Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?
May 27, 2011 at 9:10 PM Post #151 of 841
I don't post so much anymore, but I read some stuff about the t5p that doesn't exactly fit the full picture - it's not wrong, but just not the full picture. And it's gotten this long post working around in my head that is going to have to burst itself out onto a new thread at some point. I just don't want it to be a wall of text that will only be skimmed anyway, and I don't want it to sound defensive because I think those negative things said are valid, it just depends..
If anyone here still reads about headphones, I hope to make an interesting post about actual headphones, sometime soonishly.
Jun 3, 2011 at 1:31 AM Post #153 of 841

Plainsong - it would be good to see you around more often.

Jun 4, 2011 at 1:47 PM Post #155 of 841

Although there some things to be said about being a square.
Usually they are in the derogatory/blasphemous category..........

It's always nice to have people who are squared away, around more often.
Jun 4, 2011 at 3:14 PM Post #157 of 841
So what was it like back at the start? I would imaging stressful for Jude hoping people would join, be active and be positive about the forum and other members. The original members must be able to make or break the place.
Aug 14, 2011 at 2:52 PM Post #162 of 841
I realized this month that I've also been here a decade. It seems like it was only yesterday that I was debating whether to spend a princely sum on a set of Sony MDR-V6. I haven't been around nearly as much the past few years due to changing interests and being pretty happy with my now 7-year-old headphone/amp combo. I am seriously considering going to RMAF this year since I haven't been in a few years. Plus I'd like to finally meet some of the Head-Fi legends

Edit: Er, I guess it's been "only" 9 years that I've been here. Either way, time has flown!
Aug 15, 2011 at 3:41 PM Post #163 of 841

I realized this month that I've also been here a decade. It seems like it was only yesterday that I was debating whether to spend a princely sum on a set of Sony MDR-V6. I haven't been around nearly as much the past few years due to changing interests and being pretty happy with my now 7-year-old headphone/amp combo. I am seriously considering going to RMAF this year since I haven't been in a few years. Plus I'd like to finally meet some of the Head-Fi legends

Edit: Er, I guess it's been "only" 9 years that I've been here. Either way, time has flown!

Been seven years for me and although my interest tends to ebb and flow, I have learned a lot and continue to enjoy the hobby.  It's home.
Oct 31, 2011 at 1:16 AM Post #165 of 841
Ten years...
Wow.  That's a bit of time now isn't it?  Ten years on Head-fi for me means 14 years of fascination with headphones and 17 years of wanting to really concentrate on good sound, running parallel, with good music (or at least music I enjoy).
Ten years... bloody decimal systems.  Using something like Base64 would permit me the graceful environment to forget I'm now squarely in the middle-age category, if only barely.  Ten years... on Head-fi!  Craziness.  I have trouble remembering all the good times and some of the rockiness that for whatever reason, were still very very entertaining (thanks kelly, markl and grinch!)
markl likely still posts but kelly does not nor does grinch.  Those days are long gone, and for many good reasons, that is a positive for the community, but no doubt the discussions stemming from the word play between kelly and markl alone was worth logging in multiple times a day :)
My nemesis in life is entropy.  A really easy way of explaining what I mean is simply using a singular word - change.  I hate it, but it exists and it is truly the one element of existence I can't seem to overcome.  Best to go with it then, rather than burn energy trying to stop what is truly inevitable.  
I've taken a good break.  A positive break.  An important break.  I worked out my schooling.  I spent time with my growing family and I even spent some time with friends, in real life no less!  True human contact!  I know, anathema, but hey, it's a learning curve and I'm always learning.
Will Head-fi every rekindle the original flame of true excitement that Headwize sparked but that Head-fi grew into a true blaze?  Gosh, hard to tell -  but doubtful.  This is true for all those wild-west stories one might come across.  The originating times, those events that shaped and solidified a community... they can't be recreated.  That does not mean that the best is not yet meant to come, but it does mean that what once was, truly has passed us by.  This leaves one with a binary decision: does one go with the flow with the anticipation of igniting something truly new and exciting?  Or does one revel in their remorse, the longings of yesteryears and what once was?  For me, positive thinking all the way, so forward we tread, with old friends ideally, but certainly with those who are new...

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