ATTICUS and EIKON, the new dynamic driver headphones from ZMF
May 29, 2020 at 11:49 AM Post #7,726 of 9,763
Just throwing this out there. Having owning both at the same time, the Blackwoods are not at the same level, as the Ori. I ended up trading off my Blackwood, because the Ori are just way better. Also, the Atticus are kind of a more mature sounding Ori if you will, and a good step up. However, the Ori definitely have their strengths and a unique planar sound and on certain songs can not be beat, and can hang with the Atticus and Aelous no doubt. All in all, the Atticus is my current favorite, and even over the Aelous, but the Ori will always have a special place in my heart and will always remain in my collection.

So the Atticus/Eikon may or may not be an improvement over my Omni. That helps. 🤣
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May 29, 2020 at 2:07 PM Post #7,727 of 9,763
Just throwing this out there: I would trust Wes S' impressions over my own! My listening experience was five years ago and at a meet-up, so if he's owned them side-by-side at home then he's probably more correct than I am. I spent most of the time with the Blackwoods at the time because I was really into neutral back then. If he says the Ori are significantly better than the Blackwoods and closer to the Atticus, then I'll retract my earlier impressions... HOWEVER, all that being said, I would still personally recommend the Atticus/Eikon, but I'll also admit that that's coming from a place of personal bias because I genuinely believe that Zach's dynamics being among the best and most enjoyable headphones in the world... headphones for headphone lovers :)

After about 6 month of having used the suede pads on my Atticus, I switched back to the lambskin pads. I should have switched back sooner, since I prefer the lambskin pads by quite a bit. I feel the suede pads take away some of the character traits that make the Atticus so much fun to listen to. It definitely toned down the bass quite a bit. After going back to the lambskin, I was almost kinda shocked they had this much bass to begin with. I'll stick with the lambskin pads from now on.

Interesting. I ultimately prefer the lambskin pads, but I do really like the suede pads... you're right, they do take away some of the meatiness and thickness, and those are traits I love about the Atticus. On the other hand, I listen to a lot of modern music, particularly metal and pop, and the midbass with lambskin pads can get a little fatiguing. For that reason, I actually find the suede to be a more relaxing listen. Right now I'm rolling with suede because I'm stubborn and cheap and refuse to turn my AC on, so it's way too hot in here for leather pads. It's a nice change of pace from time to time, but if I could only have one pair, I would definitely pick the lambskins.
May 29, 2020 at 2:38 PM Post #7,728 of 9,763
Interesting. I ultimately prefer the lambskin pads, but I do really like the suede pads... you're right, they do take away some of the meatiness and thickness, and those are traits I love about the Atticus. On the other hand, I listen to a lot of modern music, particularly metal and pop, and the midbass with lambskin pads can get a little fatiguing. For that reason, I actually find the suede to be a more relaxing listen. Right now I'm rolling with suede because I'm stubborn and cheap and refuse to turn my AC on, so it's way too hot in here for leather pads. It's a nice change of pace from time to time, but if I could only have one pair, I would definitely pick the lambskins.

Yeah, the suede pads are a lot more relaxing. I feel like they have a "playing it safe" kinda sound when used on the Atticus. I never did try the Eikon pads on them, I wonder how they change the sound.
In terms of comfort, I prefer the suede pads. They have such a nice feeling on your skin. I agree, that leather can be annoying during very warm summer days, if you sweat a lot. They get kinda sticky. Altrough that's mostly non perforated leather pads. I don't remember it being that bad with my Auteur with perforated pads.
May 29, 2020 at 3:49 PM Post #7,729 of 9,763
So the Atticus/Eikon may or may not be an improvement over my Omni. That helps. 🤣
They both are an improvement overall no doubt. The Ori can hang with them on certain songs with the right amp pairing, but is not quite in the same league.
Jun 9, 2020 at 3:24 PM Post #7,732 of 9,763
Can any woo wa6 (non-se) or lyr 3 owners comment on pairing the Atticus with these amplifiers?
I sold my Lyr 3 awhile back, but did not like it with the Atticus much. I had the Tung Sol and stock tubes only, no NOS. What I remember was being underwhelmed with the overall sound. I found the Lyr 3 to be very smooth and relaxed sounding. It was well detailed, but everything sounded slightly rounded from it. I found this quality excellent with the HD800 I had at the time. But the Atticus, also smooth and mellow sounding, didn't pair that well with it. The combo was just too relaxed for me. In comparison, the Jotunheim I also had at the time was a much better combo for my tastes. The Jot has much faster transients, and a brighter overall presentation. This woke the Atticus up and gave it a more lively sound. On the contrary, I hated the HD800 on the Jot for the same exact reason. Both were bright and fast, and together, were just too too much for me. I even preferred the Valhalla 2 to the Lyr 3 for the Atticus.

