Audeze LCD-2C Classic - Impressions Thread
Dec 28, 2017 at 1:40 AM Post #1,246 of 7,335
That article also says the headphones aren’t made in the US, which apparently they are (a user here spoke with Audeze support about it), so I’d take anything in that article with some salt.
Website states they sound like the "original" LCD2.. which possibly means prefazor.. Anything else different about the drivers? Man a comparison review is past due! :)
Dec 28, 2017 at 2:24 PM Post #1,248 of 7,335
Not a question, it's a hard upgrade from the 400i. Better bass extension, better build quality. Those are objective truths, subjectively, easier to listen to for longer periods, softer upper end without sounding hollow. Just my2c. Never owned an m1060.
Dec 28, 2017 at 2:31 PM Post #1,249 of 7,335
Ugh, I was just about to buy it for the holiday special price, but shipping to Germany is 110USD :xf_eek:

Not worth it tbh, with customs on top I can as well buy it for the regular price here in Germany once it appear. Pity!
Dec 28, 2017 at 3:03 PM Post #1,250 of 7,335
LCD2C, HD800SDR , AFO .If given only 2 which one should I choose?
Dec 28, 2017 at 3:21 PM Post #1,255 of 7,335
I also want to step up my game from HE400i. I want planar for sure. Hifiman went bananas with prices, otherwise i would probably consider HE 1000 or edition X, but i wont ever pay more than 1k for any headphone, so i guess this new Audeze could be my best bet for current best planar "mid"fi headphone? Waiting for reviews. Also... what about pairing with Audeze Deckard amp-dac? Got this amp-dac recently and like it more than Mojo with my HE400i.
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Dec 28, 2017 at 3:33 PM Post #1,256 of 7,335
I also want to step up my game from HE400i. I want planar for sure. Hifiman went bananas with prices, otherwise i would probably consider HE 1000 or edition X, but i wont ever pay more than 1k for any headphones, so i guess this new Audeze could be my best bet for current best planar "mid"fi headphone? Waiting for reviews. Also... what about pairing with Audeze Deckard amp-dac?
I've seen some edition X's for under $1K. They might be worth checking out if you can find a pair. I had the HE400i's but acquired a pair of HE560's for a great price and they are clearly a step up from them. I'm sure the LCD-2C's will be an upgrade to them as well. The question then becomes how do the LCD-2C's compare to the Sundara's? That's a comparison I would like to read about if anyone owns both.
Dec 29, 2017 at 2:43 AM Post #1,258 of 7,335
I received these last Friday and have been putting them through their paces for the past several days. I am absolutely floored with them. I have a lot of words typed up and saved for a more thorough review to be posted in the near future as I edit and refine my thoughts. For now, I'd say these are absolutely incredible from all of my amps/sources. They are a no-brainer contender for one to consider at the under $1K price-point. Sound is without question refined, detailed, clear yet at the same time non-fatiguing, versatile, and fun. For the most demanding listeners of classical, I would not recommend these as their only headphone due to the dip in the upper mids/lower treble, but for most listeners in this hobby, these will not disappoint whatsoever. And for the former, these arguably serve as an excellent complement to the highly resolving, unforgiving transducers that such high-demanding listeners tend to gravitate towards. I would NOT call these merely a niche, "fun" headphone that is ONLY suited to pop/electronic. I would say they do the latter well while being extremely competent at most genres.

I also think the design looks sexy and highly palatable, for once, to a non-audiophile audience. Comfort seems great for a planar this heavy, but they can still be slightly finicky with my narrow facial structure. For old-school planar comparisons, more comfortable than the HE-6 with vegan pads but less than the HE-500 with focus pads, which I consider to be very comfortable. From what it sounds like here, much more comfortable than previous iterations of the LCD2/3s. Comparably comfortable to my Utopias. Less than HD800/HD650, not surprisingly.
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Dec 29, 2017 at 8:53 AM Post #1,259 of 7,335
Hello everyone, I need some help/guidance....(and hopefully won't drag this on too long, tl;dr at the bottom)*

I just received my LCD2C's last night after battling with FedEx (9 days late) and couldn't have been more excited to try these out. I'll get straight to the point, these cans have no bass.

I demoed a pair of regular LCD2's (Not sure what revision, they couldn't tell me) in November and noticed they had everything I wanted, most importantly the incredible bass was there that everyone has described about the LCD2. When I tried my LCD2C's last night, I had to equalize the bass (55hz, 77hz, 110hz) +5/10db just to get it to where I wanted (and remembered) in Foobar. To be honest, I'm crushed.

My question is what is wrong here? I'm running flac files on foobar2k and my chain is PC-->Fostex HP-A4-->LCD2C. It's obviously different (and higher end) equipment at the audio shop, so is it that? Is it because the headphones I listened too were regular LCD2's? You think they already had them equalized? Is my amp not strong enough? Am I wearing these things wrong? Ugh!!!

Any comments or suggestions or anything on why the bass difference is so huge would help, since I seriously don't want to send these back (mids and highs are amazing!) and I can't afford to change my dac/amp at this point.

*(tl;dr My new LCD2C's don't have any bass like a pair of LCD2's I demoed right before I bought these.)
Dec 29, 2017 at 8:59 AM Post #1,260 of 7,335
I don't have these but.. HP-A4's output is not very strong (100mW 32-ohm loaded). Considering this is 70 ohms, HP-A4 output for 70 ohms is probably lower. I think you should try a more powerful amp to really hear this headphone's potential, something like iFi iDSD Micro Black Label or Hugo 2.

I just realized on Audeze's website that power requirement is >100mW for LCD2C. So your amp doesn't seem like it can meet this requirement which is probably the biggest reason for lack of bass.
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