Any Members From Ottawa, Canada?
Apr 19, 2012 at 1:02 AM Post #46 of 83
Okay for thread followers, here is some good news. For our meet, Planet of Sound in Ottawa has agreed to provide a stunning door prize. They will be doing a draw for a Graham Slee Novo headphone amp for us! That is a retail value of $449. Not a bad little prize. A few things, there is one entry per person only, and the ballot must be dropped off in person at the Ottawa store, but you do not need to attend the meet to enter. This seems fair to me as we would like the possible entrants limited to Ottawa and capital region members who are active in the forums and who might actually become customers of Planet of Sound. However, the owner has not restricted those who can enter, but they must themselves drop off their ballot.
Not that I am suggesting anything here, but I don't think any of us should offer to submit a ballot for a head-fi buddy who can't get to the store themselves. First, it dilutes the odds of those of us who are attending the meet and those actually who live in the area. The people in Toronto, Montreal or where-ever have plenty of other opportunities that we don't get here in Ottawa so please, only encourage people to enter who should. That is fair isn' t it? I sure don't want a member in Vancouver winning because a buddy in Ottawa did the leg work for them. This is a contest that we should enjoy while also being fair to the owner of Planet of Sound who wants to get as many potential customers to physically go into his great store and see what is there. That was the reasoning I used to seek such a generous offer, and I think looking at this as a marketing/good-will opportunity is a very reasonable expectation on the part of the owner.
By the way, I know some of the members in this thread are students from other cities, but I didn't mean you shouldn't enter. If you live here and go to school here you are a member of the community that can actually visit the store so regardless of the fact that you might live elsewhere sometimes you should feel free to enter of course. Anyway, it will make the event a little more exciting for all of us and it was an extremely generous offer on the part of Planet of Sound. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of visiting the store the website is Good luck to you all.


In the words of David Bowie ....'Hunky Dory' guys - NICE meet highlight - and thanks to Planet Of Sound for their support and generosity!
RIP Dick Clark.
Apr 19, 2012 at 9:17 PM Post #47 of 83
Great job on getting the door prize.....and thank you Planet of Sound :)
Appreciate the support for our community.
Looking forward to the meet!  Take care.
Apr 20, 2012 at 11:53 AM Post #48 of 83
I'm working on the additional information on the how and where about for the meet. I'll be sending the info via pm like last time.

Apr 20, 2012 at 2:58 PM Post #49 of 83
Hi all, I'm also from Ottawa...infact...,I'm posting this note standing just outside planet of sound! Fantastic group of people there and even a more tremendous group of people on this forumn!!!
Apr 20, 2012 at 5:15 PM Post #50 of 83
So can any Ottawa members recommend a good audiologist to make some ear impressions for custom IEMs? I'd give them a look-in at my next stop though on my way from Ice Station Zebra.
Apr 20, 2012 at 7:03 PM Post #51 of 83
To add to the list of people bringing a listening rig, I have a well-equipped laptop up to the task.
You may choose from your flavours of either WASAPI or KS and a small collection of quality music that I sometimes use to test my own setups. 
I agree, people should also bring their own music (be it good quality though).
I offer my lovely install of winamp with said output streams, and my decent NI Audio 2 DJ, I do not, however, have an amp, and if someone has really needy phones' I suggest they bring themselves an amp for the sake of that.
cheers! I can't wait :wink:
I'll be bringing my well broken-in ATH-M30's to the meetup. Not much, but they sound rather good to me!
Apr 26, 2012 at 12:15 AM Post #52 of 83

