Best IEM for me in the $700 to $1400 range?
Nov 22, 2020 at 11:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


500+ Head-Fier
Aug 13, 2015

I normally take a long time (weeks to months) to weigh my options with an audio purchase. In this case, I went ahead and ordered the UM MEST due to the recent sale.

I have, however, looked hard at that IEM ever since it came out and almost ordered it over the CFA Solaris 2020 back in early Summer, so it's not like I wasn't familiar with it.

I will update the thread with a post comparing the Solaris with the MEST after some time spent with it. The hope is that I will like one significantly over the other so I can choose it and sell the other...but we all know how this can go!

Short Version:

Out of this list, which IEM should l get if l'm looking for a slightly warm neutral signature with good subbass and overall resolution, somewhat forward vocals (and no recessed mids!), sparkley and extended highs (rarely do highs fatigue me), with some energy, fun, engagement:

Empire Ears Hero

Unique Melody MEST

Kinera Nanna

Thieaudio Monarch

Also, I have no way to demo any IEMs.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Long Version:

I realize this is a fairly wide price range, but IEMs like the Thieaudio Monarch may be redefining the SQ one can attain for less money.

I have the CFA Solaris 2020 and very much enjoy it, and it does many things very well (vocals are just about where I like them in the mix: forward but not overbearing, for instance) but lately some of its characteristics have become more bothersome, such as, briefly:

Somewhat overly aggressive/bold presentation without enough nuance (more focus on the forest than the trees)
Lower mids too thick/warm/overly emphasized
Lack of overall clarity/micro detail
Treble can be somewhat mettalicy without enough sparkle
Instrument separation/space isn't the best (some congestion due to the over empathized lower mids)
Darkish tone with subdued (more in the background) highs

Now, I'm still looking for a neutral warm/fun/engaging signature-I'm not looking for a reference/cold/analytical monitor-just one that isn't as warm/thick/dark as the Solaris 2020 with more accuracy, detail, refinement, etc. Basically a slightly warm neutral presentation with good subbass, overall energy and resolution, and the upper bass/lower mids more in line with the mix.

(I realize I could switch around in the CFA lineup to find a IEM more akin to this tuning, but my experience in the audio world is that it's best to try completely different makers, because the different overall "house sound" of various gear producers may appeal to one more than another, so I want to try something totally new-to-me.)

So far I'm looking very closely at the Hero and MEST (practically ready to just buy the Hero while it's on sale), but I'm open to suggestions.

Here is the list of IEMs I've been considering:

Empire Ears Hero

Unique Melody MEST

Kinera Nanna

Thieaudio Monarch

This is far from an exhaustive list of all the IEMs I've considered, so chances are any suggestions made I will have already looked at...but that doesn't mean I won't reconsider them!

Also, I have no way to demo any IEMs.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
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Nov 23, 2020 at 10:52 AM Post #2 of 5
I know you didn’t mention it, and it may initially seem like a ridiculous recommendation, but for your sake, research it some. The LZ A7. It is a technical beast, in some ways better than the MEST, and it has 10 possible tuning combinations are really make a big difference. I sort of went into the purchase due to FOMO, and it was eye-opening. Right now, with Black Friday sales, you can get it for under $300.

I wouldn’t recommend the Monarch if you like any sort of warm tuning. It has a wonderful sub bass focus, to keep the midrange pristine, but it has even slightly recessed mid bass and lower mids, which could make it a bit cold and sterile sounding. Disclaimer: I have not personally heard it, but have researched it extensively. The Clairvoyance would probably suit you better, though it also is not warm sounding, but is more full sounding.

The UM MEST is also a full sounding IEM IMO, and not really warm. It has a nice neutral signature, with a sub bass bias, though not a lot of bass quantity. The bass quality, however, is superb, with very fast speed, and excellent transients, but still a nice DD bass sound, with good rumble when called for. Bass and treble detail is exceptional, and midrange detail is excellent, but the LZ A7 has a bit more midrange detail, particularly in the lower midrange frequencies. Vocals are not recessed with the MEST, but are also not very forward. This does help with imaging though, which is one of it’s strongest assets. The imaging is holographic, instrument placement is very precise, and instrument separation is excellent. Timbral accuracy as a whole, however, goes to the LZ A7. The treble is extremely well extended on the MEST, but it does have some splashiness. Both the MEST and LZ A7 are very fun and engaging to listen to. The LZ A7 is a lot of fun to tinker with.
Nov 23, 2020 at 10:56 AM Post #3 of 5
Nov 23, 2020 at 9:55 PM Post #4 of 5
Thank you so much for the very informative and helpful replies IEMusic! Really appreciate it. Your MEST impressions are particularly helpful, and I will definitely check out the LZ A7.

BTW, l've seen many of your posts around the forums and I've already learned a lot from you, so thanks again!

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