asking out a chick........
Oct 29, 2007 at 7:18 PM Post #46 of 317

Originally Posted by ken36 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This thread is bothering me. It has grown legs and I don't know why.

If you don't ask this woman out, you will continue to hate yourself, once again proving you are not much good and you are doomed to a life of loneliness.If you do ask her and she turns you down, as she might, you will feel bad, but relieved and maybe you aren't so bad after all. At least you did it.

In sales you have to ask for the deal to be successful. And by the way, this is a sales transaction, nothing else. So what, if you fail? Doesn't matter to anyone in the world, except your poor fragile ego.

Possibly, she will say yes. Then what are you going to do?

That is the most romantic thing I have ever read...

[size=large]FOR ME TO POOP ON![/size]

I'm sure that all of the female Head-Fiers read that post and their hearts went all aflutter.
Oct 29, 2007 at 7:36 PM Post #47 of 317
Just ask the woman out! Make sure you say it with confidence and eye contact. Women love's like you become a light, and they become a moth.
Trust me, I married a woman that's waaay too hot for a guy with the looks of me...I'm one of those guys that you see in the mall and ask yourself, "How in the hell did that happen!?!" I frustrate people. I can prove it, check out my MySpace (see sig).
Oct 29, 2007 at 7:37 PM Post #48 of 317

Originally Posted by lmilhan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That is the most romantic thing I have ever read...
[size=large]FOR ME TO POOP ON![/size]

I'm sure that all of the female Head-Fiers read that post and their hearts went all aflutter.

Of course it's romantic. I'm glad you are perceptive enough to see that. Let me repeat, You have to get the date, before you break out the champagne. There is nothing cute or tentative here. It's very simple, you just ask.

Once, 3/4 of a lifetime ago, It happened to me. Didn't ask. I failed myself. I still think about it. Think of all the energy, I've wasted over the decades. After that experience, My goal was to put my ego on the line in every circumstance and I learned the only true failure is the failure to act on things that are important.
Oct 29, 2007 at 8:00 PM Post #49 of 317
Enough suggestions on telling this guy to ask her out...

we want updates!!!
Oct 29, 2007 at 10:17 PM Post #52 of 317

Originally Posted by Prozakk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sickening comment. screw friendship. You've got friends here. Friends are easy to find and make. A cool, HOT woman that likes you isn't as easy to come by.

It's obvious she wants him. And she's HOT. Ignore what I quoted from Mr. Lover. YOU NEVER SAW IT!


Oh dear.

A post from someone with too many, or not enough friends.

In fact the opposite is true of what Prozakk suggests; romances come and go, but friendships can go on forever. In my experience though, if you are romantically interested in her you are unlikely to stay friends because at some point you will decalre your intentions and ruin the friendship. So, you might as well go for it.
Oct 29, 2007 at 10:19 PM Post #53 of 317

Originally Posted by Aevum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
this is probobly the worst thread i could have stumbled upon, i have bus girl, this nice girl i see on the bus every day when i have nightshift, the problem is i only have nightshift for a week every month and a half, and last week, come friday and i was ready to go for it, i missed the bus...

today im starting a new nightshift week, the problem is that im limping becuase of a small broken bone in my foot, plus, being on your behind for 2 and a half weeks dosnt leave you in a nice physical form, but who cares,

anyways, for you,

friendship is friendship,
you will meet 4 kinds of women in your life
1)the woman which is your friend - just one of he guys,
2)the woman you will date - stable relationship but no marrige,
3) the women you will have sex with - a woman you pick up in a bar and you hope she will be gone before you wake up,
4)the woman you will marry - someone that will turn your world around and make you actually consider stuff you would never consider,

DO NOT EVER explain this chart to a woman, even if she is a close friend, becuase they always ask the same question and you´re always forced to lie and they will almost always be disapointed with your answer... "so, in which of those would you put me?"

now, alot of people mistake 2 for 4, and thats where divorces come from, thats becuase alot of people become complasent with their relationships and think "this is good enough for me" NO ITS NOT, saying to yourself "this is as good as it gets" about anything only lines you up for failiure,

anyways, once you decide what number she is, remember, being a friend limits your options to lie, cheat and be evil in general, so you might want to look in to the "taking our relationship to the next level" approuch.