I had such a great time listening to and seeing all the stuff everyone brought to the meetup! 
Hope we can do this again, when, hopefully, I'll have better stuff to show! haha
nice meeting everyone, Mark, branMuffin, sonic Defender ...
Apr 26, 2012 at 6:22 AM Post #53 of 83
Great meet everyone.
Had a good time meeting everyone and trying different amps and headphones.  Definitely will cause me to spend so more $$$$$.
looking forward to doing it again.
Take care.
Apr 26, 2012 at 9:49 AM Post #54 of 83
Yes the meet went well and it was great to finally put some faces to the head-fi profiles. I'm sure we will have pictures posted soon and some impressions. Sadly a few members couldn't make it out so we were unable to hear the LCD 2, the HD 650 or the RS1i. I think this meet will help us build a core group in the region that will hopefully expand and we can make this an annual event. Thanks again to Simon for having arranged for a great room to meet in, and for everything else he did to make the meet happen, all greatly appreciated for sure.
I also wanted to thank Planet of Sound in Ottawa for their very generous draw prize of a Graham Slee NOVO headphone amp. Planet of Sound is a small store in Ottawa South (and a Toronto location) that offers a very diverse collection of quality hi-fi equipment. For them, headphones, and headphone amplifiers have always been a focus with several brands being carried. Most importantly they know what they are talking about there and really put effort into building a relationship with their clients. When I first purchased my system there several years back what most impressed me was how candid and knowledgeable the owner was. He actually talked me out of spending more money because he did not feel what I was considering would provide me any additional benefits given my needs. Gunnar took the time to explain to me what aspects of the system really made the biggest differences and why spending more money wouldn't change my system for the better. His suggestions were spot on and I still love my modest system to this day.
Yes I am plugging Planet of Sound, but they deserve the plug so I feel good mentioning them. I have been in sales and service most of my life and when I am treated well by people who actually know what they are talking about I really appreciate that. Good service and knowledge is harder to find than you might expect/hope. We are lucky in Ottawa and Toronto to have Planet of Sound and I think it was a fantastic show of support that Gunnar offered such a fantastic prize for our meet. With no reservations I am more than happy to suggest anybody visit Planet of Sound for your audio needs. They also carry a small, but excellent selection of music for audiophiles so keep that in mind as well.
Thank you again everybody and I look forward to hearing your impressions from the meet.
Apr 26, 2012 at 11:25 AM Post #55 of 83
I am honestly bummed that I missed the meet, but I am happy to see that everyone had a truly great time. Thanks for the well wishes and I am starting to get on the mend.. I just didn't want to be germifying everyones gear :)
Apr 26, 2012 at 12:44 PM Post #56 of 83
Don't worry about it. We totally understand. We'll all pm you our addresses so you know where to drop off those bottles of Jamaican rum.

That was a lot of fun. Great to meet you all and have a chance to try out the gear that I've read so much about but never had a chance to hear. Thanks to everyone, especially Sonic Defender for getting the ball rolling and Twinster for coming up with the location and organizing.

Cheers lads.

Apr 26, 2012 at 2:16 PM Post #57 of 83
I'm glad we did it and that we had a great time. It was very nice meeting all of you and hoped I had more time to talk to each of you. It was nice to see that in this hobby the passion that we all share has no age or language or all the above boundaries.
I like to thanks Pudu for the nice opportunity he gave me by letting me trying the Woo amplifier with my T1 (I know my wallet will hate you later).
I realized last night that it was great to try all the equipments but I thought after while talking with Mark that it would have been great to share our music by bringing our collection of CD media that we have already digitized for possible trade or just straight sell ($1 - $2).
I would also like to thank The Audioshop store (specially Mark) for the donation of the Grado Y adapter cable that was won by Matthew.
Thank you again for the chance on trying the new PSB M4U 2 headphone that everyone really enjoyed. I was personally impress by their well balanced sound.
Like it was mentioned by Mark I hope to see some highlight/impression review from the meet and we'll also post the pictures taken from a few members.

Apr 26, 2012 at 3:43 PM Post #58 of 83
Just wait till next week. I've sent the woo off to the Modding Master of the National Capital region. I have every expectation that it will come back with some sort of ground breaking, sound enhancing tweak.
Apr 26, 2012 at 4:22 PM Post #59 of 83
Just wait till next week. I've sent the woo off to the Modding Master of the National Capital region. I have every expectation that it will come back with some sort of ground breaking, sound enhancing tweak.

Can you please elaborate on the mods?
Apr 26, 2012 at 5:09 PM Post #60 of 83
Well, I didn't ask for anything specific. I just know the guy who has it at the moment can't listen to anything stock for very long without modding and tweaking it.

Should prove to be interesting.

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