bose triport headphones and alternatives
Feb 14, 2006 at 3:16 PM Post #16 of 52

Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
Get the Bose Triports

Technical specifications can only take you so far
Go with what your ears enjoy

Huh, that's convenient... Bose doesn't seem to list any technical specifications for any of their products. But hey, aren't you the one who thinks the Bose Triports are nearly as good as... which AKG was that? Something... 1000?

Do a side by side comparison of Grado SR60s to Bose Triports.
Feb 14, 2006 at 4:08 PM Post #17 of 52

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Huh, that's convenient... Bose doesn't seem to list any technical specifications for any of their products. But hey, aren't you the one who thinks the Bose Triports are nearly as good as... which AKG was that? Something... 1000?

Do a side by side comparison of Grado SR60s to Bose Triports.

I haven't heard anything that comes close to K1000s in terms of enjoyment. That doesn't mean there arn't people in this world that have auditioned K1000s and Triports/QC2s and then went on to buy Triports/QC2s. No two pair of ears are exactly alike.

I've done side by side comparisons of SR60 to Triports and QC2. I prefer the Triports and QC2 to the Grados for most music. Grados make me feel trapped and give me a headache over extended listening.

The thread starter has tried the Bose. If he hasn't auditioned anything else I would suggest him to get the Triports since he has already stated that he thought they were amazing. If he had similar problems with Grado headphones as myself, he'd be kicking himself over buying Grados. So... my suggestion to the thread starter:
Try to audition as many 'phones as you can, and decide for yourself what sounds the best. It might be the Bose, it might not. No one can say for sure except for... *you*
If in the end, the only headphones you get to try are the Triports... get the Triports and don't worry about what other people say.

Anyways, I'll just quote what I said in the other thread.


Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
I think this Bose bashing is a little bit wee too much

They're not that bad, I know people who prefer the QC2 sound to DT 880s, A900 or HD650s.

I let a friend audition my K1000s against the QC2 just the other day, and while he said he prefered the K1000 sound... he felt the sound didn't justify the $ difference.

To quite a few people's ears(people who have heard what we consider good cans), they're the pinnacle of sound at $300.


Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
1. many people prefer the Bose sound
2. you have to stick IEMs in your ears, depending on a variety of factors(how much earwax you develop and wether you have liquid or solid earwax for example)
3. IEMs have microphonics, not the best thing to eat,run,do something with IEMs on.
4. IEMs create a soundstage inside your head, a lot of people can't stand it

As a proud owner of the UE-10 Pros, even I cannot claim they're superior to the Bose QC2. The two are different beasts and each have their strengths and faults. You'd think on head-fi people would be able to realize that since they quote this line whenever comparing other audio products

Bose QC2 and Triports are both great products IMHO
They do certain things very well, other things not so well
Same can be said about my K1000s and UE-10 Pros and the QC2 is 1/3 the price
For the record, I still prefer my K1000s though


Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
The Bose QC2 are not technically on par with UE-10 Pros or K1000 obviously...
but they have a sound coloration that is addictive(just ask your friends). Just like a person can prefer a Senn/Grado/AKG sound(even if the cans it's competing against is technically superior)

Some people prefer a $80 Grado can to $1000 AKG cans... they wouldn't(or shouldn't) call the AKG cans "trash", "no bang for buck", "worst headphones ever" or "no quality control, beat by $80 cans"

The facts is: I've let friends try UE-10s(abit not fair comparison since it wasn't custom molded to their ears), HD650s, DT880s, K1000s and so on
Pretty much a *very* good lineup of cans, respectable and very unique/strong in their own rights

If they tell me they prefer stock iPods or Bose QC2 to the phones I let them try after factoring in price/comfort/other factors... I can't say "Oh you're wrong, you secretly like these more" It shows even more when they go out and buy some triports 2 weeks later after hearing them. I will restate: the Bose sound is *very* addicting.

