Are you a console or PC gamer?
Dec 22, 2016 at 2:19 PM Post #331 of 973
I came over from XBOX360.  When Destiny came out, my friends made the switch to PS4 and eventually I did the same about a year later.  I would like to play Ninja Gaiden Black (my fav) on the PS4 and a lot of the OG Ninja Gaiden games aren't available as far as I know.
Did you ever have any of the older PlayStation consoles? I had PS1, PS3, and Vita. The very limited backward compatibility of PS4 is disappointing. They have stated for years that they plan on making all PlayStation releases (new and old) playable in digital format on PS4 and Vita, but who knows when that will happen... I'm especially disgruntled about many downloadable PS3 games not being playable on PS4.

Dec 22, 2016 at 2:25 PM Post #332 of 973
I came over from XBOX360.  When Destiny came out, my friends made the switch to PS4 and eventually I did the same about a year later.  I would like to play Ninja Gaiden Black (my fav) on the PS4 and a lot of the OG Ninja Gaiden games aren't available as far as I know.

Oh man, you missed so many phenomenal PlayStation games. (I'm assuming you are at least familiar with the classic SNES games, so I won't rave about them.) Let me put it this way: I'm crazy about the older PS games (even some PS3 titles) and want to play them over and over, while I only have a slight interest in PS4 games.
Dec 22, 2016 at 2:36 PM Post #333 of 973
I missed out on those PS3 games.  We were doing a lot of Halo on Xbox back in the day since Microsoft had pretty good support for online gaming.
I was hoping the mini NES would be a nice little treat over the holidays but wasn't able to grab one.  I am older so I grew up in the prime of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, Kid Icarus, Double Dragon, Punch Out, Ring King, Mega Man, Metroid, Metal Gear (Original), Kung Fu, etc.  Ha, we actually went to arcades back then too!  Gaming now is on a different level, but I have fond memories of the classics.  Our kids are young enough that they might actually like a Wii.  I just have to look into it. 
Oh man, you missed so many phenomenal PlayStation games. (I'm assuming you are at least familiar with the classic SNES games, so I won't rave about them.) Let me put it this way: I'm crazy about the older PS games (even some PS3 titles) and want to play them over and over, while I only have a slight interest in PS4 games.

Dec 22, 2016 at 4:14 PM Post #334 of 973
  Console guy here (PS4).  Grew up with the Intellivision, Atari, 8-bit Nintendo, etc.  Most of my friends stuck with consoles so I did as well.  I do hear a lot of good things about PC games, but nowadays with kids I'm all about convenience.  Maybe if Destiny is brought to PC then I'll give it a shot :)  I'll have to read up on how VR is doing in the PC world.  A couple of my friends are already using it with PS4.

There are of course more VR games on PC than on console, plus more than one headset to choose from.  But then HTC and Facebook/Oculus fight for exclusive games, VR will probably just be a rather short lived fad for this reason and numerous others.
Dec 24, 2016 at 12:39 AM Post #335 of 973
I've always been a console gamer.  My first console was the Fairchild F.  That's very old school.  From there to Atari, Sega Genesis, Sega CD (okay that one didn't work out), 3DO (I worked there), PlayStation, PS2, PS3, PS4, XBOX, XBOX 360, and XBOX One.  PC always meant software not working as it should.  I like have games that work without tech support.
Dec 24, 2016 at 12:42 AM Post #336 of 973
There are of course more VR games on PC than on console, plus more than one headset to choose from.  But then HTC and Facebook/Oculus fight for exclusive games, VR will probably just be a rather short lived fad for this reason and numerous others.

It's going to take awhile before VR takes off.  Right now, must of the experiences feel like tech demos, not real games.  PC has the power to give you a better experience (HTC being the best), but Sony is going to sell more units because they are at a more friendly price.  Wait another 2 more years before there's decent VR games on a system that doesn't break the bank.  At least, that's my opinion.
Dec 24, 2016 at 12:44 AM Post #337 of 973
  I've always been a console gamer.  My first console was the Fairchild F.  That's very old school.  From there to Atari, Sega Genesis, Sega CD (okay that one didn't work out), 3DO (I worked there), PlayStation, PS2, PS3, PS4, XBOX, XBOX 360, and XBOX One.  PC always meant software not working as it should.  I like have games that work without tech support.

Awesome. I bet we have many games in common.
By the way, I saw you in the DAVE thread!

  It's going to take awhile before VR takes off.  Right now, must of the experiences feel like tech demos, not real games.  PC has the power to give you a better experience (HTC being the best), but Sony is going to sell more units because they are at a more friendly price.  Wait another 2 more years before there's decent VR games on a system that doesn't break the bank.  At least, that's my opinion.

