Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant!
Sep 14, 2015 at 9:43 PM Post #1,459 of 2,575

Believe me, I'm a fan of DT150 too.
They say DT1770PRO is an upgrade of DT770, but IMO the sound signature is more like DT150.
Of course tighter, more punchy bass and lotta detail in treble will convince you it's a sure upgrade from DT150.

  DT150's cost/performance ratio is superb, and generally the price go up higher, the more you have difficulty to find difference.
and this is all very subjective things, so I can't warrant improvements.
But DT1770PRO's bass is seriously seductive. it's tighter, punchy, and adds music dignity and depth that you really can enjoy.
It's the point you never can get from DT150 whatever mod you put on it. so IMO it's worth 400 dollars difference.

  Mid are excellent with very natural, lively vocals.
and highs are bit forward than DT150's with different level of detail and clarity, but not as harsh as DT 770/990's and never spike my ears.
I can't find weakness of this headphones yet. very well tuned and enjoyable. almost all aspects of the sound is just right for me.

Sep 15, 2015 at 1:57 AM Post #1,461 of 2,575
hmm a dt150 with a faster , more punchier , tighter bass and more treble energy , details , is not a dt150 =)  you see what i mean ? ))
if i want a headphone with a faster dynamics , more weight / authority in lowend and even more levels of detail it would get me to the other headphones.
Dt150 is a lush sounding headphone with seductive mids.  You suppose to put dt150 on whenever you feel like lay back on your couch , put your feet up on the coffee table and grab 12 years old scotch , throwing your socks away gently on the lamp or something )))
Please stop comparing dt150 to other headphones , its one of a kind =)
Sep 15, 2015 at 3:42 AM Post #1,463 of 2,575
  hmm a dt150 with a faster , more punchier , tighter bass and more treble energy , details , is not a dt150 =)  you see what i mean ? ))
if i want a headphone with a faster dynamics , more weight / authority in lowend and even more levels of detail it would get me to the other headphones.
Dt150 is a lush sounding headphone with seductive mids.  You suppose to put dt150 on whenever you feel like lay back on your couch , put your feet up on the coffee table and grab 12 years old scotch , throwing your socks away gently on the lamp or something )))
Please stop comparing dt150 to other headphones , its one of a kind =)

It is a one of a kind headphone, one of my all time favorite headphones and my top recommendation under $300. I've found a replacement for it personally as I found something I found more lush and seductive but also more refined and smoother at the same time, it's a distinctly different sounding headphone than the DT 150 yet oddly similar at the same time.
Sep 15, 2015 at 4:51 AM Post #1,464 of 2,575
  hmm a dt150 with a faster , more punchier , tighter bass and more treble energy , details , is not a dt150 =)  you see what i mean ? ))

The DT 1770 is actually meant to be the successor of the DT 770. Another user found it to be like an upgrade over the DT 150, so I quoted his post here in case it may be helpful to any of you. Also IIRC, the above aspects of this new headphone, also from Beyerdynamic, seem to solve what many of you were complaining about with the DT 150.
Without mentioning names, there was a LOT of comparison of the DT 150 to other closed headphones in recent pages; I myself am still on a quest for the perfect closed-back headphone even after trying Fostex TH-900, Oppo PM-3, LCD-XC, etc. Would you still like me to compare these and the DT 1770 to the  DT 150 after I try them?
Sep 15, 2015 at 5:50 AM Post #1,465 of 2,575
just between us crazy seekers of perfection , there is no perfect headphone , there is part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 (and so on and on and on )  of perfection , trick is to figure out witch headphone is part 1 and witch headphone is part 2 and witch headphone is part 3 ... and so on , one headphone satisfied your needs in the morning , another at the middle of a day , another at the evening and the other at night , and you will fall a sleep with invisible smile on your face...
next day same thing all over again , maybe you choose different headphone for the morning than you did yesterday...and a different for an evening ... but its same thing , just catching a mood you into and grabbing right headphone for it.
A perfect headphone is a 4-6 pairs of headphones , its like a puzzle really ...main picture is made of several puzzles ...
Sometimes i am sitting with t5p on and wondering all of the sudden , do i want more bass impact , more authority in low end ??? than i look at shure se215 and think - theres lots of bass impact and authority in lowend , and all of the sudden , i don't demand that from t5p. i don't switch to shure se215 , just looking at them was enough to get a peace of mind ,  like " if i want i could have it" thought put mind in ease ...
I have at least 5 pairs of headphones laying infront of me all the time , and each time i put on a pair according to the mood i am into , it really feels like this is the best pair i own , than the mood switch and the next pair is getting ear time , and again ... it feels like a headphone i have on me is the best ever , its all about suiting the mood with right headphone when the mood comes.
for some people 1 pair is enough , for some 2-3 , for some 10 ? i don't say there is a right number , i say you need to find out what you want in the sound and compliment it with different headphones depending on the mood you into.  
And sure , go on and compare 150 to 1770 , i will read it :)
Sep 15, 2015 at 1:45 PM Post #1,466 of 2,575
No perfect headphone 