Here's typical feedback:
"UE-10s have 500% better bass, damn a lot of nice clear bass! But ****, you have to carry an amp or that whatchamacallit ohmadapter?"

"UE-10s sound crystal clear but boring on certain songs/genres. I wish it sounded more like bose with its clarity."

"UE-10s have **** isolation! I can hear my heart beat!"(due to microphonics)

"Disgusting sticking these things in your ears everyday, you'd have to clean your ears everyday to prevent a big chunk of earwax showing up on them! I would be mortified!"
Earwax buildup on UE-10 is a big problem for my white/black friends since their earwax is liquid(especially if they produce a lot). Less of a problem for my asian friends since their earwax is flaky/solid.

"UE-10s cost way too much! You're wasting your $!" Same could be said about the Bose, but if you're comparing the UE-10s directly to the Bose; this statement is acceptable.

"Damn I do like how your UE-10s look unique and no one else has anything similar to it. The black/white swirl is so unique! I've seen my favorite band use stuff like that when I saw them live"

"UE-10s have nice portability, damn if only I didn't hear every movement I made I could play sports with these on."

Feb 14, 2006 at 4:18 PM Post #18 of 52
Bose is a fad!! People wear them because they feel it makes a statement!!
If they were all alone in there homes with the other cans you mentioned, they would be crying out loud, trust me!!

Welcome to Head-Fi!! Where we discuss quality listening enjoyment, at any price point!
Feb 14, 2006 at 4:25 PM Post #19 of 52

Originally Posted by fguihen
i was in my local electronics store a few days ago and the bose triport headphones were availiable for demonstration. i gave them a go and thought they were amazing. and only €180! now this is more than i care to spend on headphones,but im still thinking of buying them, but im wondering if there are any better headphones, of similar style to the triport headphones ( ones that cover the whole ear and block out most noise) that might be as good a quality but a little cheaper

Unfortunately, €180 is equal to nearly $215 USD. The TriPorts are not worth even one-eighth of that price, IMHO: Not only is the sound quality especially poor for their very high price (in fact, it's way overpriced even at $150 MSRP in the US), but they're inexcusably flimsy (or put it this way, they're extremely fragile).
Feb 14, 2006 at 4:37 PM Post #20 of 52

Originally Posted by gsteinb88
I can attest to the fact that Bose used to make quality products. Mostly because the Bose family is a family friend, and i have met the son. However, nowadays they are terrible headphones, and i would imagine that their speakers are not up to par either.

Man, this month is full of revelations. You should tell the son to come browse here, not take the "Bose Sucks" comments too personally, and instead see this as a mandate to grab a controlling interest and management again from his family company and go make an awesome,fairly priced closed portable can that won't break when you sneeze at it.
Feb 14, 2006 at 4:46 PM Post #21 of 52

Originally Posted by PeeeMeS

The thread starter has tried the Bose. If he hasn't auditioned anything else I would suggest him to get the Triports since he has already stated that he thought they were amazing. If he had similar problems with Grado headphones as myself, he'd be kicking himself over buying Grados. So... my suggestion to the thread starter:
Try to audition as many 'phones as you can, and decide for yourself what sounds the best. It might be the Bose, it might not. No one can say for sure except for... *you*
If in the end, the only headphones you get to try are the Triports... get the Triports and don't worry about what other people say.

Anyways, I'll just quote what I said in the other thread.

You win the prize for the WORST advice ever given on Head-Fi. You just told the poster that if they've only tried the Triports, to just get Triports... but then you told them to "Try and audition as many cans as you can."

Don't get the Triports! You can get MUCH better headphones for that price! No complaint leveled at Grado manufacturing or quality can even SCRATCH the surface of the problems with Bose headphones.

And sound quality... I'm NOT getting into that again with you, PeeeMeS.

