Audio Technica ATH- ES 10 Impressions Thread
Aug 14, 2012 at 1:59 PM Post #181 of 1,113
thinking of these as portables to go with a walkman-z and ibasso d12 amp. My concern is the comments of the large bass and recessed mids. I like a lush sweet sound with very extended bass you feel but without the punch that gives you a headache. Any comments how you think this setup would sound in that context? cheers.
Aug 14, 2012 at 4:32 PM Post #182 of 1,113
These do have a lush sweet sound and the mids are not that recessed; they are just not as prominent as the bass. It's a very balanced can overall IMO. As for your setup I don't have either so I can't comment on that.
Aug 15, 2012 at 4:21 AM Post #183 of 1,113
thanks. By the way the other thing that confuses me is whether this is on-ear or over ear. I see it described as both on-ear but also a Circumaural. Which would be a contradiction. I need heaphones that wont rest on my TMJ joint so must be an on-ear. Does it hit anything outside of the ear itself ad far as the face goes? tx.
Aug 16, 2012 at 10:09 AM Post #185 of 1,113
just a heads up to anyone looking for on ears for the same reason as me, problems with the TMJ joint, the es10's do actually protrude over my medium size ears just a teeeny weeny bit, but just enough to place some pressure on the TMJ joint, so for me it was a no go. Having said that i found the phones a dissapointment. Yes the mids are sweet but the high was very hard and i like a sweet and extended high. The bass was big yes, but big in punchy rather than extension to my ears. The sound is full, thats for sure and was a good match for my walkman z unamped. It did improve with amping though.
Aug 28, 2012 at 11:00 AM Post #186 of 1,113
I finally got my own pair in.
And wow! I had some ears-on time with these before, but now that I owned them... I have noticed that:
1) Depending on the track, the cans may sound cold/analytical or warm/dark. It's like magic! Like Audio Technica stuck an EQ in there or something. And it almost always "EQ" the track just right.
2) These are so very revealing. They are even more revealing than my DT880!
That said, as far as sound quality goes, I have noticed that...
Bass: given the right track, bass on these has authority, texture, and control the kind of which I have only found on cans much bigger! At times, I feel they completely surpass Denon D2000 and approach LCD-2 level, which is... crazy, to say the least. And bass is definitely on the fast side. HD650 and DT880 feels slow in comparison. But the presentation has no depth (at all), so bass is less layered. Still, I don't think anyone can ever say these cans lack bass.
Midrange: also given the right track, midrange can be warm, up front, and resolving. It's funny, but I think these completely put DT880 and HD650 to shame where mid is concerned. It's liquid smooth regardless of the track, and I can easily hear things that I could not pick up with the DT880 or HD650. This is the first time I have heard mid this good!
Treble: I find the ES10 has plenty of sparkle. In fact, I think it has more sparkle than my DT880, which is famous for being bright. But what's amazing is that it has insane control. I could not detect any sibilance regardless of what tracks I put on, yet I can clearly hear compression artifacts at frequencies that my DT880 could not pick up.
Soundstage: not as big as DT880 or HD650, but definitely not small. In fact, it's moderately sized for closed cans, and somehow, I find that there is more depth and layers than I expected. This layering effect almost rival DT880... though DT880 has the advantage of being semi-open, and thus has more "air".
Instrument Separation and Imaging: it puts DT880 600 Ohm to shame. What more can I say?
Overall, I'm enjoying these very much!
Sep 2, 2012 at 10:36 PM Post #190 of 1,113
the es10 has 53mm drivers, like those A or AD series. the esw9/esw10 only has the usual 40mm drivers.
and no they are not cumbersome to wear around the neck becauseit has swivel design
Sep 4, 2012 at 10:08 PM Post #191 of 1,113
so the ES10 cups are in fact slightly larger than the ESW9? Not quite circumaural but not necessarily on-ear like the ESW9s are? Are the ES10s cumbersome to have around ones neck when not in use?

They are larger, but not by a lot. More like 5% larger. They are still on-ear.
Having them around my neck is just like having ESW9, ES7, or ES55.

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