Don't have any time with the WA6 to comment, sorry.
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Jun 9, 2020 at 3:59 PM Post #7,733 of 9,763
I have the opportunity to purchase an Eikon in either Cherry or Purpleheart and an Atticus in Padauk. I understand that the Eikon is more analytical, the Atticus more lush or romantic.

I'm trying to imagine how the wood options may change the sound. It seems to me that Cherry would add a bit of lushness to the Eikon, where Purpleheart may make it even more analytical. OTOH, Padauk may make the Atticus a bit leaner.

I would appreciate any input from those who have heard these various wood options.
Jun 9, 2020 at 4:46 PM Post #7,734 of 9,763
I have the opportunity to purchase an Eikon in either Cherry or Purpleheart and an Atticus in Padauk. I understand that the Eikon is more analytical, the Atticus more lush or romantic.

I'm trying to imagine how the wood options may change the sound. It seems to me that Cherry would add a bit of lushness to the Eikon, where Purpleheart may make it even more analytical. OTOH, Padauk may make the Atticus a bit leaner.

I would appreciate any input from those who have heard these various wood options.

I've heard my friend's cherry Eikon at some length IMS. And of course since then I've heard my own padauk Eikon at great length IMS. Honestly, unless you compared them side to side, you'd be hard pressed to hear the differences. The small differences I think I can hear are:
  • The cherry Eikon had just a bit more resonance/reverberation overall in the midrange & soundstaging...a touch of "romantic" sound
  • The padauk Eikon seems to have a bit more impact in the bass. Notes might finish faster. But I'm really reaching here; this is subtle stuff.
When ZMF first launched the Eikon & Atticus, Zach stated that sonic differences between woods (which had been somewhat of a purchasing decision/factor w/the Ori) were much diminished w/these new dynamics--to the point where you really should buy whatever wood you prefer based on looks. I tend to think he was right in saying that...

Related comment: in my experience, you get more audible sonic differences between this or that amp driving your Eikon or Atticus than you do between different wood choices.
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Jun 9, 2020 at 5:43 PM Post #7,736 of 9,763
I have the opportunity to purchase an Eikon in either Cherry or Purpleheart and an Atticus in Padauk. I understand that the Eikon is more analytical, the Atticus more lush or romantic.

I'm trying to imagine how the wood options may change the sound. It seems to me that Cherry would add a bit of lushness to the Eikon, where Purpleheart may make it even more analytical. OTOH, Padauk may make the Atticus a bit leaner.

I would appreciate any input from those who have heard these various wood options.
The wood doesn't make a huge difference. Your gear and the pads you use will have a much larger impact on tone than the wood choice. IMO you should buy the model that matches your tonal preferences most.

The Atticus is midbass focused and warmer. It has tremendous slam and attack, and is very engaging. It's also more relaxed sounding, less fatiguing. Despite the darker tone, it's not giving up any detail to the Eikon. It just has most of it's presence in the mids.

The Eikon has more air up top, and stronger subbass rumble. Don't discount the midbass on the Eikon, it's potent. But the Atticus will out-slam it there. The Eikon has a more even response, with more extension down low and up top, but is slightly more fatiguing sounding due to some upper mid unevenness around 4-7k.

They're both excellent headphones. Despite their tonal differences, they're both quite warm, musical, and engaging. The Eikon has a bit more balance, whereas the Atticus is all about the mids.
Jun 10, 2020 at 8:43 PM Post #7,737 of 9,763
The wood doesn't make a huge difference. Your gear and the pads you use will have a much larger impact on tone than the wood choice. IMO you should buy the model that matches your tonal preferences most.

The Atticus is midbass focused and warmer. It has tremendous slam and attack, and is very engaging. It's also more relaxed sounding, less fatiguing. Despite the darker tone, it's not giving up any detail to the Eikon. It just has most of it's presence in the mids.

The Eikon has more air up top, and stronger subbass rumble. Don't discount the midbass on the Eikon, it's potent. But the Atticus will out-slam it there. The Eikon has a more even response, with more extension down low and up top, but is slightly more fatiguing sounding due to some upper mid unevenness around 4-7k.

They're both excellent headphones. Despite their tonal differences, they're both quite warm, musical, and engaging. The Eikon has a bit more balance, whereas the Atticus is all about the mids.

