happier with anything I have ever purchased. As far as phones, I went through several cheaper (but not cheap) alternatives (including RE-600) before getting to 1p2 (which experienced people recommended right away so in this case I did not listen to good advice). Although I have now upgraded to even more perfect Ref1 
 which did not exist at the time I first got into this head-fi hobby.
Sep 13, 2014 at 6:27 PM Post #1,733 of 4,426
It puzzles me why you would spend umpteen gazillion dollars on the Ref.1 but would not bother to have them sent to one of the reputable people to make them custom. That's obviously the very best upgrade you can make, as far as sound quality and fit and you won't have to spend any money on replacement tips either. The prices I've seen quoted for such alterations does not seem high, not compared to what you paid for the Ref.1.
Btw, what did you guys (and gals) pay for them, anyway? I haven't seen any price quoted in my explorations.

They can't be made into customs because it will alter the sound. The shells are made they way there are as it has an impact on the sound.
Sep 13, 2014 at 8:16 PM Post #1,734 of 4,426
They can't be made into customs because it will alter the sound. The shells are made they way there are as it has an impact on the sound.

That's one reason I'm going with the K10. It's got great reviews, can be customized (and normally is) and is probably at least equal in quality to the Ref.1, though I haven't really experienced either, just going by what I read on Head-fi. I have right now the UM-modded TF10 with extra drivers and an extra crossover and I like customs. With the TF10, I tried different tips but concluded my ears are difficult to fit unless customized to my ears.
If the Ref.1 can't be customized, then I'm afraid that's a definite dealbreaker for me.
Sep 13, 2014 at 8:22 PM Post #1,735 of 4,426
I think it was $1650 which included standard silver/gold cable. So expensive yes, but not exactly umpteen gazillion dollars 

Oh, I don't object to the price nor for spending that much, though, with my Social Security budget, $1650 is a lot of money. I myself am buying an iem, the K10 in November, which costs in the $1600 range, plus about $50 customs. I wasn't aware that you could only customize the sleeve. That eliminates my consideration of the Ref.1 unless something changes very soon.
Sep 13, 2014 at 8:27 PM Post #1,736 of 4,426
I think it was $1650 which included standard silver/gold cable. So expensive yes, but not exactly umpteen gazillion dollars 

What I really meant was, if you're willing to put out that much for a device, then why not spend a little more for something that could possibly improve ones listening experience. Now Headfiers are telling me that customization of the Ref.1 would include only the sleeve. I guess that would mean just making a straight tube to go directly in the ear without the end piece, am I right?
Sep 13, 2014 at 8:37 PM Post #1,737 of 4,426
Well, Ripvanlink, if you wish to take the risk of altering the sig of your iems by having them reshelled into customs, that's obviously a personal choice. Of course, there are others who do not wish to take that sort of risk. Again, it is their choice. :)
Sep 13, 2014 at 9:57 PM Post #1,738 of 4,426
What I really meant was, if you're willing to put out that much for a device, then why not spend a little more for something that could possibly improve ones listening experience. Now Headfiers are telling me that customization of the Ref.1 would include only the sleeve. I guess that would mean just making a straight tube to go directly in the ear without the end piece, am I right?

It goes both ways though. The convenience of a universal is it can be shared with others and sold at a higher value vs a CIEM. Took a pretty big loss on my 8As which were not comparable to my 1Plus2 in sound quality... The SE5 was worth the risk though. But you always have to factor in fit issues and going back and forward to get that fixed.
Sep 13, 2014 at 11:15 PM Post #1,739 of 4,426
I thought I'd chime in regarding universal IEMs vs. custom IEMs and sleeving possibility of ref 1s:
As Warrior pointed out, I'm getting my ref 1s sleeved by westone.  It is NOT a reshell, but a custom sleeving that should give a similar effect as to a custom.  They'll be in sometime next week.  I'll try to get some impressions out asap, but I'm getting hitched pretty soon so that and the impending honeymoon might delay me a bit 

If I don't have the time to give detailed impressions for awhile, I'll at least give a quick thumbs up or thumbs down on whether its a failed experiment or is something worth trying 

So a quick update: after talking to Cody at Westone he said the better option would be the custom 56, so I went with that:
Lee's post was a really good depiction of both sides of the coin between universal or custom.  They both have there pros and cons and its entirely personal as to what's better.
The only thing I would also say is that to my ears there's a big difference between dynamic driver bass and balanced armature bass, and its something to consider when comparing to the noble k10s and tralucent ref 1s.  I haven't heard the k10s, but if I were on a fixed income, not looking to purchase multiple IEMs, and just looking for the best I would look for something that uses BA for highs/mids (for details) and DD for bass (for realism).
Sep 14, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #1,740 of 4,426
Thanks a lot for clarifying issues here. Just one thing though. I have no knowledge about the difference between BAs an DDs. I have chosen the K10 b/c of the great reviews I've read on Head-fi, esp. from Serroslim. I was very impressed with what I read from him. I guess I'm also somewhat impressed by the 10 drivers that cover the frequency spectrum and, admittedly, that is really influencing my decision, the more is better quandary. Also, the Part-Time Audiophile was also very very impressed.
I don't even know what kind of drivers are in the K10, whether they are balanced or dynamic. It doesn't end there. I am also impressed by the care taken in the artwork which somewhat dazzles me, like a deer caught in the headlight beams of an oncoming auto, admittedly.
Perhaps the Ref.1 satisfies the Balanced and Dynamic scheme for someone such as I, if that's what you mean, but I'm not too concerned about my limited income situation, I'm willing to save up for a few months.
So... Chris, you're saying, I might do better with the Ref.1? Could you please explain. I'm listening.

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