Body modification fans: Opinions on tattoo placement?
Mar 5, 2007 at 12:06 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 59


Headphoneus Supremus: Untie!
Dec 4, 2002
For several years I've wanted to get something done, but was too chicken basically. Numerous custom designs made and then trashed, until out of the blue, my husband suggested both of us getting a little something-something for ourselves. He's the graphics guy so I handed over the design task to him, and we worked like we always do, where he does the designing and I suggest the stuff to make it better, or he takes my suggestion and finds something completely new. We settled on something nice, simple, and small, and it could totally be on your body permanently.

But as I was browsing some of the more popular tattoo studios around here, I stumbled upon The One. All that design work out the window, after years of searching, here it was. There's really nothing to not like about this tattoo. It's a tribal in only the most technical sense of the word. Really it's more classical greaco-roman. Very classy, and everything we wanted to say. It should always be a little of your inner self on the outside. It could even be considered to have a hidden medicine wheel.
The studio is booked until July, unless we get this done at the Helsinki Tattoo Convention in April, whichever comes first.

Now then, onto placement. For my husband, it's easy - his bicep. For me, obviously I've got it narrowed down, but I see it in two places, my inner forearm, and upper chest closer to the shoulder. It's circular, roughly between 3.5-4" in diameter. The picture is of the back of the neck, and no way am I wasting this on the back or back shoulder.

I should add that I have no qualms about people seeing it, but slight qualms of the extra pain that would be involved in an inner arm tattoo. I don't think it's a typical inner forearm piece, but that's where my husband imagines it.

I could go either inner forearm or upper chest right now, so if anyone has an opinion (other than not to get it, and other than to thread crap on body modication), fire away.


I realize it's cooler to have custom work, but if this is the one then this is the one. It's not about being cool.
Mar 5, 2007 at 12:24 PM Post #2 of 59
My wife has a small tattoo 0n the small of her back . she said it was very painful. but would do it ail over again. Go small first, but pick a design you can add to that way you don't have a huge tattoo you're stuck with.

Mar 5, 2007 at 12:49 PM Post #3 of 59
Well the one I'm getting is the one up above. It's the one. When you've been searching for years, you know when you find it. It's not big, but that's what it's going to be, no changing from that.

I only imagine it in two places, and one of those, inner forearm, is going to hurt more and isn't a stereotypical place for such a piece. I'm just looking for placement opinions really. I'm not following the trends of head-fi in something so serious, I'm just looking at all the points of view and the decision is ultimately mine.
Mar 5, 2007 at 1:57 PM Post #5 of 59
Hi Plainsong,

I would consider shrinking it to about 2", placing it on the wrist with a chain tattoo around the wrist so it will resemble a bracelet.

If that will loose too much detail, or you do not like that location, I would go along with your chest/shoulder idea.
Mar 5, 2007 at 2:16 PM Post #6 of 59
Do you want people to see it? If so, go for the forearm. Some would argue what's the point of a tattoo if no one can see it. For me, it's a much more personal thing. I have a tattoo on the back of my neck that gets noticed all the time, and on my upper arm that is hardly ever seen. I would place it wherever seems most natural to you.

As far as the pain, it's part of the process and makes the tattoo that much more special. My tattoos represent very important stages or ideas in my life, and going through the physical pain of receiving it is sort of a "confirmation" of that idea. It does hurt, but it's such a rush(for me) that you're getting something that will be on your body for the rest of your life. When you really want it on your body, the pain won't matter

I've read that getting work done at conventions isn't the best place for a number of reasons, including cleanliness. Especially for your first tattoo, I'd recommend going to a quieter place so you can really go through the experience yourself. Good luck!
Mar 5, 2007 at 2:42 PM Post #7 of 59
They look like plucked chickens?

In the old days drunken sailors, motorcycle gang members and strippers had tattoos. Now everyone and their mother has one. The one I think is funny is when they tattoo their name across the crack of their ass- I guess it’s there so the guy driving can remember their name.

Why not be unique and not get one?

Mar 5, 2007 at 2:44 PM Post #8 of 59
I don't think hygiene is going to be an issue with Bluedragon. Their reputation proceeds them, that and health regulations are so strict anyway, and that's always always something to watch out for no matter where you are. But otherwise, it's a similar reason for me. I'm a chicken when it comes to pain, but this is something I have to do.

As for the chain idea, yes, that's a nice idea, and it's one I already have for another design. I like this one as it is actually. It's kind of rare I know, but if something's good, it's good.

Do I want people to see it? The answer is, I don't care really. It's for me. If they see it, hey that's fine. I want to see it though, I'm selfish that way. I think with the less real estate on the arm, it will make the piece look bigger. On my chest I want it pretty high up, nearer to (but obviously not on) the collar bone. The reason being is that I don't want it getting mixed up in boobage.
It'll look awesome there, I have the copy from the studio, and with a summer shirt neckline, you'll see at least part of it.

As for pain, heh, yeah, it's the difference between hurts and hurts.

I realize body art is controversial for some, but I can't think why. It's such a personal choice that there's no point over stressing over what someone else does or doesn't do.
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:09 PM Post #9 of 59
My advice for body modifications is...think about it, then think about it some more. :/
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:13 PM Post #10 of 59

Originally Posted by GlorytheWiz825 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My advice for body modifications is...think about it, then think about it some more. :/

*sigh* - I ask people to come in with real ideas, and this is what I get, this and not to get it. Thanks, 'ppreciate it.

Can people not read? What part of "several years" is tough to understand? Want a round number? Ok, how about 10? I've known I wanted something before that, but I started this process 10 years ago. Is that not long enough for ya?

I guess people don't trust when you know and are aware of the choice you making. This isn't a competency hearing, it's an opinion on placement of a work I'm getting done. Not fact, not instruction, just opinion. Do you think I would make such a choice based on what head-fi tells me to do? Of course not! What's wrong chewing ideas with like-minded people though?
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:37 PM Post #12 of 59

Originally Posted by GlorytheWiz825 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My advice for body modifications is...think about it, then think about it some more. :/

What he said.

The bottom of the foot might be a good place. It would be useful for identifying you when lying down.
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:57 PM Post #13 of 59
A small, usually concealed tattoo is about as much as I typically still find beautiful on a lady - for example, a small animal (e.g. butterfly) on the buttock or a little flower on the shoulder... Anything more seems to disturb my sense of natural beauty, I guess.

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Mar 5, 2007 at 4:14 PM Post #14 of 59
as for placement i'd put it where everyone can see it. that way you have the option to cover it. if is it hidden your option to show it is diminished.

i'll keep my personal feelings about tattoos to myself.
Mar 5, 2007 at 4:17 PM Post #15 of 59

Originally Posted by geardoc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The bottom of the foot might be a good place. It would be useful for identifying you when lying down.


Even though I personally don't like any tattoo. I'd have to agree with Lini. If you want to get one, it's better to have something small and discrete. If you are doing for personal reasons/meaning, it really wouldn't matter if it was visible to anyone other than yourself and your husband, and even if you've thought a very long time about it, you may regret getting something so obvious as a tattoo on your forearm. Hard to know how you'll feel about it until the deed is done, and it's permanently on your arm.

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