Best Usability!
Aug 7, 2004 at 4:32 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


1000+ Head-Fier
Jan 2, 2004
I've put an iPod mini in my hands last week, and I wasn't so impressed by its interface. But then, people told me that the interface was smooth and quick to use after i learn it.

So, I guess the proper wording I should use to explain what i mean by "USABILITY", is the quickness and total control of use for playback, after you've learned how to master it. Usability also means that I wouldn't have to fumble with the palyer for 5 minutes just to get what i want to be done immediately. It also means it has to be stable and won't hang all the time, or have bad a interface that screws up my settings. All in all, I hate players that fuss around with my precious time to make me say f%^k whenever what I want to be done gets screwed with.

I guess we don't need tons of functions or EQs or FM or recording or stuff like that if they'll clog up the interface.

Is there ONE player that stands out of the crowd in terms of my usability? The Mini and the Fourth Gen are currently my prey. If the Mini's better, it'll be great coz I can get it used. Still the 20G Fourth Gen selling for $299 is a nice price for me (and I hope it could get even lower).
Aug 7, 2004 at 4:39 AM Post #2 of 15
well i set up my 3rd gen by album - but album really means "types of music groupings i like" which isn't always by pure genre. "covers" is a good example. then i set up the ipod to show the "album" option in the top menu screen - but not all the other types like genre, artist, etc. those are hidden so i have a quicker shot at the stuff i need. now i just have to minimally scroll to get to album then pick what i want - or when it's time to shut it off i just jump back to the first page, scroll down, hit sleep, and i'm done.
Aug 7, 2004 at 4:39 AM Post #3 of 15
the iPod is good for operation, once you get used to working the wheel, and learning where everything is located. Muchly the same with almost any other player, except you can't really use the iPod without looking at the screen (with exception to basic FF/RW/Pause functions).

You should try out some of Rio's players, and see how you like their interfaces. EQ and FM won't clog up anything.

Creative has an interface a little similar to that of iPod, though I didn't really like it that much. Their Zen series has a better layout, but the buttons are still iffy.
Aug 7, 2004 at 4:48 AM Post #4 of 15
I kind of prefer using buttons rather than the click wheel. That's why I'm thinking of getting a used 3 Gen. But then the 4 Gen has *supposingly* better SQ and better battery life.


Jahn, that simplicity in operation IS tempting. I've used the 3G before and it was bliss. But the spectres of short battery life, HDD/ Battery failures and slow read times still haunt me.

So can anyone do a comparison on the usability between the 3g, 4g and mini (such as whether the click wheel would prove to be better for use when learnt well)? Doesn't matter if you post a link to another thread.
Aug 7, 2004 at 5:00 AM Post #5 of 15
The clickwheel is much nicer, imho. First of all, you get some tactile feedback out of it, so you can feel that you are pressing something, which is good when its in your pocket. Also, all the buttons are right on the wheel, so you can easily use it with one hand.
Aug 7, 2004 at 5:11 AM Post #6 of 15
i'd be happy to do a mini comparo next week, my friend got his 4g 40gig yesterday. one thing i've already noted tho is that the click wheel requires full access to the whole wheel. since i have my 3G in a portable bag, taking it only half out while walking is great - i just scroll using the top of the wheel and all of the buttons are on the top too - i never have to do a 360 spin.
Aug 7, 2004 at 5:19 AM Post #7 of 15

i never have to do a 360 spin

Ah, this pretty explains why I found the click wheel a bit hard to use. Does the 360 spin mean I can't get where I want by a click of a button, rather I'd have to "wheel" to access every function, or is the wheel only required for scrolling?
Aug 7, 2004 at 6:46 AM Post #8 of 15
jason, didn't you use my mini?

the 360 spinning is only for scrolling

let's say you scrolled to an album, and if you want to forward to another song, all ya got to do is push the fast forward button on the wheel(you can do that in your pocket)

i really don't get how you don't like it, it's the best i've used

i will seriously make you cry if you buy the 3g ipods
Aug 7, 2004 at 11:43 AM Post #10 of 15
Maybe I need to try your click wheel more....
Aug 7, 2004 at 11:51 AM Post #11 of 15
It wasn't that I didn't like it, but just that I found it not such a great interface as I have been picturing. I'm hoping that the 4G's are really the best interface DAPs, if not I'd have to look again. I'm almost certain on buying an iPod now.
Aug 7, 2004 at 1:58 PM Post #12 of 15
well the mini and the 4g are pretty much the same, i really don't see a way that ipod and improve it, unless you can communicate commands to the ipod by voice

btw, are you still interested in the 650s? i just took mine to the sennheiser distributor, they gave me a new one.

and now i'm thinking of getting the e5s, so if you are still interested(even though you said they weren't up to par) let me know, i can sell these to you for a price lower than the price i bought it for

btw, what do you think of the e5s jason? i'm still deciding whether to keep the 650s or go with the e5s, now that i think about it, earphones might be better for me(since i'm going to college)

any input is appreciated
Aug 7, 2004 at 2:30 PM Post #13 of 15
I'm looking to get the new 4th Gen coz it has larger capacity, unless a cheap Mini offer comes back again. (do you want to sell your Mini?)

OK, let's get a bit off topic now:

Maybe you should listen to someone's e5 first (ahem did you miss them on the last meet?
) . Some people still prefer the Ety's, so I suppose the e5's are more of a sidegrade than an upgrade to your 4S's. But from what I've heard from you, since you find the Ety's to lack bass, the e5's may be better for you.

As for the HD650's, the reason I don't want them that bad is more or less from the same perspective as yours. I'm getting into a dorm with 3 roommates, so I supppose the chance I'd be able to fully enjoy the HD650's is bleak. Still, the HD650's are great value as they improve tremendeously with better source and amps, and can be eargasm inducing with uber top model synergy. I don't believe the CD3000's or RS-1's could beat the HD650 much in terms of "improving with source +amp + synergy", given their higher price.

Anyways, could I have a listen to the new HD650 sometime?
Aug 7, 2004 at 2:54 PM Post #14 of 15
you can come up anytime, enjoy the view of victoria harbor while listening to a pair of awesome headphones
Aug 7, 2004 at 5:30 PM Post #15 of 15
you need to delete some pms jason, you're full

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