Audeze LCD i4 TOTL In-Ear Monitor Discussion
Nov 3, 2017 at 3:43 PM Post #1,261 of 4,804
Well, let me be the first to apologize as I didn't read your qualifying preface and just focused on the list.

Opinions are just that and everyone has one and is justified to their beliefs, preferences, etc and it is all about enjoyment. For some who need "guidance" and don't trust their own judgement, they need this kind of thing, just like most in the audiophile community who can't or won't buy an item unless blessed by some reviewer.

Personally, I am not a fanboy like some on this thread accuse those who are attacking you (as I did). Truth is, even after months of use, I still have not made up my mind in total about this product and why I think anyone thinking of spending the kind of money these things cost need to truly understand what they are getting themselves into compared to alternatives. These things can sound incredibly amazing, when used under the right circumstances and can sound just OK when used under other circumstances. I think these "IEMs" require a fair evaluation under the different sources and listening environments one is going to use them as they really have no peers when it comes to design or variations to background ambiance. Even my IE800s can sound "better" under certain circumstances yet these can sound as extraordinary as just about any can (in or out of ear) as I have ever heard.

So I commend your efforts, apologize for my hasty criticism and will add, that these "IEMs" are really a difficult choice for those seeking the best as unlike other IEMs really are more dependent upon surrounding ambiance than just about any other. To expand upon this I was listening to one of my favorites, 1812 Overture, on my MOJO with the i4 the other day in bed and was absolutely blown away. I listened to the same in my living room just before going to work, with my wife on the phone, the fan and AC going and was saying, is this the same system? All spatial cues lost, I could barely tell whether the bells at the end were there and no soundstage and big bass drums sounded flat. Then again, I can take my i4 and stick them into my main headphone system, the T&A DSD DAC through my Liquid Gold amp and they are almost as good with spatial cues as any I have ever heard, incredibly neutral and in a way I enjoy them more than my HD800s and definitely more than my previous TH900 Fostex and LCD-X. On a plane, quite frankly, I can't recommend them. I use my IE800s.

I have listened to some of your top listed IEMs including the high priced Tia Fourte and can say, that most of them are definitely easier to get a better sound with than the i4 both in terms of source and surrounding ambiance, but when the i4 is dialed in, they are truly amazing and in my case, do for me what no other IEM I have owned or listened to have ever done; and I am not even an Audeze fan. Now whether I can recommend them to someone who is looking to just plug them in to a portable DAC/amp, like the HUGO2, etc is another subject. One has to work to get these to sound their best.

I was too hasty in my critique of your list and in retrospect, give you kudos for the effort and baseline for most people's consideration, so with that please accept my apology.

Now as Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that"
Thanks a lot. I was about to write a long post with the same content as yours .

I will include some of my points:

1. First of all, LCD i4 donot belong to an IEM list. They are in a new segment altogether & they rule.

2. They sound fantastic without eq for many users and with small eq changes they evolve into a beast.

3. They are open back not even semi open as advertised... so their true potential should be judged in a quite setting.
This is the reason why Jude took shure kse 1500 n LCD i4 in an anechoic room with Dave for a neutral judgement. Brief sound impressions of the comparison is there in initial few posts of this thread.

4. Since they are open headphones majority of the people will listen in a quite environment like home ,office which by default have a system(pc), good DAP . So applying eq gets very easy.

5. Just to quote that " bashing in this thread n vice versa ". I have a very valid point to add i.e. for example X person has purchased an IEM worth 3500 usd with crap load of technologies & Y person has purchased an "IE headphone" worth 2500 usd. So how can the X person admit to the fact that Y's IEH is better than his despite spending 1000 usd more.... I hope I'm able to convey my message...

6. Last point to add is that no iem is perfect there will be some deficiencies ... this inspires the company to correct that fault...this results in an improved product for the future with new technologies.. i think this is win win situation for audiophiles... yes I'm aware about the diminishing returns fact.

Kudos to @crinacle for compiling an epic list with measurements. The list is always evolving .... but it's nice to have a snap comparison between different iem.

Nov 3, 2017 at 5:01 PM Post #1,262 of 4,804
About 37 hours of use on these and extremely satisfied with the purchase. The pha-3 drives them fairly well, but I do get a rather poor amount of runtime with i4’s (2 ish hours at best). Only slight quality issues, the cable doesn’t seat securely as I’d like and makes me question the QC a bit. Doing the airplane test with time at the moment
Please be very careful about this, use a caliper or a precise rule to measure the 2pin connector casings. The LCD-i4 has sturdy magnesium casing, but still, seeing it fall to the ground because the cable connector slid out is like AED shock x-D Thankfully, Audeze support is great on this. They had sent out a new premium cable with express shipping ASAP after contacting them.

