AVOID the Apple store like the plague!!
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:30 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 78


Founder of the Head-Fi Pay-to-Post Program.
Sep 1, 2002
Last night I went to the local Apple store to buy a new iPod video, 60gb version. Today I stopped by CompUSA to see if they had any, and sure enough, they did. As an employee I got a new one for $352, the Belkin retractable USB cable for $7, (2) year Apple Care for $41, and the AC adapter for $21. I then came home, took the sealed headphone/dock/USB cable pack out of the new iPod, and put it into the old one so they would get a brand new set. I proceeded to the local Apple store, where I'm given a refund...minus $39.90 "restocking fee" they neglected to mention when I bought the unit. I was LIVID! I asked him why the salespeople didn't happen to mention this to their customers when they purchase a product there, and the manager's reply was to show me where it said on the receipt that there was a restocking fee for an open box. The receipt that the salesperson tossed into the box when I bought it, and neglected to mention to me.

Moral of the story: I will NEVER again buy anything from an Apple Store, and will tell everyone I know, and everyone else possible on the internet, to buy their iPods and accessories from a reputable company like CompUSA who doesn't rip their customer's off for a bogus 10% restocking fee on an item barely 12 hours out the door. I guess Apple likes to penalize their customers who buy from them instead of someone like CompUSA.
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:33 PM Post #2 of 78
I dont get what you were trying to do - you were trying to buy an ipod, get the new accessories, and return the ipod with old accessories in there? I'm confused!

BTW I'd totally an ipod from best buy instead of the apple store now - they will give a swap on the spot instead of having to genius bar and ship it out.
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:37 PM Post #3 of 78
Sorry. I bought the iPod and a Universal Dock from the Apple Store, and only returned the iPod. I bought the new accessories and Apple Care from CompUSA since I needed them and could get a nice discount.

The only accessory swap I made was the two whie plastic bags that contain the iPod ear buds, USB cable, and dock insert. Since I had opened the one that came with the iPod last night, I simply took the unopened ones from the iPod I bought today and returned them since they were unused. I was being nice, and didn't need to do that, I just wanted to return the stuff new to avoid any hassle. Needless to say, I got hassled anyway.
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:40 PM Post #5 of 78

Originally Posted by discord
Apple care at $41? Do I have to buy a new ipod to get it at that price?

No, you just have to work there, like I do. Employess get a small discount on some items, and large discounts on some. The Apple Care is one of those that gets about 33% off. The iPod was only about 12%.
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:42 PM Post #6 of 78
I agree with JAHN totally. After a month and a half my 4G ipod color just didn't turn on anymore, and the lady at the best buy customer service counter swapped it for a 5G 30GB Video iPod. a little sweet talking and a dinner promise later i had myself a new (free) warranty.

*puts beer up* cheers to best buy
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:49 PM Post #7 of 78

Originally Posted by armaniwearr
I agree with JAHN totally. After a month and a half my 4G ipod color just didn't turn on anymore, and the lady at the best buy customer service counter swapped it for a 5G 30GB Video iPod. a little sweet talking and a dinner promise later i had myself a new (free) warranty.

*puts beer up* cheers to best buy

Nov 7, 2005 at 10:51 PM Post #8 of 78

Originally Posted by ServinginEcuador
Last night I went to the local Apple store to buy a new iPod video, 60gb version. Today I stopped by CompUSA to see if they had any, and sure enough, they did. As an employee I got a new one for $352, the Belkin retractable USB cable for $7, (2) year Apple Care for $41, and the AC adapter for $21. I then came home, took the sealed headphone/dock/USB cable pack out of the new iPod, and put it into the old one so they would get a brand new set. I proceeded to the local Apple store, where I'm given a refund...minus $39.90 "restocking fee" they neglected to mention when I bought the unit. I was LIVID! I asked him why the salespeople didn't happen to mention this to their customers when they purchase a product there, and the manager's reply was to show me where it said on the receipt that there was a restocking fee for an open box. The receipt that the salesperson tossed into the box when I bought it, and neglected to mention to me.

