Best Defense Against Jetlag?
Aug 13, 2006 at 1:05 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 19, 2003
I arrived in Taiwan a few days ago on a business trip and I'm still getting my butt kicked by jetlag. Mornings aren't too bad but once afternoon rolls around, I start to get tired at which time I grab a cup of coffee. This lasts me long enough for dinner and after that I get tired enough to want to pass out at the dinner table. In the past I'd get over jetlag after about 3 days but this time around it's going away more slowly. So what do you jetsetting head-fiers do to get over jetlag?

I've heard that getting sunlight helps to adjust your internal clock faster but it's kinda hard when you're stuck in meetings all day long. I've not tried melatonin either but I've heard that it helps. Maybe not staying out until 3AM every night this weekend might help too. Curse those so called friends of mine.
Aug 13, 2006 at 1:41 AM Post #2 of 9
I read somewhere that it takes 1 day to adjust for 1 hour of time zone difference. I never believed it was that extreme, but have been hit by jet lag myself. The long Pacific Ocean flights can be a killer, I've been on a few.

You need to look ahead before your flight and see what time you will arive at your destination. If it's mid-day or earlier, then you need to sleep as much as possible on the flight. If you are landing later in the day, then you don't want to sleep much on the plane. I don't sleep well on planes, so I try to plan my flights so that they land at night.

Returning to the US will screw up you internal clock also. Sometimes it's better to stay up the night before and sleep through the flight if you can. It's a good technique if the flight lands in the morning.

Since you are already there, the damage is done. Staying out so late isn't helping any, but you know that. Have you tried swimming after dinner? Seems like that would help wake you up again. Don't go to bed at 7:00 PM, you will never get over it that way.
Aug 13, 2006 at 4:59 AM Post #3 of 9
This is pretty easy for me, something I learned two trips ago to Asia. The day I arrive, I stay up as late as possible (like around 11PM) and take an Ambien CR or Rozerem. I close all blindsin the room and put the Do Not Disturb on. This effectively puts me to sleep and keeps me sleeping through at least 6AM. If I did not take this, I would wake up at 4AM and be nodding off at 5PM, when our meetings usually continue.

Now if they could only do something about the 85 degree "air conditioned" rooms in Japan
Aug 14, 2006 at 3:15 AM Post #4 of 9
great idea guys! i tried not sleeping on the plane on the way here to taiwan and needless to say, i was dead tired by the time i got to the hotel. it was still hard trying to fall asleep though. in the mornings when i can't sleep anymore, i'll go out and do a short run, which wakes me up but not sure if it does anything for the jetlag. just feels good to get the blood flowing.

btw, the heat here in taiwan and i suspect in korea and japan is killing me. i'm not a warm weather person...
Aug 14, 2006 at 2:48 PM Post #6 of 9
I would suggest making sure you say hydrated. Water helps most ailments including jetlag. Inaddition with the flight with the sick people, different enviroment at you destination, and lack of sleep all equal getting sick your self.
Aug 14, 2006 at 3:43 PM Post #7 of 9
I travel international very frequently and what works for me is sleeping on the plane. As long as you sleep on the plane, you'll feel better when you arrive. Try to adjust to the new time in gradual increments. Use drowsy flu pills to help you. I tend not to use medicine specially designed to make you sleep.
Aug 14, 2006 at 3:57 PM Post #8 of 9
I read somewhere that wearing sunglasses on the plane helps decrease the effects of jetlag.

Seriously, google it... I'm HONESTLY not trying to make you look like a dork wearing sunglasses on an airplane.
Aug 14, 2006 at 8:14 PM Post #9 of 9
Last time I flew in to Nakatomi plaza I found taking off my shoes and making fisticuffs with my toes in the carpet did the trick...

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