I should learn how to get the new Reveal plugin to work with Fubar2000 and give the LCD-i4 another try before posting it in the classifieds.
Nov 3, 2017 at 5:32 PM Post #1,263 of 4,804
these are not IEM's at all IMHO....they are extremely compact and light and portable open planar HP's and at the moment there is nothing like it on the market
Nov 3, 2017 at 8:28 PM Post #1,265 of 4,804
I should learn how to get the new Reveal plugin to work with Fubar2000 and give the LCD-i4 another try before posting it in the classifieds.
I feel I got limited knowledge to make this work. I downloaded 2 VST: VST Adapter 2.4 and Yeohng's VST Wrapper. Win10 64bit with Foobar2000 in the (x86).
I can't add the Reveal.dll plugin on VST Wrapper despite it scanning all the folders/subfolders where I put the Reveal.dll.
And can't add the Reveal.dll neither through Foobar2000 under Preferences/Components/VST plug-ins
Could not load VST DLL. You may have tried to use x64 DLL or there is an internal error in the plug-in.

C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\components\VST\Reveal.dll
Nov 3, 2017 at 8:47 PM Post #1,266 of 4,804
I feel I got limited knowledge to make this work. I downloaded 2 VST: VST Adapter 2.4 and Yeohng's VST Wrapper. Win10 64bit with Foobar2000 in the (x86).
I can't add the Reveal.dll plugin on VST Wrapper despite it scanning all the folders/subfolders where I put the Reveal.dll.
And can't add the Reveal.dll neither through Foobar2000 under Preferences/Components/VST plug-ins
Could not load VST DLL. You may have tried to use x64 DLL or there is an internal error in the plug-in.

C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\components\VST\Reveal.dll

Did you try the 32 bit version with Yeohng's VST Wrapper?
Nov 3, 2017 at 9:46 PM Post #1,267 of 4,804
I plug my i4 into Hugo2 using Norne Therium cable. Sounds awesome. I have not tried EQ. I do not think it is needed. I would listen to them EQ if I found a way to do that but honestly they sound so beautiful i just have no motivation to do so. They are some of the finest sounding instruents I ever had the pleasure of listening to. They have zero isolation. I do not care. Peeps worry way too much about what others think. This stuff works for me and I could care less what someone else "ranks" them as if that matters. If someone likes something else better they are totally free to plunk the green down and be happy... No one is forcing anyone to buy / use the LCDi4. There is so much fine audio equipment choices available there is no need to bash the i4. For my use i am ecstatic with H2, Norne Audio, and i4. Is there better? Undoubtedly. Is there worse? Of course. So what... What is good enough?

Yep, I concur with the LCDi4 + Hugo 2 combination (without EQ), simply magical and rivals many of the full sized desktop setups I've heard.
Nov 3, 2017 at 10:31 PM Post #1,268 of 4,804
Are the Hugo 2 i4 users using the 3.5SE output on the Hugo? I currently use WA8 to i4 vie 3.5SE but who knows, in the future I might check out the Hugo2.

Re the i4 I agree that these are not iem's, the fact that they do not seal and create a closed in stage is to me their greatest attribute, which sets them completely apart from iem's. The i4 have replaced my desire to buy full size cans. I demo'd most of the high end full size cans recently using the wa8 for dac/amp duties, then I tried the i4, and taking into consideration both comfort and sound I liked them the best. I think they are more like open back HP's than iem's.
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Nov 3, 2017 at 11:10 PM Post #1,269 of 4,804
Are the Hugo 2 i4 users using the 3.5SE output on the Hugo? I currently use WA8 to i4 vie 3.5SE but who knows, in the future I might check out the Hugo2.

Re the i4 I agree that these are not iem's, the fact that they do not seal and create a closed in stage is to me their greatest attribute, which sets them completely apart from iem's. The i4 have replaced my desire to buy full size cans. I demo'd most of the high end full size cans recently using the wa8 for dac/amp duties, then I tried the i4, and taking into consideration both comfort and sound I liked them the best. I think they are more like open back HP's than iem's.
How do the i4 & wa8 combo sounds in comparison to your portable setup. wm1z & tia.
I am using i4 with hugo 2 from 3.5mm port. ( factory cable) .....thinking of getting a balanced for my kann... ea lionheart... any recommendation.
Nov 4, 2017 at 12:43 AM Post #1,270 of 4,804
Are the Hugo 2 i4 users using the 3.5SE output on the Hugo? I currently use WA8 to i4 vie 3.5SE but who knows, in the future I might check out the Hugo2.