Why is this unsual? Comp USA, Circuit City, and Best Buy will charge a restocking fee on open items and flat out do not accept returns on open software even if you walked out the door, opened it, then came right back in. Why should Apple be any different?

Nov 7, 2005 at 10:51 PM Post #9 of 78
I understand how you feel...but restocking fees are pretty common. They charge them at BB too. As far as reading the receipt goes...I work at a pet store, specifically with fish. I've had customers scream and yell at me when they don't bring in a water sample to accompany a dead fish. I don't mention it to every customer I sell a fish to, because its very clearly stated on the reciept. I ALWAYS read the reciept. And for the life of me I cannot figure out why you would buy it anywhere else if you knew you got a discount at your workplace.

I understand that you are frustrated, and I would be too, but is it really fair to blame the apple store because you didnt read your reciept?
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:56 PM Post #10 of 78
where i live you can return anything (other than games, music, appliances) at futureshop and best buy within 30 days for free. At least where I live most stores have these policies.
Nov 7, 2005 at 10:59 PM Post #11 of 78

Originally Posted by MintGreenGoblin
I understand that you are frustrated, and I would be too, but is it really fair to blame the apple store because you didnt read your reciept?

I can relate to his frustration, you get the receipt after you've bought that item. It would be fair to tell the customer prior to their purchase of any fees in case of returning an item. On the other hand I'm not so sure about the situation over here in Germany - never tried to return an opened item, probably they won't even accept it, except if you bought something online (due to local laws you are allowed to return the item within 14 days with no additional costs).


a little sweet talking and a dinner promise later i had myself a new (free) warranty.

LOL you were the one with the E2c in the library who got that good looking girl! Damn it, I'm pretty sure now that it wasn't due to the Shures after all....

Nov 7, 2005 at 11:00 PM Post #12 of 78
I usually buy everything from Fry's as you can pretty much return everything there without a restocking fee, even if you don't have a reciept (in which case you get store credit instead of money back). Restocking fee for no/severely damaged packaging isn't too bad either, at 10%.
Nov 7, 2005 at 11:04 PM Post #13 of 78

Originally Posted by MarcusH
I can relate to his frustration, you get the receipt after you've bought that item. It would be fair to tell the customer prior to their purchase of any fees in case of returning an item. On the other hand I'm not so sure about the situation over here in Germany - never tried to return an opened item, probably they won't even accept it, except if you bought something online (due to local laws you are allowed to return the item within 14 days with no additional costs).

He had the reciept though, he was the one who decided to open the item, and then go purchase it somewhere else the next day. If he had read it, he would have known to leave the box closed. I really dont think the apple store policy is the one to blame here, like another poster said, restocking fees are common.
Nov 7, 2005 at 11:07 PM Post #14 of 78

Originally Posted by ServinginEcuador
I guess Apple likes to penalize their customers who buy from them instead of someone like CompUSA.

I'd be pissed if I bought a "new" unit from Apple and found out it had been opened, swapped, and resealed. Your returned item should go straight to the "refurbished" or "returns" bin.

Best regards,

Nov 7, 2005 at 11:15 PM Post #15 of 78

Originally Posted by MintGreenGoblin
He had the reciept though, he was the one who decided to open the item, and then go purchase it somewhere else the next day. If he had read it, he would have known to leave the box closed. I really dont think the apple store policy is the one to blame here, like another poster said, restocking fees are common.

I have to admit that I don't read every single letter on my receipt once I bought an item - I usually just keep it in a safe place in case of any waranty issues. No matter how common these fees are, it's just not fair in any case - that's all I wanted to express. It wouldn't have hurt them to utter a few words with regard to those fees before he bought that item. I'd rather think they didn't say anything because it's not quite supporting their sales.
I agree though - technically nothing is wrong with their policy, it's just not fair with regard to their customers.


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