There's a lot of truth in this post.
Oct 29, 2007 at 10:38 PM Post #54 of 317

Originally Posted by Aevum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
now, alot of people mistake 2 for 4, and thats where divorces come from, thats becuase alot of people become complasent with their relationships and think "this is good enough for me" NO ITS NOT, saying to yourself "this is as good as it gets" about anything only lines you up for failiure,

That's a good point, but I also think it is slightly dangerous to push this idea too far, because it risks fruitlessly pursuing a 'perfect' woman that does not and cannot exist... especially if you're the type that inherently enjoys the idea of change. First, I think some people mistake infatuation, which is temporary and very exciting, for love, which is evolving, deeper, and not always as all-consuming or exciting. Second, I think some people don't understand the amount of work and compromise that goes into maintaining a long-term healthy relationship, and the fact that some disagreements are inevitable, and are thus apt to pull the plug as soon as the self-imposed illusion of perfection is compromised. Consequently, I know some people who get into a pattern of ending relationships prematurely after a few months or so, because they seek out infatuation and perfection, and haven't experienced and don't understand the natural evolution of a relationship. I don't think these people are truly happy, because they live in a mire of self-delusion and shallow understandings of romantic interaction.

Anyways, all that to say, in my experience it's not a good idea to put women on pedestals and create versions of them in your head that don't really exist, or to seek out perfection, because it doesn't exist. Instead, I think it's better to try to appreciate women for who they are and aren't, be honest with yourself and with them, try to understand your relationships realistically and try hard to make them work. If you do this, I think you will stand a better chance of having meaningful and satisfying relationships, rather than shallow fleeting ones.
Oct 29, 2007 at 11:00 PM Post #55 of 317

Originally Posted by AndyRx7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's a good point, but I also think it is slightly dangerous to push this idea too far, because it risks fruitlessly pursuing a 'perfect' woman that does not and cannot exist... especially if you're the type that inherently enjoys the idea of change. First, I think some people mistake infatuation, which is temporary and very exciting, for love, which is evolving, deeper, and not always as all-consuming or exciting. Second, I think some people don't understand the amount of work and compromise that goes into maintaining a long-term healthy relationship, and the fact that some disagreements are inevitable, and are thus apt to pull the plug as soon as the self-imposed illusion of perfection is compromised. Consequently, I know some people who get into a pattern of ending relationships prematurely after a few months or so, because they seek out infatuation and perfection, and haven't experienced and don't understand the natural evolution of a relationship. I don't think these people are truly happy, because they live in a mire of self-delusion and shallow understandings of romantic interaction.

Anyways, all that to say, in my experience it's not a good idea to put women on pedestals and create versions of them in your head that don't really exist, or to seek out perfection, because it doesn't exist. Instead, I think it's better to try to appreciate women for who they are and aren't, be honest with yourself and with them, try to understand your relationships realistically and try hard to make them work. If you do this, I think you will stand a better chance of having meaningful and satisfying relationships, rather than shallow fleeting ones.

Very well said.

So, OP, you ask her out yet?
Oct 29, 2007 at 11:14 PM Post #56 of 317

Originally Posted by GAD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Think about ho you'll feel in a year (5,10,20,60) if you don't ask her now.


+1, if you miss an opportunity like this, down the line you will hate yourself. I don't know if she's really perfect these guys make some very good points but if you like her a lot that's good enough to go for it.
Oct 29, 2007 at 11:16 PM Post #57 of 317
LMAO at all the responses in this thread and also all the people who are intently following every move of this thread for an update from me !!


i was going to ask her out yesterday, but she didnt turn up to work, so i tried calling her and there was no pick up and then i messaged her and no response !!

im a bit worried..

but im telling you all the next time i come into contact with her im asking her out !! and as soon as i get the yes or no ill give you's the heads up.

omg im afraid shes avoiding me because we went to a bar on friday night with some friends from work to celebrate a graduation from a course and she really opened up to me and said alot of stuff she may regret, like ...... lol..... her having taught herself to orgasm because her ex was so **** in bed.......... hahahahahahaha ok there, no more dirt, just an update...

cya guys soon.
Oct 29, 2007 at 11:19 PM Post #59 of 317

Originally Posted by fordgtlover /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh dear.

A post from someone with too many, or not enough friends.

In fact the opposite is true of what Prozakk suggests; romances come and go, but friendships can go on forever. In my experience though, if you are romantically interested in her you are unlikely to stay friends because at some point you will decalre your intentions and ruin the friendship. So, you might as well go for it.

I personally would not be romantically interested in a girl that I could not see myself being friends with. If you are not friends with your SO, you will eventually go nuts after spending enough time with them. A lot of people use this ratty cliche excuse of, "oh but I don't want to wreck our friendship". Sorry but if you're not willing to take that risk and deal with the consequences, then maybe you aren't ready to date yet. I am not very picky when it comes to choosing friends, but finding a girl worth dating is like finding a diamond in the rough.
Oct 29, 2007 at 11:27 PM Post #60 of 317
pne is right. The other thing to emphasize is that it almost never ruins your friendship if she turns you down. You fear it will, but it really doesn't... most women are flattered. Just don't become a weird hovering force or puppy dog afterwards, and things can return pretty much to normal. In fact, when you get your next girlfriend, she may well become slightly, secretly jealous and wishing she didn't turn you down. It's all good. There's no risk.

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