Re the i4 I agree that these are not iem's, the fact that they do not seal and create a closed in stage is to me their greatest attribute, which sets them completely apart from iem's. The i4 have replaced my desire to buy full size cans. I demo'd most of the high end full size cans recently using the wa8 for dac/amp duties, then I tried the i4, and taking into consideration both comfort and sound I liked them the best. I think they are more like open back HP's than iem's.
Yes, 3.5SE output on the Hugo2, splendid combination. And I have to add that the Audeze cable (that comes in the box) is also working quite well in this combo, only downside is the slightly irregular threading that makes it a bit stiff and it is a tad short for my taste. But kudos to Audeze for including such a nice cable in the box.
I never tried the WA8, should sound pretty decent too..:ksc75smile:

How do the i4 & wa8 combo sounds in comparison to your portable setup. wm1z & tia.
I am using i4 with hugo 2 from 3.5mm port. ( factory cable) .....thinking of getting a balanced for my kann... ea lionheart... any recommendation.
I have the Lionheart (balanced) for SP1000Cu+LCD-i4, pairs very well IMHO.. although soundwise very similar to the Audeze cable, the sound is just richer and fuller + the added benefit of going balanced.
If you have the budget, @EffectAudio is always a good idea. :ksc75smile:
Nov 4, 2017 at 1:44 AM Post #1,271 of 4,804
Yeah, I find out rather funny how this thread goes 60-70 pages of comments with hardly anyone complaining about stock tuning and then after two comments of folks who (somewhat bafflingly to me but everyone hears different) say that they are crap without EQ and all of a suddenly everyone thinks it's gospel. I haven't tried the eq yet because I don't have roon and primarily use my i4s running tidal out of an iPhone to my hugo2. I don't doubt that the eq adds something extra to them. However, I have listened to many many headphones and iems, I've owned several other totl iems (including Noble Encores) and the i4s out of the hugo2 without EQ are as great as just about anything I've heard (baby orpheus, r10, and maybe one or two other truly totl headphones with very high end dacs and amps not withstanding). They are a significantly better than any iems I've heard and I really like iems generally (I also agree that calling i4s iems seems off the mark...they are a new category).

Also, not sure if too may folks caught it, but Aideze just announced at rmaf a new version of the cipher cable tuned especially for the i4 that they will ship to current owners free of charge upon request. Mine is in the mail, but I'll report once I get it. It will be interesting to see how they sound with the cipher cable that has i4 DSP tuning built in. It sounds like this is something they did because they thought it would be a nice option for folks who want to travel extra light...I imagine that a high quality amp is really what is needed to get the most out of them, but having an i4 tuned cipher cable as an option (especially a free one) is pretty great.
Nov 4, 2017 at 3:07 AM Post #1,272 of 4,804
Yeah, I find out rather funny how this thread goes 60-70 pages of comments with hardly anyone complaining about stock tuning and then after two comments of folks who (somewhat bafflingly to me but everyone hears different) say that they are crap without EQ and all of a suddenly everyone thinks it's gospel. I haven't tried the eq yet because I don't have roon and primarily use my i4s running tidal out of an iPhone to my hugo2. I don't doubt that the eq adds something extra to them. However, I have listened to many many headphones and iems, I've owned several other totl iems (including Noble Encores) and the i4s out of the hugo2 without EQ are as great as just about anything I've heard (baby orpheus, r10, and maybe one or two other truly totl headphones with very high end dacs and amps not withstanding). They are a significantly better than any iems I've heard and I really like iems generally (I also agree that calling i4s iems seems off the mark...they are a new category).

Also, not sure if too may folks caught it, but Aideze just announced at rmaf a new version of the cipher cable tuned especially for the i4 that they will ship to current owners free of charge upon request. Mine is in the mail, but I'll report once I get it. It will be interesting to see how they sound with the cipher cable that has i4 DSP tuning built in. It sounds like this is something they did because they thought it would be a nice option for folks who want to travel extra light...I imagine that a high quality amp is really what is needed to get the most out of them, but having an i4 tuned cipher cable as an option (especially a free one) is pretty great.
in this thread you can see a lot of people using EQ for change the stock tunning....