Original Poster... don't listen to this stuff. PeeeMeS is the ONLY poster on these boards that will tell you to buy Bose.
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:01 PM Post #22 of 52

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Original Poster... don't listen to this stuff. PeeeMeS is the ONLY poster on these boards that will tell you to buy Bose.

You've apparently never read the triports/bose appreciation thread. Bose rocks my socks turkeys.
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:02 PM Post #23 of 52
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:12 PM Post #25 of 52
Well, now, hang on.

Let's be fair. He has a point. Your own ears matter most.

There are people who like McDonald's hamburgers, and there are people who get sexual gratification from smearing feces on themselves. Surely, there are people who genuinely like the sound of a Bose Triport, no matter how badly it reproduces the music, and while we may be disgusted, can we really say they're wrong?
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:14 PM Post #26 of 52

Originally Posted by Purgatos
That's the best thread ever.

And I'm pretty sure this is the best quote on it:


Originally Posted by MD1032
The other day at Best Buy I struggled, but finally managed to pry one of my fellow BOSE-lovers off one of a pair of these amazing phones so I could try them after having waited in a line for an hour to sample but a small pill of this percription for eargasmic viagra.

As I bestowed the headphones upon my head the essense of the amazing build quality reached my nose and I breathed in the vapors of the beautiful class A+++ pleather and plastic materials. Either that or it was the cheap cologne of the guy behind me. But trust me, these headphones, having been hand-manufactured in the jungles of Brazil by third world country natives, are of simply unbelievable quality. I've heard unbelievable reports of failure rates as low as 87.3%.

But hey, the build quality is just the toxic polyurethane staining agent on top of this beautiful hand-carved wooden statue of acoustic madness! As the music flowed into my ears I felt myself trembling with musical stimulation and sweating uncontrollably. When I started bleeding internally, I was unfortunately forced to push the pause button and interrupt the beautiful melodies that had left my earsdrums smoking and bleeding. I left the hospital the next day with my mind set on owning a pair of these amazing incarnations of mystical forces beyond our ability to process, and a bill for $500.00

I may be banned from Best Buy for accidentally uttering profanities and thrashing about on the floor meanwhile injuring a couple innocent bystanders and the employee who pushed my thumb down on the pause button, but I shall never need to visit there again once I invest in a pair of these amazing headphones.

Feb 14, 2006 at 5:16 PM Post #27 of 52

Originally Posted by Xplo
Well, now, hang on.

Let's be fair. He has a point. Your own ears matter most.

There are people who like McDonald's hamburgers, and there are people who get sexual gratification from smearing feces on themselves. Surely, there are people who genuinely like the sound of a Bose Triport, no matter how badly it reproduces the music, and while we may be disgusted, can we really say they're wrong?

Well, hey. I can understand that, yes. I'm more offended at another poster saying "If you've only tried the Triports, and like them, get the Triports." That's just plain ignorant.

It's totally up to you if you want to spend $150 on a $30 headphone though.
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:16 PM Post #28 of 52

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
And I'm pretty sure this is the best quote on it:

"The other day at Best Buy I struggled, but finally managed to pry one of my fellow BOSE-lovers off one of a pair of these amazing phones so I could try them after having waited in a line for an hour to sample but a small pill of this percription for eargasmic viagra."

In fact, that whole post had me laughing so hard I had to struggle to stay in my chair.
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:17 PM Post #29 of 52

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Well, hey. I can understand that, yes. I'm more offended at another poster saying "If you've only tried the Triports, and like them, get the Triports." That's just plain ignorant.

Ignorance IS bliss...
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:18 PM Post #30 of 52

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Well, hey. I can understand that, yes. I'm more offended at another poster saying "If you've only tried the Triports, and like them, get the Triports." That's just plain ignorant.

It's totally up to you if you want to spend $150 on a $30 headphone though.

I agree with your logic, Mercutio. Now, if the Triports were only $30, then that would be fine. They're cheap anyway, what have you got to lose in trying? But for 180 euros...ouch, you had better do some more research.

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