Audeze MM-100
Oct 4, 2023 at 10:07 AM Post #1,202 of 1,472
Ryan Ho appears to have a monopoly on MM-100 YT reviews :wink:

Any chance that other reviewers will get a copy ?
Yeah, the lack of reviews from more popular audiophiles like DMS, Resolve, Z, Josh Valour, Currawong, The Honest Audiophile, Passion for Sound, etc., for a major manufacturer's product that has been on the market for a month is pretty odd.
Oct 4, 2023 at 10:41 AM Post #1,203 of 1,472
If a company doesn't send out pre-release review units, then reviewers either need to source the headphones themselves or get them from another sponsor after launch (i.e. a store that distributes the product), which is likely the issue here since they're technically out but still in short supply. So the lack of reviews isn't that odd considering the situation, though the decision not to send out review units could itself be considered odd. Guess Audeze figured they'd sell themselves and they didn't need the extra promo.
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Oct 4, 2023 at 11:20 AM Post #1,204 of 1,472
If a company doesn't send out pre-release review units, then reviewers either need to source the headphones themselves or get them from another sponsor after launch (i.e. a store that distributes the product), which is likely the issue here since they're technically out but still in short supply. So the lack of reviews isn't that odd considering the situation, though the decision not to send out review units could itself be considered odd. Guess Audeze figured they'd sell themselves and they didn't need the extra promo.
Or maybe the reviewers didn't pre-order them. :) :) :)
Oct 6, 2023 at 11:59 AM Post #1,205 of 1,472
If I already have the original Audeze LCD-2 is there any reason I should order these? More transportable, lighter weight for longer listening sessions? Would I be disappointed in the sound with my Chord Mojo 2 or iFi Neo2?
Oct 7, 2023 at 4:46 AM Post #1,208 of 1,472
The latest news here in Norway is this: "ikke pĂĄ lager (41 dager)" (Not in stock (41 days)). Last week they had "Oct 6, uncomfirmed" up on the distributor's website.

I called a HiFi Klubben shop in our area yesterday, they had no news on availability. Their mother company in Denmark has no news on the MM-100, they told me.

Trying to get clear answers from Audeze on this thread, or from their support department, has been like pulling teeth. Yes, they are nice guys and mean well ... but what a mess - see the YT review by Zadius Tech from a month ago for some of the known problems - also discussed in the comments section of that video.

Will the reported problems be corrected before the November run? What happened to the announced October run? Will the 'small subset' of defective cans have been taken care of when we'll finally be able to buy them over here?

EDIT for clarity.
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Oct 11, 2023 at 12:32 AM Post #1,211 of 1,472
I have heard the MM100s twice now for a total of thirty minutes. First time was at Pacific Audio Fest (edit: the headphone room at PAF was super quiet), second was at CanJam SoCal 2023. To me they are the best sounding Planars below about $800. Easily better (to my ears) than any Hifiman under the Arya Organic (which might be the best overall Hifiman). Based off of these sessions, I think to get clearly BETTER all around sound you gotta go MM500, Arya or LCD-X. Sound signature to me is like a more intimate MM500 with a touch more mid bass. Ultra low frequency extension is excellent in quality, neutral on level. I have not tried them with EQ yet (I EQ everything) but I am sure they will take a 4-6 db bass shelf rather nicely. I will certainly own a pair, as soon as I can by them and they ship right away. I don't do indefinite waiting periods for any reason, ever.
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Oct 11, 2023 at 1:14 AM Post #1,212 of 1,472
I haven’t been here for a while and went for a couple of pages but I feel a little bit lost so could anyone summarise what just happened? Is MM-100 very, very delayed or cancelled? Did Audeze's representative address it in any way?

Oct 11, 2023 at 7:39 AM Post #1,213 of 1,472
I haven’t been here for a while and went for a couple of pages but I feel a little bit lost so could anyone summarise what just happened? Is MM-100 very, very delayed or cancelled? Did Audeze's representative address it in any way?


Now released and backordered
Oct 11, 2023 at 11:51 AM Post #1,214 of 1,472
I just got my second pair of MM-100s after returning my first pair due to some imbalance issue with the right driver. Support did not disclose the issue, but whatever. They may not have checked yet.

These do not have any wiring issues and they sound good to me. They take EQ very well too. I find it pretty easy to dial back the mids and get a smiley curve I enjoy while retaining detail in the mids.

I'll do another round of measurements later today. Probably a flat-plate measurement and a free-air measurement so we could see how the low-end shifts when the earcups are up against a surface.
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Oct 11, 2023 at 1:30 PM Post #1,215 of 1,472
I used my replacement MM-100 (mine were wired incorrectly) the last 2 days (yesterday and the day before). and I am very pleased with them for sure -- it was my first extended listening time with them and I even briefly compared them a couple of times with my LCD-X (2020) and I was impressed with what $399 got me.

The only gripe I have is the adjustment head strap -- it is very flimsy and keeps coming off of the attaching screws or whatever on the right side, so if I take them off and put them on my headphone stand (on the metal, NOT the strap, of course), sometimes I will notice when I pick them up that the right side has come off track -- so I'm not a big fan of that headphone strap, it doesn't maintain integrity well and I found myself having to reseat it multiple times in the last 2 days. :sweat_smile: But, doing so is easy, so I just shrugged and would patiently do it every time it came loose.

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