And the cipher cabe is for iphone?
Nov 4, 2017 at 7:20 AM Post #1,273 of 4,804
Please be very careful about this, use a caliper or a precise rule to measure the 2pin connector casings. The LCD-i4 has sturdy magnesium casing, but still, seeing it fall to the ground because the cable connector slid out is like AED shock x-D Thankfully, Audeze support is great on this. They had sent out a new premium cable with express shipping ASAP after contacting them.

I should learn how to get the new Reveal plugin to work with Fubar2000 and give the LCD-i4 another try before posting it in the classifieds.

Thanks for the tip. I’ll drop Audeze a line and see what they have to say about it. No reason to buy a second pair before I need to.
Nov 4, 2017 at 7:50 AM Post #1,274 of 4,804
I have both the LCD-4 and LCD-i4 . I can safely say that the i4 is NOT a 4 with less bulk. To me the LCD-4 is a step-up and still shows that you can't quite get to full size headphones without having full size least not yet! The main area where the variation exists between the two is smack in the middle of the mid-range and the bass impact and extension.

I also want to try and dispel what I believe (IMHO) to be a myth about all the Audeze in-ear's that seal is not important in the ear canal. It really is if you want that bass extension. I ran a test tone down to 20Hz using a Mojo and an AK380 with Amp. Remembering that the i4 is meant to be flat down to 5Hz, I was disappointed to find the level dropped to inaudible at about 50Hz on the i4. Whereas the bass continued with sub like authority on the LCD-4 to 20Hz. HOWEVER, if I pushed the i4 into my canals and held it there while playing the tone, the bass level remained intact right down to 20Hz, showing the i4s were indeed able to make a good pressure level at those frequencies.

As most music doesn't need below 50Hz, the ear canal seal is not that vital. But even holding the i4s against my ears, it never achieved quite the slam, extension and mid-range richness of it's big brother.

That being said the i4 is fantastic for listening on the bed with my head on the pillow and is my best experience for that purpose. Someone else mentioned the oBravo EAMT-1C which is another IEM I own. In that post it was suggested that the EAMT-1C was similar in tone to the i4. It has a similarity in that it doesn't have a harsh treble and is a warmer sound. But it is quite different in the mid-range with quite a shouty punchy mid. This can be very good indeed for intimate vocals and small bands (e.g. quartets). I find it heads towards congested though with full orchestra or busy tracks unlike the i4.

That being said the LCD-4 seems to work well with every music I throw at it...whereas with IEMs I seem to need to choose depending on my music choice. This is why I think there is still MUCH room for development in the IEM space. I have not heard oBravo's new flagship IEM though which costs 2.5x an LCD-4. That's just a step too far in my book even if it does sound amazing.
Nov 4, 2017 at 2:53 PM Post #1,275 of 4,804
Yeah, I find out rather funny how this thread goes 60-70 pages of comments with hardly anyone complaining about stock tuning and then after two comments of folks who (somewhat bafflingly to me but everyone hears different) say that they are crap without EQ and all of a suddenly everyone thinks it's gospel. I haven't tried the eq yet because I don't have roon and primarily use my i4s running tidal out of an iPhone to my hugo2. I don't doubt that the eq adds something extra to them. However, I have listened to many many headphones and iems, I've owned several other totl iems (including Noble Encores) and the i4s out of the hugo2 without EQ are as great as just about anything I've heard (baby orpheus, r10, and maybe one or two other truly totl headphones with very high end dacs and amps not withstanding). They are a significantly better than any iems I've heard and I really like iems generally (I also agree that calling i4s iems seems off the mark...they are a new category).

Also, not sure if too may folks caught it, but Aideze just announced at rmaf a new version of the cipher cable tuned especially for the i4 that they will ship to current owners free of charge upon request. Mine is in the mail, but I'll report once I get it. It will be interesting to see how they sound with the cipher cable that has i4 DSP tuning built in. It sounds like this is something they did because they thought it would be a nice option for folks who want to travel extra light...I imagine that a high quality amp is really what is needed to get the most out of them, but having an i4 tuned cipher cable as an option (especially a free one) is pretty great.

Is the new Cipher cable for current owners of the Cipher cable or simply the LCDi4??? I don't see anywhere to buy the Cipher cable separately.

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