Astell & Kern SE100: A&futura Impressions - Reviews
Jun 29, 2018 at 3:10 AM Post #31 of 1,572
I really wish that AK would have included at least a nice soft pouch with their premium players. Would have been a nice touch.

Instead, we get screen protectors with their impossible-to-remove tags.
Jun 29, 2018 at 6:39 AM Post #32 of 1,572
agreed I mean really a 1700.00 dollar player and no case? I see the reason, but frankly I would rather not have the choice and pay the extra 99.00 in retail on top of the 17000. and include a case. and place don't tell me that the wanted to give you choice of colors, lol.
Jun 29, 2018 at 10:21 AM Post #33 of 1,572
I had about 30 minutes with the SP1000 at iRiver's office in California where I was picking up my ak240 after a repair. The clarity was obvious immediately. Very well-balanced sound throughout the frequency range. No noticeable roll-off or graininess. But I can't say I was blown away. Meanwhile, the SE100 grabbed me right out of the box with it's ability to recreate the sense of space in each track. It's a cliche, but the spaciousness allowed me to pick up aspects in favorite recordings that I'd missed before. I need to get back to the SP1000 and contrast/compare.

Please do and report back.
Jun 29, 2018 at 7:53 PM Post #35 of 1,572
The 380 can be had at a nice discount from AK ($2200). Wonder which is the better deal, that or the SE100.

There is no point in going AK380 given all the new SE100 attributes. Better battery life, better UI, more processing power, better scree, USB C and so on, and I bet the new DAC implementation along side a much more powerful balanced amp section the SE100 is the better choice.
Unless the AK380 drops to like 1,000 bucks or so. I would go SE100 IMHO.
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Jun 29, 2018 at 8:16 PM Post #36 of 1,572
There is no point in going AK380 given all the new SE100 attributes. Better battery life, better UI, more processing power, better scree, USB C and so on, and I bet the new DAC implementation along side a much more powerful balanced amp section the SE100 is the better choice.
Unless the AK380 drops to like 1,000 bucks or so. I would go SE100 IMHO.

Thanks. I was thinking along the same lines, but wanted some additional feedback.
Jul 2, 2018 at 8:06 PM Post #38 of 1,572
A&futura 01.jpg
A&futura & ME 01.jpg

First impressions? Very clear and detailed, but still possesses that Astell&Kern relaxed smoothness.

Also, huge, clean soundstage! :gs1000smile:
Jul 3, 2018 at 6:41 AM Post #41 of 1,572

First impressions? Very clear and detailed, but still possesses that Astell&Kern relaxed smoothness.

Also, huge, clean soundstage! :gs1000smile:
Pinky did you purchase the SE100 or do you have it for review?
Jul 3, 2018 at 6:53 AM Post #42 of 1,572
Pinky did you purchase the SE100 or do you have it for review?

My, that's a very personal question!

I have it for an extended stay for review. :wink:
Jul 3, 2018 at 6:55 AM Post #43 of 1,572
My, that's a very personal question!

I have it for an extended stay for review. :wink:
lol, ok. looking forward to your impressions, I remember the Angie & AK120MKII days. thx.
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Jul 3, 2018 at 8:25 AM Post #44 of 1,572
and vs DX200 please!

Moved my short impressions from the other thread...
SE100 > DHC Silver (unbalanced) > Westone W80

First impressions...

Best balanced portable DAP I've ever heard. Been listening to iBasso DX200 for a year or so now. And while it sounds good... it sounds a bit hyped and over bearing in the high and low end...compared to the SE100. And yet... the SE100 is so detailed and layered in it's presentation... it's not boring in any sense... unless maybe you like sizzly highs. While there's great extension in the highs, it's never pronounced, as if it's not trying to add anything to the presentation... just play it back as is. And there's plenty of warmth and low end. I was afraid it might be a little too sterile for my tastes, as I'm a bit of a basshead. But no issues to me whatsoever. And the midrange is exquisite, pretty much everywhere.

And then there's the UI and screen, which is leagues better than the DX200. The screen and user interface are flawless in function... unlike the DX200. The only thing I'd wish for in terms of the UI is a few more sorting options (like being able to sort artist/albums by date rather than alaphabetical), and then when at artist/album, be able to hide the tracks for each album so that I only see the individual albums, with the songs listed for each album if I select an album.

Other than that, very happy with the SE100 so far. Really impressed that they got the 9038, which is perceived as a very clinical DAC, to be so warm, impactful, layered and detailed, but not harsh in the high end in the least, and with plenty of low end and lower midrange warmth for my tastes.

Screen protector is not pre-installed, but included in the packaging (2 sets). There's 2 for the front and 2 for the back. I f'd mine up, thinking there were 4 included and trying to get a good clean install. Too late, I discovered the last 2 I had were for the back (A&K noob). I ordered a couple of SP1000 screen protectors (can't find SE100 yet), hoping they'll fit. Still waiting on them. Doesn't really matter, though, as I already have a case, and the way I use mine, there's little to zero chance of the screen getting dinged.

While I'm here... the SE100 is everything I had hoped the DX200 would be (and isn't), only better. The sound quality to me is significantly better. The UI is super smooth and quick. And no nasty clicks, pops, or artifacts between track plays or switching sample rates at all... all totally silent.

The ONLY things I like better about the DX200 are 1) the volume knob is a little easier to turn on the DX200 when the device is laying flat on a desk (no problems when holding the SE100, or tilting it slightly... the SE100 volume knob seems to work a little easier with your hand behind the device), and 2) I like the DX200 placement of the headphone jack on bottom and the USB cable on top, as when I'm at my desk, it's more natural for the headphone cable to come out from the bottom of the unit, and the charger to come from an outlet at my cubicle from far side of my desk. I can see how the SE100 jack placement might really be better for carrying the device in a pocket, though.

I don't find the sound lacking in dynamics at all (as another poster said not as dynamic as the SP1000). Could be because of the great Westone W80s I'm using. I can see how maybe, with lesser headphones, it might be lacking in low and top end emphasis because the frequency range seems so flat, which might make some lesser headphones sound less dynamic or more "dull" due to lack of range in those areas. Also great to be able to hear all the detail and space between the notes so effortlessly. Reverb and room tones easy to pick out and hear. To me, the SE100 sounds killer/awesome... every bit as detailed and rich as the Benchmark DAC2 DX I use in the studio, with plenty of low end... but the low end is not intrusive at all to other frequencies (to me, anyway). Just sounds "right". Totally worth the price for me.

As an audio player... the se100 is better than the DX200... in every way. Sound is more balanced... not bloated in the low end, highs not as exaggerated. Not to say the se100 is boring or dull... it's not at all. Better dynamics, more clear and balanced throughout the frequency range. UI and software works without a hiccup. No strange noises, pops, or clicks when switching sample rates or track lists. Just gorgeous, clear, balanced sound quality, from top to bottom. SE100 > DHC silver (se) > Westone W80... no EQ... if there's better, I haven't heard it yet.

I only use unbalanced w/ IEMs. Have stock amp 1, amp 2, amp 5. I like the se100 unbalanced better than any of the various unbalanced dx200 amps.
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Jul 3, 2018 at 8:35 AM Post #45 of 1,572
A quick question here. How do you manage to get the little tag off the screen protectors? Whenever I've tried, I've ended up mangling the protector because the tag is really strongly glued on. I highly suspect I'm missing something simple here.

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