Anyone want a Coconut Audio Groundhanger?
Dec 4, 2010 at 11:14 PM Post #2 of 3
While I would never call something stupid or ridicules before trying it... this would be as close as you could get me to doing so.  And really, none of us can say squat about it because we haven't tried it.  Maybe it does something, and if it does, and your system is as dialed in as you can get it, and this is the only place left to do some kind of tweak, and it works in your case... go for it, (provided you can pay for it of course).
And for those who will attack my defense of this product, note all the qualifiers I put in place.
They could seriously work on aesthetics though... yes?

Dec 4, 2010 at 11:44 PM Post #3 of 3
kboe, this "product" is from patrick82. If you want to keep your mind wide open to all possibilities, be sure to remember that fraud is one of them.

You can absolutely dismiss something without trying it. Anyone making an extraordinary claim has the burden of proof to demonstrate the claim. Otherwise, you force people into proving a negative.

Logic aside, anyone selling a product claiming to open a wormhole into another dimension is full of it. Though it is also likely that he is making fun of people like you.

Patrick's stuff keeps coming up here. We've had enough threads and this can be discussed in one of those. Thread closed.

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