ARRRRRRGHHHH!!! Who's screwing up the audiophile headphone ratings on AudioREVIEW?
Nov 5, 2001 at 11:42 PM Post #16 of 54
Ohhh, my blood is boiling, we should track these idiots down and throw them beatings with a pair of AKG 1000's. Thats why i dont bother with that site any longer.

Nov 5, 2001 at 11:46 PM Post #17 of 54
well, sometimes Audioreview can be handy. if you read between the lines and ignore the ratings, you can use it to figure out a components signature sound. the headphone reviews are totally screwed over there, but thats why we are here.
Nov 5, 2001 at 11:57 PM Post #18 of 54
That last review of the V300 is just hillarious!


The highs on these cans are truly reference quality. the only other headphones which has comparable highs are my AKG 1000s

Nov 6, 2001 at 12:18 AM Post #19 of 54
pretty much dumbasses put such reports in...
you see I dj and spin at some parties (raves) and alot of these dj's love their sony because of it's functionality, and eventually if you use a can enough, you begin to belive that's how music sound....

To be honst the v600's do sound like what it is at a party...

a large hall, with horrible resanance, very BOOMY mid-bass and ear pearcing distored highs....

I belive they figure... hey if I paid 100 bux for a pair of cans and they are "sony" quality, heck they must be great...

They say my V6 has no bass and sounds too bright...
I'm like um... well that's how it's supposed the song is supposed to sound!

Also they are people who claim sound quality lies in a car with 2 way 6x9s and 15 inch subs....
Nov 6, 2001 at 11:27 AM Post #20 of 54
sounds like someone in Team Beyer or Team Ety has discovered AudioReview. I bet we could trace half of these posts back to Tomcat...

Nov 6, 2001 at 11:57 AM Post #21 of 54
mr_slacker, it's hard to believe, but I have never posted a review there. Honestly. I am loyal to Head-Fize.

I have posted there once to tell them that they had misplaced their Earmax reviews in the amplifier review section - no word about the Earmax to be found in the headphone amp review section.

Needless to say, the Earmax reviews are still misplaced. Talk about poorly moderated.
Nov 6, 2001 at 1:54 PM Post #23 of 54
Guys GUYS! Do you really care about the opinions of people you don't know who critique something you know sounds good? No pre-requisite knowledge, intelligence or skill testing is required to post there. Forget about it.
Nov 6, 2001 at 7:56 PM Post #24 of 54
Hehe we should employ a WWW mercenary to go through all the headphone reviews and tell them to come on over to headfi or headwize to "discuss" their findings. That way noobs won't get mislead, and we also might get some authentic criticism on different headphones if they are brave enough to register and actually back up some claims.

I'd bet audioreview would get mad about that however, even though they do such a lame job of moderating.
Nov 7, 2001 at 1:13 AM Post #26 of 54
I think they are funny to read. Just try to imagine the Joe 6-pack or the Jane Wall-Mart behind, the kind of music they listen to (or should I say hear).

The question I have is why do audiophiles care so much about what the others think about equipment? Are they that insecure?

Nov 7, 2001 at 1:50 AM Post #27 of 54
I agree with Monica. I mean, come on, we all KNOW better about why not just leave it at that? I certainly would never badmouth Audioreview in general because I VERY HEAVILY rely upon it to get reviews on interconnects, CDPs, just about anything audio related that I have not had personal experience with. Headphones, I could care less about, because I know better from hands on experience. But for products that I have no access to whatsoever, Audioreview provides an extremely valuable database to me for just about anything else audio related, because it pratically is the only audio database out there that has even some reviews of older audio equipment, especially important when looking at 2nd hand stuff. Sure there's Audioasylum which is more audiophile based, but its browsing style is just utterly ridiculous for a site of its caliber.
Nov 7, 2001 at 3:22 AM Post #28 of 54

Originally posted by Tim D
Hehe we should employ a WWW mercenary to go through all the headphone reviews and tell them to come on over to headfi or headwize to "discuss" their findings.

Yea, hehe maybe we can set them on the right path....but seriously, do you have any idea how many out of hand arguments and 'your momma' jokes there would be? not to mention the 1000's of swear words.

I agree with Monica too, but the reason that it makes some/most of us a bit angry is because they're misrepresenting (what i hear is) a damn fine product, some of the best headphones out there according to the people who know about this kind of stuff.

I remember about a year ago when I was listening to stock earbuds that came with my Panasonic....when I upgraded to some $13 CDN Sony earbuds, I was amazed at the sound difference.....hahaha, things were simpler back then! Now, when I think of the headphones I want, I get a list of 5 for all my uses:
.....Ety's for listening, isolation and for the small size and weight
.....Sony V6's for accuracy and detail
.....Koss KSC-35/50's for good unrevealing sound with mp3's
.....Sony e888's for school and places where I can't be isolated
.....Sony EX-70's for the stylish bus-phones (I already own em)

Hehehe ever since I found Head-Fize, I've been a lot more aware of not buying into big brand names. Thanks Head-Fize members, you've shown me the truth...and I wish you hadn't!

jus' kiddin' of course!
Nov 7, 2001 at 3:23 AM Post #29 of 54
Whoops, double post!

PS. AudioReview is good for the pics of high end setups. Plus I enjoy their reviews, they give me an idea of what products *might* be good, so then I can research them in other places on the net so then I can find out if the reviews are accurate.
Nov 7, 2001 at 4:07 AM Post #30 of 54
Most of us will have to admit that we get pretty defensive about our gear (cf. any argument on this site). Some say it's because of all the ribbing we get for the prices we pay, some because we're audio snobs, some will say it shows that we care.

Then again, I get angry at any "review" site that doesn't have guidelines because I myself hate being mislead, whether by movie reviews, book reviews, or product reviews. It's funny now that I don't need it any more, but it wasn't fun agonizing about how to spend my limited funds on headphones a year ago.

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