Avantone : Pro Planar
Nov 24, 2020 at 11:20 AM Post #391 of 1,549
It appears to follow the Harmon Curve very well. However, that curve is a preference curve, not necessarily what everyone perceives as neutral.
Actually this is somewhat of a misnomer. The Harman target is only a preference curve from 100 Hz and below.
Nov 24, 2020 at 11:27 AM Post #392 of 1,549
I gave it a go and I feel it sounds great. Very very great, no bloat, very clean yet a bit more fuller and roll off seems to be fixed. With the high shelf at 7000hz, I dropped it from 7.5db to 5.5db as I felt the peaks were a bit too bright. 5.5 feels right but I also added another high shelf at 14000hz of 3db. Here is a picture of the settings. Let me know what you think.
I'm seriously liking how its sounding. I also listened to more music and I agree, at 1350hz some songs had this slight strange forwardness, with some songs it sounded ok, no problems. But on others it sounded to forward. Dropping it helps make things sound more natural :).

Screenshot_20201125-014155_USB Audio Player PRO.jpg
I’m glad it sounds good to you! I think that 1350 is very important to have if you don’t compensate for the dip at 4k and the treble roll off. So to me in many ways it’s not a flaw.

I actually like listening to the Planar stock just as much as I do with EQ.

I can’t wait for the official Oratory measurements to come out because then I’m gonna use AutoEQ to do the bulk work!
Nov 24, 2020 at 3:11 PM Post #393 of 1,549
Today the spring in my headphones broke too. it happened suddenly when I just took my headphones in my hands.
I started to look closely and found that on the other side this band were also bad. This seems to be a constructive miscalculation by engineers who have not calculated the bending load for such a material. My Planar have serial number 40 and I'm sure that the whole first batch suffers from such a problem, unfortunately. Be careful when handling the Planars.
I will have to fix it myself, because at the moment I'm in Ukraine and shipping to/from the US will take a long time, especially since I'm not sure that a new copy will not be affected by the same problem.


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Nov 24, 2020 at 3:40 PM Post #394 of 1,549
I will have to fix it myself, because at the moment I'm in Ukraine and shipping to/from the US will take a long time, especially since I'm not sure that a new copy will not be affected by the same problem.
How are you going to fix this? Damn, I hope this doesn't happen with my pair. I am all thumbs with little patience when it comes to fixing things...
Nov 24, 2020 at 4:01 PM Post #396 of 1,549
I found my serial number under the left pad.

So.... two plastic strips one of which has already burst (will be replaced with metal ones), the black elastic will be shifted to the side and the protruding part near the seam will be cut (this is the very place on top that forms a bump and presses), then everything is placed back in and sewn.

Basically, nothing complicated...
But these savings on small things cause so many problems. I think that Avantone will end up spending more than it has saved. Alas.

I really like Planars, they are really neutral and suitable for my studio tasks.
I compared them to my Verum One and Planar with confidence wins in everything but the soundstage, which is not critical to me.


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Nov 24, 2020 at 5:01 PM Post #397 of 1,549
I found my serial number under the left pad.

So.... two plastic strips one of which has already burst (will be replaced with metal ones), the black elastic will be shifted to the side and the protruding part near the seam will be cut (this is the very place on top that forms a bump and presses), then everything is placed back in and sewn.

Basically, nothing complicated...
But these savings on small things cause so many problems. I think that Avantone will end up spending more than it has saved. Alas.

I really like Planars, they are really neutral and suitable for my studio tasks.
I compared them to my Verum One and Planar with confidence wins in everything but the soundstage, which is not critical to me.


I'm sorry and thanks for sharing. If I remember correctly, earlier in the thread another user's planar had the exact same broken part. Looks like an inherent design flaw/poor choice of materiel use. It's a shame. Mine is SN:332, and yeah these aren't definitely for pro use with that kind of build quality. So far, I only had to deal with the loose screws, but I've seen better DIY builds than this.
Nov 24, 2020 at 6:24 PM Post #398 of 1,549
Well, it really sucks that the build quality is so lousy on these.I don't have any issue on mine (#17), but I'll keep watching them. Luckily, I got them from a local dealer, so I can get a reimbursement or a replacement pair easily enough if something happens... I hope.

Well then, let's continue.

Avantone Planar vs Hifiman Sundara (with Dekoni Hybrid Pads)

- ATTACK : The Sundara sounds livelier than the Planr, with stronger drum and cymbals attack.
- AIR: The Sundara also has an airier presentation, while the Planar is warmer.
- BUILD QUALITY: While the Sundara is not the best built headphone (changing the adjustment scratches the metal, no swivel), I have more confidence in its durability (less potential breaking points). That said, dead drivers are a possibility (like my old HE-5LE).

