Astell & Kern SE100: A&futura Impressions - Reviews
Aug 2, 2019 at 10:35 PM Post #1,201 of 1,572
Hi Jason,

I updated my SE100 to the latest 1.20 firmware and sucessfully installed Last.FM app. After test I think there is a misunderstanding of Last.FM support. The purpose of Last.FM app is to record the musics play on the device, for example, when I finish playing one song with SE100 default music player, the Last.FM will record it in the playback history and sync it to their server. Currently the Last.FM can be installed and launch on my SE100, but it can't record the songs I play with the music player. I tested my friends' Cayin I5 and FiiO X5 DAPs and both of them support the Last.FM app to record the songs play on the device music player. I believe one key Android service "notification listener" is missing in AK's customized Android OS which makes this problem. Do you think you can ask the software engineers to solve it? The Last.FM app is useless on AK players if it can't record the songs play with the system music player.

I love AK players sound signature and really hope my SE100 can truly support the Last.FM function, hope you can help to make it happen, thanks!
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Aug 3, 2019 at 6:13 AM Post #1,202 of 1,572
On my SE100, this new latest firmware (08/02/2019) has started hanging on "Settings".

Activating it, it sits for a second or two, then asks me if I want to wait or go ahead and close "Settings". It's fairly consistent. is there any logging that we can look at to see what the hang may be?
Aug 3, 2019 at 6:29 AM Post #1,203 of 1,572

Hi Jason, from the line up of AK players, which one performs best in terms of clock jitter ? I’ve seen that SE100 is advertised as 800fs while sp1000m is 25ps and sp1000 is 30ps.

If 1ps = 1000fs, this would mean that the sp1000m would be having 25000fs, which would be a lot higher than the SE100.

Is it better a lower or higher clock jitter?
Aug 3, 2019 at 7:56 AM Post #1,204 of 1,572
Listening to Anderson.Paak, Red Book, balanced on HD650 @120 volume. Drive is great for the HD650s. Album is pretty good too (first listen). Not bothering to fire up the HA-1 much these days...
Aug 7, 2019 at 7:35 AM Post #1,205 of 1,572
Do you think that if you compare the AK and SE100 kann cube, the set of characteristics of the sound, what would be preferable? How are they different? Power cube does not take into account. Only the sound. The idea is that the SE100 should sound better, not for nothing 90% of the audio from his flagship.
Aug 16, 2019 at 10:53 PM Post #1,206 of 1,572
Hi, my name is Francisco, I'm from Chile and new in the forum. You have a fantastic community, I hope to be a contribution.

I tell you that I have a couple of hours ago the SE100 (incredible machine), with open services (Tidal, qobuz). Everything works very well but I have some questions that maybe @JasonNYC or some of you can gently enlighten me.

Does the akconnect application only support Tidal (Embedded) playing MQA but not offline downloads?
How can you run qobuz with the sound quality of the se100 but being controlled remotely by an iPhone? I have connected the se100 to a car audio processor (Alpine h800) but I want to control it remotely with my iPhone. Can I?

Thank you ....I'm sorry about my English.
Aug 17, 2019 at 3:12 AM Post #1,207 of 1,572
Can I ask what your thoughts are whether upgrading from all se100 to Sp1000m blue is really worth it sound wise

How do they differ sound wise if someone can chime in I will be thankful
Aug 17, 2019 at 11:14 AM Post #1,208 of 1,572
I just love this player, so much better than what I've been using , just one question , where do you buy high quality music from ? All the stores I know only have old to very old releases, I want more current ones , like to audition some music on Spotify or tidal and than buy what I like in higher bitrate/quality.
Aug 18, 2019 at 9:39 PM Post #1,210 of 1,572
Hi, my name is Francisco, I'm from Chile and new in the forum. You have a fantastic community, I hope to be a contribution.

I tell you that I have a couple of hours ago the SE100 (incredible machine), with open services (Tidal, qobuz). Everything works very well but I have some questions that maybe @JasonNYC or some of you can gently enlighten me.

Does the akconnect application only support Tidal (Embedded) playing MQA but not offline downloads?
How can you run qobuz with the sound quality of the se100 but being controlled remotely by an iPhone? I have connected the se100 to a car audio processor (Alpine h800) but I want to control it remotely with my iPhone. Can I?

Thank you ....I'm sorry about my English.

Aug 19, 2019 at 1:55 PM Post #1,211 of 1,572
From time to time I want to updated either Spotify or Tidal apk's on the SE100 , can I do that by connecting my mobile phone to the SE100 directly and move the apk to the OpenService folder straight from my mobile file view or it will blow up one of the devices when doing a direct connection (USB c on both sides)?
Aug 23, 2019 at 1:21 PM Post #1,212 of 1,572
Does Deezer Hifi work on SE100? Can I play in FLAC Quality or only 320kbps MP3?
Aug 24, 2019 at 6:14 PM Post #1,213 of 1,572
I just love this player, so much better than what I've been using , just one question , where do you buy high quality music from ? All the stores I know only have old to very old releases, I want more current ones , like to audition some music on Spotify or tidal and than buy what I like in higher bitrate/quality.
Well the newest, most up to date stuff can be found on bandcamp

The best commercial, more traditional store with lots of hires stuff - imo - is Qobuz
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Aug 25, 2019 at 3:07 AM Post #1,214 of 1,572

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