Sep 15, 2015 at 2:05 PM Post #1,467 of 2,575
  The DT 1770 is actually meant to be the successor of the DT 770. Another user found it to be like an upgrade over the DT 150, so I quoted his post here in case it may be helpful to any of you. Also IIRC, the above aspects of this new headphone, also from Beyerdynamic, seem to solve what many of you were complaining about with the DT 150.
Without mentioning names, there was a LOT of comparison of the DT 150 to other closed headphones in recent pages; I myself am still on a quest for the perfect closed-back headphone even after trying Fostex TH-900, Oppo PM-3, LCD-XC, etc. Would you still like me to compare these and the DT 1770 to the  DT 150 after I try them?

Yes, most definitely! 
Sep 16, 2015 at 2:42 AM Post #1,468 of 2,575
Sorry to go backwards in time here, but since most of us around here agree that either the DT150 is a very good headphone for the money period (but not better than more expensive rivals), or it is a very good headphone in absolute terms with potential to beat out more expensive rivals in many categories. 
So, with that said, I think I'm still on a quest for a perfect amp for these headphones. Weirdly, the main thing that changes for me is the speed, soundstage, and bass, with the highs somewhat varying from amp to amp--but the mids usually are about the same, even straight out of my laptop.
From worst to possibly best, I have found:
Headphone jack of laptop better than iphone. 'Nuff said. Neither are great.
Schiit Magni 1, not very good, as the bass gets a bit bloated and bleeds into the mids sometimes. Soundstage is constricted and highs are a bit harsh. Nearly black background, but some computer noise comes through with poor/middle-class sources. (Btw, this isn't a bad amp, it's just not a good amp for any Beyers that I've tried.) For some music it's still good, as for instance I was listening to Daft Punk and it sounded fairly club-like in some ways. The annoying little brother of amps. You respect it, but just not that much.
I more or less, like my Lehmann BCL on high gain +20Db, which makes the bass about as fast, punchy and tight as any set up I've found. The transient control and soundstage is very good, but the sub-bass and high-highs are rolled off. Black background. This gives a less fatiguing and smoother overall sound, but not quite as much slam or live-effect as with other set-ups. For chilling out or working with background music, it's very good. High class, but sort of in an executive lounge kind of way. Doesn't always fit my mood because I can tell with some music that the amp is keeping me away from the reality, kind of like an over-protective mother, you know probably has good intentions...
Onkyo vintage solid-state integrated amp from mid-1970s. Analogue hum in background noticeable immediately, not only in between songs, but also in very quiet passages of classical music. Tons of warmth, grit, and not exactly distortion, but a sort of over-drive kind of pushed sound. The bass is all there, from the lowest lows to the highest mid-bass, with really visceral punch and texture. The mids have a bit more meat. The soundstage is pretty wide actually, with most instruments hung out in space well. Only the highs can be fatiguing after a while, since they are not rolled off and have a hint of grain. Actually the most enjoyable amp for short-medium listening sessions, especially if I'm just listening to music. Very engaging. More like the cool-dude father who says, yeah sure kid, ride your bike over that hill....
If I could take the good aspects of the BCL (clarity, black background) and combine it with abysmal sub-bass and soaring extended highs and the meat of the Onkyo, I think I would have found a near perfect match for these headphones. The Cindy Crawford of amps?
While there is no such thing as a perfect headphone, there is such a thing as very, very good synergy within a certain set-up that makes you go, hmm. I'm willing to go balanced solid state, or try tubes, and ideally I would like something cheap, or at least value for money....
Sep 16, 2015 at 4:04 AM Post #1,469 of 2,575
dt150 sounds lovely  out of Hegel HD12. Analouge warm yet dynamic and detailed sound with no digital glare. low end hits you with authority and highs are silky smooth! 
Sep 16, 2015 at 4:26 AM Post #1,470 of 2,575
I've read good things about the HD12. I just got the 10th anniversary Dac-19 from audio-gd, which also is very analogue, but it's only a dac, with no headphone out. Do you know any of the specs on the headphone out of the HD12. I'm curious about it, and they sell it in my area.

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