+ BASS: The Planar has a better bass presence and extension. It sounds warmer than the Sundara, especially on songs that are supposed to be bassier and wamer (REVEREND BIZARRE - They Used Dark Forces). The Planar also sounds more emotional on songs that are supposed to be (PORCUPINE TREE - Trains).
+ TREBLE: The Sundara has more treble, but more isn't always better. Cymbals are always up front and clear with the Sundara, which I find distracting when they are mostly about keeping tempo (especially on RUSH - Tom Sawyer). The Sundara is a bright-sounding headphone in my opinion.I think it also affects vocals a bit, making them sound a bit metallic.
+ SOUNDSTAGE and IMAGING: The Planar definitely is better here. At 2:30 on RUSH - Tom Sawyer, there is a drum roll moving right to left; I can follow if easily with the Planar (moving continuously), while it jumps from from position to position with the Sundara (right for 2-3 beats, then front right for 2-3 beats, then front-ish, then left). It's hard to describe.
+ DETAIL RETRIEVAL: I can hear the details in the background with the Planar better than with the Sundara, but it's closer than against the S4X.
+ COMFORT: The Sundara are lighter, and the pads are big enough, but the clamping force on these gets tiring very fast. I can wear the Planar longer.

CONCLUSION: For me, based on my subjective impressions, I would qualify the Sundara as a bright, sometimes aggressive headphone... and it just doesn't do it for me. I already listen to aggressive (Metal) music, and it lacks warmth when I listen to music that should be personal and emotional (Prog Rock). The Planar sounds to me as a more neutral headphone, playing music closer to where I would have mixed it (more bass, and toning down the cymbals). Also, I find them more comfortable, clamping less than the Sundara.
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Nov 24, 2020 at 6:49 PM Post #399 of 1,549
I don’t know what it is about me but I love when headphones have flaws. I feel that it gives me the opportunity to improve upon them and make them my own. I’m weird like that I guess. Anyways, I’m so sorry for all of you guys who’s Planars have broken. I’m sure it’ll work out for you in the end though.

Great comparison btw @WyldRage
Nov 24, 2020 at 8:49 PM Post #400 of 1,549
I’m glad it sounds good to you! I think that 1350 is very important to have if you don’t compensate for the dip at 4k and the treble roll off. So to me in many ways it’s not a flaw.

I actually like listening to the Planar stock just as much as I do with EQ.

I can’t wait for the official Oratory measurements to come out because then I’m gonna use AutoEQ to do the bulk work!
Same here :)
Nov 24, 2020 at 8:55 PM Post #401 of 1,549
Well, it really sucks that the build quality is so lousy on these.I don't have any issue on mine (#17), but I'll keep watching them. Luckily, I got them from a local dealer, so I can get a reimbursement or a replacement pair easily enough if something happens... I hope.

Well then, let's continue.

Avantone Planar vs Hifiman Sundara (with Dekoni Hybrid Pads)

- ATTACK : The Sundara sounds livelier than the Planr, with stronger drum and cymbals attack.
- AIR: The Sundara also has an airier presentation, while the Planar is warmer.
- BUILD QUALITY: While the Sundara is not the best built headphone (changing the adjustment scratches the metal, no swivel), I have more confidence in its durability (less potential breaking points). That said, dead drivers are a possibility (like my old HE-5LE).

+ BASS: The Planar has a better bass presence and extension. It sounds warmer than the Sundara, especially on songs that are supposed to be bassier and wamer (REVEREND BIZARRE - They Used Dark Forces). The Planar also sounds more emotional on songs that are supposed to be (PORCUPINE TREE - Trains).
+ TREBLE: The Sundara has more treble, but more isn't always better. Cymbals are always up front and clear with the Sundara, which I find distracting when they are mostly about keeping tempo (especially on RUSH - Tom Sawyer). The Sundara is a bright-sounding headphone in my opinion.I think it also affects vocals a bit, making them sound a bit metallic.
+ SOUNDSTAGE and IMAGING: The Planar definitely is better here. At 2:30 on RUSH - Tom Sawyer, there is a drum roll moving right to left; I can follow if easily with the Planar (moving continuously), while it jumps from from position to position with the Sundara (right for 2-3 beats, then front right for 2-3 beats, then front-ish, then left). It's hard to describe.
+ DETAIL RETRIEVAL: I can hear the details in the background with the Planar better than with the Sundara, but it's closer than against the S4X.
+ COMFORT: The Sundara are lighter, and the pads are big enough, but the clamping force on these gets tiring very fast. I can wear the Planar longer.

CONCLUSION: For me, based on my subjective impressions, I would qualify the Sundara as a bright, sometimes aggressive headphone... and it just doesn't do it for me. I already listen to aggressive (Metal) music, and it lacks warmth when I listen to music that should be personal and emotional (Prog Rock). The Planar sounds to me as a more neutral headphone, playing music closer to where I would have mixed it (more bass, and toning down the cymbals). Also, I find them more comfortable, clamping less than the Sundara.
Would you be able to listen to the Planar with the EQ @Heldaeus and I have posted :) and tell us what you think

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