bass mod on my A-Jays 2 (old batch)
Jun 28, 2012 at 12:16 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


Oct 7, 2010
I couldn't find any info about this mod being posted anywhere so I assume nobody has done it?

pretty good feel to be first though but it's something I wanna share (i still wish to see more mods related to the a-jays series though)

the a-Jays 3 boasts their dual BASSPORTS for their earphones

though it looks amazing and wonderful, nobody even notices the bass ports available in the other a-jays series

My a-Jays 2(old batch) however had the front bass port but without the back bass port (because it's a-Jays 2)

And I've been complaining to myself and Jaben crew alot on why my ajays2 sounded so dry in bass. We both are unable to understand why it happens so I just rest my case and live with it myself.

after messing with foam tips like the foam tips and also hybrids, I did many research and couldn't figure out why the bass improved vastly

so just recently I pull out the eartips to do my weekly cleaning/maintenance for my a-Jays and I found the tiny little bass ports on front LOL

If you look closely there's a hole in front that nobody really bother/notice it. (somewhat similar to aJays 3 diagram showed on top)
I suspect this hole is the very main cause of bass leak. It ain't a subwoofer so bass ports isn't really that effective.
You want bass ports you shoot them into your ears, not outside your ears


Conclusion...... this bass port is really the cause of ALL bass loss that I have in my unit.
Bass ports? You sure about it bro?

I know most a-Jays 2 had bass just right but mine is the faulty one. Mine is the one with super dry bass.
but with this cheapo mod, it brings back the bass that you need!

It didn't mud up the mids and highs. It didn't reduce any so called soundstage. It didn't reduce any airiness. It didn't mess up anything.

all it did was just volume up the bass and provide warmth to the midrange. Without these mod... it would just sound like cheap crap phone speakers haha

I can't be sure if the new batch are able to do this mod or not but I'm sure the a-Jays 3 and 4 users can give it a try
Hope this helps you guys who crave for lost bass or just want more bass :p (who needs beats tour when this bumps harder and clearer than them XD)

Now I'm just deciding whether I should put a dab of glue to permanently seal the hole or use blutack and worry about it melting into the earphones lol

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