I remember playing a full-body VR game at some sort of science center as a kid. I hooked stuff up all over my body to play virtual basketball. I could see my entire body in third person view in the game. It was trippy.
Dec 24, 2016 at 12:48 AM Post #338 of 973
Awesome. I bet we have many games in common.
By the way, I saw you in the DAVE thread!

I remember playing a full-body VR game at some sort of science center as a kid. I hooked stuff up all over my body to play virtual basketball. I could see my entire body in third person view in the game. It was trippy.

Yea, I like high end audio and video games!   The biggest problem with VR is that I've yet to meet anyone that can play it for more than about 15 minutes before they either get sick or just feel like they need a break.  I fall in the camp of getting sick very easily.  
Dec 24, 2016 at 12:50 AM Post #339 of 973
  Yea, I like high end audio and video games!   The biggest problem with VR is that I've yet to meet anyone that can play it for more than about 15 minutes before they either get sick or just feel like they need a break.  I fall in the camp of getting sick very easily.  

haha. And now I'm thinking about playing Zelda games on Wii. So fun, but it tires your arms out.
Dec 24, 2016 at 12:53 AM Post #340 of 973
haha. And now I'm thinking about playing Zelda games on Wii. So fun, but it tires your arms out.

The Wii was the perfect console at just the right time.  Nintendo has been lost since then.  People seem to be getting excited by the Switch, but I'm not feeling it.  
Dec 29, 2016 at 2:56 AM Post #341 of 973
There are of course more VR games on PC than on console, plus more than one headset to choose from.  But then HTC and Facebook/Oculus fight for exclusive games, VR will probably just be a rather short lived fad for this reason and numerous others.

I'm not happy about the exclusivity thing, but thankfully, with Oculus Touch finally out, we're starting to see feature parity between the two camps.
It's not quite there yet in that two-sensor, opposed-corner tracking isn't reliable enough for my liking with Rift + Touch, though. I'm gonna need three, maybe even four cameras to get the tracking reliability I'm looking for, something that Vive users apparently don't have to worry about nearly as much with just two base stations, but even Lighthouse still requires line of sight and can suffer from occlusion.
I still greatly prefer Oculus Touch's design as a controller, though. It just released far later than it should have.
It's going to take awhile before VR takes off.  Right now, must of the experiences feel like tech demos, not real games.  PC has the power to give you a better experience (HTC being the best), but Sony is going to sell more units because they are at a more friendly price.  Wait another 2 more years before there's decent VR games on a system that doesn't break the bank.  At least, that's my opinion.

The cost to entry is exceedingly high, and I dread the thought of having to pay $900 for a PS4 Pro + Move + PSVR setup down the road just for exclusives, especially after seeing all the complaints regarding Sony's outdated tracking system. When you're like me and you've already got a competent gaming PC, it makes the Rift and Vive seem more affordable by comparison, but for those who don't, it'll easily double the total price if you don't have a desktop PC that can be easily upgraded.
Still, you can already play "real games" with VR, particularly cockpit sims (DCS World, Elite: Dangerous, FSX w/FlyInside, Project CARS and Assetto Corza to name a few), and more recently, we've got Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter for those of us who can't stand being forced to teleport around in games. Moving around with Oculus Touch analog sticks is quite liberating to me, and it doesn't even leave me feeling any sort of motion sickness!
I'd also count Onward as a "real game" already, even with its in-development, not-quite-finished state yearning for more game modes and more maps. It's singlehandedly made non-VR milsims uninteresting for a lot of players after having tried it, and I'll probably end up among them once I have some extra Oculus sensor cameras for room-scale play.
Dec 29, 2016 at 10:46 AM Post #342 of 973
  I'm not happy about the exclusivity thing, but thankfully, with Oculus Touch finally out, we're starting to see feature parity between the two camps.
It's not quite there yet in that two-sensor, opposed-corner tracking isn't reliable enough for my liking with Rift + Touch, though. I'm gonna need three, maybe even four cameras to get the tracking reliability I'm looking for, something that Vive users apparently don't have to worry about nearly as much with just two base stations, but even Lighthouse still requires line of sight and can suffer from occlusion.
I still greatly prefer Oculus Touch's design as a controller, though. It just released far later than it should have.

Jan 3, 2017 at 2:42 AM Post #343 of 973
I grew up a console gamer and switched to PC after the 360/PS3 generation. These days every game I'm interested in is being released cross platform anyways, so the only real choice seems to be between what kind of controller I want to play with. So add that I wanted a solid desktop computer for non-gaming use anyways to that I prefer mouse and keyboard for shooters and PC became an obvious choice for me.
My only current gen console right now is a second Wii U for playing Splatoon with my wife because she's obsessed.
Jan 3, 2017 at 2:47 AM Post #344 of 973
I'm PC all the way cuz I mainly play Skyrim, Oblivion, Witcher Series, Fallout. So as you are about to guess I mod.

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