Greatly appreciate the contrast! I'm strongly pondering a move from my beloved X2s and Argons to an E-MU Teak, or Atticus, or Eikon. Looking for more of that bassy, musical, dynamic fun.

I have to admit, even after years of progressing through the hobby and lurking forums I still feel like I don't understand when people describe subbass versus midbass - the Eikon has the subbass rumble, but Atticus has midbass punch/slam? I assumed all impact-like sound was subbass (what you feel, like low rumble and drum hits) and midbass was more like bass notes (what you hear)! It reads like Eikon has greater capability (quality?) of subbass while Atticus has more quantity of bass overall?

Any chance you could please describe a favorite song on the Atticus and Eikon, and what stands out on each?

I'm going to a HF meet-up at some point, promise, to learn more. :)

Thank you!
Jun 10, 2020 at 10:37 PM Post #7,738 of 9,763
I don't understand when people describe subbass versus midbass
Sub bass (I'm using ≈ 20 to 60 Hz) is not really used in a lot of music, excepting EDM, organ music and a few others I'm sure I'm forgetting.

With speakers you can often feel sub bass when it drops (recording and system dependent of course). My friend @Pharmaboy likes to use the opening note to Morph the Cat as an example. On a headphone like the HD650, or the X2 you had which are great headphones (IMO) but are known for sub bass roll off, you can hear the note, but not as clearly as say the Oppo PM3 you used to have, or presumably the Mobius (which I've never heard but IIRC measures alright in that region).

Definitely so for the Eikon.

The note becomes more's hard to explain. the lowest end is more fleshed out and apparent. I'm not sure if you have any headphones that are rolled off to compare, but here are some tracks...

Here's Morph:

I also use Rock Candy Funk Party, This track, "Groove is King" when the deep bass hits at about :25 is noticeably different

Of course there's "Royals" by Lorde. I don't even concentrate on the drum beat since there's so much mid bass mixed in, the synth drop about :33 in I think is mostly sub bass.
I hope this helps!
Jun 10, 2020 at 10:42 PM Post #7,739 of 9,763
Jun 11, 2020 at 10:46 AM Post #7,740 of 9,763
Greatly appreciate the contrast! I'm strongly pondering a move from my beloved X2s and Argons to an E-MU Teak, or Atticus, or Eikon. Looking for more of that bassy, musical, dynamic fun.

I have to admit, even after years of progressing through the hobby and lurking forums I still feel like I don't understand when people describe subbass versus midbass - the Eikon has the subbass rumble, but Atticus has midbass punch/slam? I assumed all impact-like sound was subbass (what you feel, like low rumble and drum hits) and midbass was more like bass notes (what you hear)! It reads like Eikon has greater capability (quality?) of subbass while Atticus has more quantity of bass overall?

Any chance you could please describe a favorite song on the Atticus and Eikon, and what stands out on each?

I'm going to a HF meet-up at some point, promise, to learn more. :)

Thank you!
I think jinxy245 did a wonderful job of explaining it. I am not good at describing bass well, it's a matter of i know it when i hear it, but to describe it is difficult. what i will add is this link

it's a bass frequency response sweep test. run that with your headphones on, especially your emu teak, which should have the strongest bass of the headphones you listed. notice in the 20-60hz range the bass isn't as well defined, but is kind of a slow pressure sound? as the frequency rises, it speeds up and gains more definition, while also narrowing in presence? i personally put subbass in the 20-60hz range, and above that midbass. The Eikon has noticeably more bass presence in the 20-80ish hz range. after that, the Atticus starts to overtake it in total quantity.

bringing in the upper frequencies

that's a full frequency response test, that goes from subbass to upper treble. 20hz to 20kh

The Eikon around 3000hz starts to peak more, and has more overall sound quantity from here on out. The Atticus has a smoother response that makes it an easier listen up top, but can also make it sound like it's lacking in air, or detail. The Eikon gives you that airier feeling due to it's increased treble quantity. if you're not sensitive to treble, the Eikon is probably the more lively sounding of the two. i am treble sensitive so the Atticus matches my preferences more. But both really rock, make no mistake. either of them make me nod my head and start losing myself in the music. they're fun and engaging like nothing i've heard. and again, when i describe them, it's in direct comparison to each other. though the Eikon has less midbass than the Atticus, it still has tremendous midbass punch. And though the Atticus has less subbass than the Eikon, it still has plenty of subbass in general. hope that helps.

EDIT - the EMU Teak will be most similar to the Eikon, bass-wise. They both use bio-cellulose drivers of the same size. The Eikon's bass will be better though, more defined and controlled. The EMU puts out more bass quantity, but cannot match the Eikon in quality.
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