Best Boyfriend/Girlfriend Movies ?
Jun 25, 2003 at 8:14 PM Post #16 of 29
as the resident gay head-fier luckily i love all those chick flicks my girlfriend wants to see. so no biggie on my part.

i'll second the princess bride as good chick bait. that, amelie and casablanca pretty much top that category for my collection. (even though i do own hella chick flicks those are the standards you know?)
Jun 25, 2003 at 8:29 PM Post #17 of 29
Kieslowski's Red or Blue (I haven't seen White yet) would work well with a smart GF. Das Boot didn't work too well when I watched it with my last girlfriend. Hm... Office Space always works well.

Generally, though, I would say that a good drama where you have to think is a good compromise. The stereotype that seems to hold most true for the thoughtless film entertainment girls enjoy is romantic comedy, but I can't stand any of them. Guys like action movies when they don't want to think and just enjoy watching a movie, but I've only had one girlfriend that really liked movies like that also (same one that I watched Red and Blue with). Hm, maybe I should find her and call her up.
Jun 25, 2003 at 9:40 PM Post #19 of 29

Originally posted by blessingx
Can never find a girl that understands that visitation scene.

never mind looking for my post. it was too offensive and i guess a lot of people complained, so zanth deleted it. later.
Jun 25, 2003 at 9:42 PM Post #20 of 29

Originally posted by DanG
Kieslowski's Red or Blue (I haven't seen White yet) would work well with a smart GF. [...]

In many ways, White is the most accessible of the three. So if you have a slightly less smart GF that is the one for you. However, I felt it lacked the emotional intensity/beauty of Red or Blue. But when you see them all in one sitting (as I did in a London cinema in 1998) it is a welcome breather.

Also: I strongly second "Say Anything" as a movie that should appeal to both males and females.
Jun 25, 2003 at 9:44 PM Post #21 of 29
The winner has to be Jerry Maguire. Imagine mixing comedy, sports, and a chick flick all in one!!
Jun 26, 2003 at 7:43 AM Post #24 of 29

Originally posted by jms007bnd007
I think "Pretty Woman" is a classic

Not sure about that one... Doesn't that say "I've always wanted to fall in love with a prositute! So how you doin'?"


Maybe its just me.

Back when i was single I used the princess bride several times... very effective.
Jun 26, 2003 at 8:32 PM Post #25 of 29

what GF doesn't want to believe that it was "Fate" that bought you two together? The music was good and Selma isn't hard on the eyes (unlike "The Wild, Wild West").

While I love the Princess Bride, I have never liked the giant rat scene. Perhaps it was included to make the woman clutch the guy?

For an old Black & White film, I love "It Started With Eve" with Deanna Durbin.

Now, what was the name of that Ricki Lake movie... ?

A good love story should have the 'love triumphant over adversity' theme. As a realist, it pulls me out of the movie when the girl leaves only to come back later. I do not think that really happens in real life. Did someone mention Dustin Hoffman's movie, the Graduate?

For a darker love story, I liked "What Dreams May Come". Just about everybody hated it. It only grossed $55MM. But I think that it will age well. What movies haven't aged well?
Jun 26, 2003 at 10:15 PM Post #26 of 29
Billy Elliott is a good one.
My Dog that one made me cry

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