Anyone see King Kong yet?
Dec 17, 2005 at 6:46 PM Post #16 of 41
Yeah, but you know that the relationship would never have worked out. I mean, she's a 5'8" air-head actress (and we all know what they're like) and Kong's a 50ft. tall angry gorilla. I mean, I knew halfway through the film that they were on the express train to nowheresville, so no surprises there. And sure, love/infatuation will feel good for the first week or so, but they don't even speak the same language! I dunno, maybe it's me, but I was just never able to take the whole Naomi/Kong thing seriously. Call me a cynic, but frozen lake or no frozen lake, where was it headed?
Dec 17, 2005 at 8:43 PM Post #18 of 41

True love conquers all...I can picture Kong coming home from a hard day's work in his suit and tie, and getting a little Naomi lovin'.

The monkey's dead, man. I can picture me coming home from a hard day's work in my suit and tie, and getting a little Naomi lovin'.
Dec 17, 2005 at 10:23 PM Post #19 of 41

Originally Posted by Shakey
Yeah, but you know that the relationship would never have worked out. I mean, she's a 5'8" air-head actress (and we all know what they're like) and Kong's a 50ft. tall angry gorilla. I mean, I knew halfway through the film that they were on the express train to nowheresville, so no surprises there. And sure, love/infatuation will feel good for the first week or so, but they don't even speak the same language! I dunno, maybe it's me, but I was just never able to take the whole Naomi/Kong thing seriously. Call me a cynic, but frozen lake or no frozen lake, where was it headed?

Their love is not a sexual one. It's a platonic love like a comfort thing. Kong is living in a jungle with no contact to call his own. Just dinosaurs to beat up all day long. Ann comes by and gives Kong a reason for being. And she loves him because he's her protector and she realizes that he's a sweet misunderstood creature.

And sorry, it's been common knowledge for the last 72 years that Kong dies in the end.
Dec 17, 2005 at 10:25 PM Post #20 of 41

Originally Posted by jefemeister
And sorry, it's been common knowledge for the last 72 years that Kong dies in the end.

I was going to say. I thought everyone knew that.
Dec 17, 2005 at 10:48 PM Post #21 of 41

Originally Posted by jefemeister
Their love is not a sexual one. It's a platonic love like a comfort thing. Kong is living in a jungle with no contact to call his own. Just dinosaurs to beat up all day long. Ann comes by and gives Kong a reason for being. And she loves him because he's her protector and she realizes that he's a sweet misunderstood creature.

And sorry, it's been common knowledge for the last 72 years that Kong dies in the end.

Platonic, schmlatonic... I know and you know that the the monkey wants her! he just says he wants to be friends to get his hairy foot in the door, but then he gets the dreaded, "let's just be friends" song and dance routine from her and he decides to off himself via "suicide by biplane". It's actually pretty clear in the original book.
Dec 18, 2005 at 3:03 AM Post #22 of 41
Saw it two days ago. Pete Jackson did a great job directing this movie. Screen play was well written. The acting was pretty good too. My biggest complant was with the CGI effects. Sometimes it looked great while other times it looked cartoonish and really cheesy. I thought the first Jurassic Park had better effects.

The chessy CGI effects really took away from the movie when in certain scenes it either looked like a cartoon or you could see the outline of the actors in front of the blue screen.

Overall, I think the flick is overrated. Good movie not great. It would have been better, if they had paid more attention to the CGI effects. I had expected something on par with Jurrasic Park's dino realism, but it didn't even come close.
Dec 18, 2005 at 3:17 AM Post #23 of 41
haven't seen the movie yet but i was expecting top notch cgi. That's a real bummer.

On another note, kong is an ape, not a monkey. Rest assured that if in real life said monkey decided to rough up a beautiful woman like that, said monkey would be spanked.
Dec 18, 2005 at 4:53 AM Post #24 of 41
Just got back from seeing it with my family. Pretty good! I thought Naomi Watts's performance was excellent. Adrian Brody was good for the first hour or so, then he just turned into background scenery. (Except for when he was watching the comedy he wrote for Ann. That was touching.)

Altogether, I think the movie sort of dropped off in the latter half. There were some key moments in the last hour or so, no doubt, but they could have been a little more judicious with editing.

On another note, I was surprised to read somewhere that the score was originally composed by Howard Shore, but Jackson scrapped it at the eleventh hour. Wonder what it was like!
Dec 18, 2005 at 8:29 AM Post #25 of 41
I want my 6 dollars back. I know that's cheap for a movie but it's still too much for that overloaded piece of crape.

And to think, with the massive budget this thing was made on, at least three movies could have been produced with a real story and acting.
Dec 18, 2005 at 9:25 AM Post #27 of 41
A spectacle, to be sure, but far from spectacular. I found the film curiously devoid of soul, somewhat formulaic and yet unsure of what it wanted to do/where it wanted to go.

It is worth seeing for the more action-oriented scenes, which are tremendously done, as well as the "event" atmosphere that accompanies a movie such as this every few years.

And if you are deciding between Kong and Narnia, see Kong. Narnia is truly one of the worst films of the year, a horrid mess of terrible acting, worse writing and served with the largest helping of cheese you can imagine. It's contrivances are painfully laughable, perhaps worse even than Crash (but we're not going to talk about Crash -- I don't want to pop another blood vessel).

So yeah, Kong it is, then. I give it a 7.0 on my high-fallutin' scale, which is pretty respectable.
Dec 19, 2005 at 9:18 AM Post #28 of 41
Um, guys, I knew Kong died in the end. This is a remake of a 1933 movie after all. Sigh.

Saw it tonight. It was enjoyable. Naomi Watts was excellent, and they did the relationship between her and Kong perfectly.

Not a big Adrian Brody fan in general or this movie. He was good in The Pianist because his understated manner fit the movie well. Here he's just dull.

Jack Black was miscast, although he did the best he could within his talents. He's very much an actor of his time, and it's jarring to see him in a period piece, he sticks out like a sore thumb.

I thought the movie dragged at times, particularly in the first hour. I enjoyed all the special effects, and the tender moments between Naomi and Kong. The end scenes on the Empire State Building were spectacular.

It's a good movie, but not a great one and has some clear flaws. It's worth seeing in the theater for sure, though.

Chronicles of Narnia was actually decent at worst...I could see that again before Kong, but could see where someone would prefer either. Narnia is similar to LOTR in some ways, with more of a sense of wonder versus violence.

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