Anyone see King Kong yet?
Dec 19, 2005 at 5:55 PM Post #31 of 41
Just got to see King Kong last night and I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a really good movie, superb CGI effects (even the facial effects of Kong was impressive) and excellent story line. Acting was on par and they really took the time in this movie to develope each character rather than to just jump right into hunting for Kong. It may be a bit long for some people (3 hr. 15 min.) but I'd recommend it.
Dec 19, 2005 at 9:14 PM Post #32 of 41
I watched the movie last week. I liked it a lot but i cant say it was the best thing i have seen. Peter seems to make his movies longs without a reason. At some points when the humans are trying to avoid the bugs i felt like i was watching lord of the rings. Also the end with the punch line "beauty killed the beast" is the worst i have heard in a long time.
Dec 19, 2005 at 10:01 PM Post #33 of 41

Originally Posted by Dimitris
Also the end with the punch line "beauty killed the beast" is the worst i have heard in a long time.

That's the classic line straight from the original film.
Dec 19, 2005 at 10:04 PM Post #34 of 41

Originally Posted by jefemeister
That's the classic line straight from the original film.

One of the famous movie lines, no doubt. Darn Jack Black...I remember Roeper commenting that it didn't sound right coming from him.
Dec 19, 2005 at 10:10 PM Post #35 of 41
Fay Wray was originally supposed to say it, but she died before they could film it.

I thought Jack Black was actually very good as Carl Denham. If anyone was miscast it was Brody.
Dec 19, 2005 at 10:28 PM Post #36 of 41
Jack Black definitely played his character more to the buffonish side rather than devious. Not sure if Peter Jackson wanted this from him or not.

That said, I can't imagine any actor nowadays getting away with the line "beauty killed the beast." You know what they say in writing 101: if you want to write a love poem, don't use the word "love". So basically, that crap line reduces the previous 3 hours of "King Kong as metaphor" into the soap opera, "As the Kong Turns".

And I thought Brody did a good job with his role.
Dec 19, 2005 at 11:06 PM Post #37 of 41

Originally Posted by shesmylovernow
Fay Wray was originally supposed to say it, but she died before they could film it.

I thought Jack Black was actually very good as Carl Denham. If anyone was miscast it was Brody.

I liked Jack Black's beginning performance fine, it was more over the last 2/3 of the movie that it didn't work.

Adrian Brody is miscast as everything except the Pianist : ) I should check out his filmography and see if I've enjoyed him in anything else. Interesting...I've never seen his other films. I don't think he was miscast though, he misacted.


Originally Posted by Shakey
Jack Black definitely played his character more to the buffonish side rather than devious. Not sure if Peter Jackson wanted this from him or not.

You can't have Jack Black in a role and have a 0 smart ass quotient. That's his personality, and there's absolutely nothing I've seen with him that didn't have him smarmy or a smart ass. Not criticizing him, I enjoyed School of Rock, but that's his style.
Dec 20, 2005 at 4:25 AM Post #38 of 41
as the wife and kids are coming back tomorrow i snuck out and caught KONG> good movie's line about the cockroach was pretty funny as he can deliver it and yeah at some parts he was awkward...what was up with that race on the island? do we assume KOng ate the rest of the sacrifices with the necklaces? if so maybe KOng only likes dark meat and not white meat. hahaha
Dec 20, 2005 at 4:48 AM Post #39 of 41
I saw Kong tonight and would give it 9/10 for special effects and 6/10 for the movie. It was overlong (my butt hurts), I never felt much for the ape (even the 1970s version did this part better) or any of the characters really. In fact I couldn't have cared less if everyone including the ape were dead by the end. So not bad, but not A+ list stuff.
Dec 22, 2005 at 4:42 PM Post #40 of 41
Saw it last night... it was ok. I was not impressed and not really disappointed. I thought that the cg looked better in the second half and I got a little burned out on a couple of the overdone action sequences. The humans in the film took too much abuse to keep getting up like they were just fine (even for the movies) and that got a little old. The insects were cool and I liked the T-Rex fight as well as the end building scene. Overall it was worth seeing on the big screen but I wont be rushing out to buy it on DVD.

Narnia is up next, gonna see that the day after Christmas. Also looking forward to Underworld in Jan.

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