German meeting: 20-21 March 2015: Days-5
Luminare amp presentation to public with these headphones : Stax SR-009 and SR-507 ; Grado PS1000e and PS500e ; Hifiman HE-6 and HE-560 ; Sennheiser HD800 and HD700 ; AudioTechnica ATH-AD2000X and ATH-AD1000X ; Ergo AMT and Ergo2 u ; AKG K812 ....
Perhaps the BHSE of Cucera ; others amps in comparison ?
and also
14-17 May 2015: HIGH END 2015 show at Munich (MOC): Days-59
Luminare amp presentation to public with these headphones : Stax SR-009 and SR-507 ; Grado PS1000e and PS500e ; Hifiman HE-6 and HE-560 ; Sennheiser HD800 and HD700 ; AudioTechnica ATH-AD2000X and ATH-AD1000X ; Ergo AMT and Ergo2 u ; AKG K812 ....
Perhaps the BHSE of Cucera ; others amps in comparison ?
and also
14-17 May 2015: HIGH END 2015 show at Munich (MOC): Days-59