Any anime series that you've been enjoying?
Aug 6, 2011 at 5:02 PM Post #4,786 of 6,444
i watched all of True Tears last night, the ending wasnt quite was i was expecting but still very good. Im starting to think that Mari Okada can do no wrong in the writing department. It wasnt as good as Hanasaku Iroha/Ano Hana/ToraDora, but it was still very well done i thought. Though the main character leaves a bit to be desired
Aug 6, 2011 at 5:22 PM Post #4,787 of 6,444

^ I kinda agree.  Liked it a lot, also liked the second series (but not as much as the first), but it feels like it just didn't have quite the cohesion, information, and storytelling aspects that would have made the series epic good.

I didn't realize there was a second season. I'm not sure if I'll watch it or not.
Aug 6, 2011 at 9:17 PM Post #4,790 of 6,444
Darker Than Black 2nd season
Watch if: You've seen the OVAs, for hobo Hei, and delicious Suou.
Don't watch if: you're expecting any answers about anything left open from the first season!
Aug 6, 2011 at 9:30 PM Post #4,791 of 6,444
Hello all.
I have been enjoying Ao no Exorcist and Beelzebub. I also watched 2 Episodes of Yuru Yuri. Ao no Exorcist has exceeded my expectations. While Beelzebub has practically no plot other then to make you laugh, Which it does a fine job. Yuru Yuri to my friend Anna's dismay I am having a hard time getting into it. It seems when I watch it I lose some of my man hood. Also I finally got around to watching the It's a Rumic World OVA for Ranma 1/2 which is a show I have liked for many years. It also exceeded my expectations. I still need to finish watching Hellsing ultimate OVA 8 but I remembered I haven't finished OVA 7 yet. But from what I have seen it looks amazing.
Anyways that is all my updates so peace out and keep enjoying the new releases.
Aug 8, 2011 at 3:30 AM Post #4,793 of 6,444
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:06 PM Post #4,795 of 6,444

I'm watching those atm.

ill  have to check out mayo chiki, its not one i picked up this seaon, but as ive said earlier in the thread, No.6 isnt impressing me at all, it aint going anywhere.
i would say the best shows this season are Dantalian no Shoka, Kamisama no Memochou, Kamisama Dolls(starting with the last couple episodes, before that it was just decent), and then Usagi Drop. and then obviously Hanasaku Iroha, which is the best thing on
the mediocre tier is still being held down by Ao no Exorcist, iDOLM@STER, Blood-C, No.6, and Sacred Seven.
and i would slot Penguin Drum in between the two groups somewhere.
Aug 8, 2011 at 11:10 PM Post #4,797 of 6,444
I've only taken a look at the last few pages, but it's nice to see people not hating on K-ON. People don't seem to realize that there are certain anime that exist for certain demographics. Not every anime has to cater to the tastes of one individual, and a lot of people don't understand this. I don't see why they can't just enjoy anime and manga in all its facets. I mean, hell, K-ON and Hidamari Sketch are my favorite anime series, but Berserk and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure are my favorite manga series. I don't limit myself to just one subset of the anime/manga world, and it's always disappointing to see people criticize on a series just because it doesn't conform to their very specific and limited tastes.
People should really just enjoy the medium for what it is, entertainment. I'm all for agreeing that some anime and manga are better than others, but really, just because a certain anime chooses to be lighthearted and fun rather than serious and dark doesn't make it bad.
I also see lots of people giving the argument that "moe" is killing the anime industry. They obviously don't understand what moe means, and they really can't say that in any case. There are very very few anime in their so called "moe" genre that actually sell well. Another thing that people fail to take into account is that the anime they love so much just didn't appear there over night. They didn't air on TV next to each other, there wasn't any point in time where every anime series airing was amazing. In actuality, it takes years and years before a new series that can truly be called great can pop up. They are spoon fed a large number of great series in a short amount of time, and they get this false sense that every anime that aired ten years ago was some amazing work of art, they never take into account the number of years apart these series aired.
Whoops, didn't mean to type up a wall of text. I get the feeling someone has already made arguments like this before somewhere in here, but oh well, might as well just post this anyways.
Aug 8, 2011 at 11:24 PM Post #4,798 of 6,444
First post and in the anime thread huh?  Welcome to head-fi. 

Originally Posted by Sourdough /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...They didn't air on TV next to each other, there wasn't any point in time where every anime series airing was amazing. In actuality, it takes years and years before a new series that can truly be called great can pop up. They are spoon fed a large number of great series in a short amount of time, and they get this false sense that every anime that aired ten years ago was some amazing work of art, they never take into account the number of years apart these series aired.


Pretty much.  You can see how things are faring with the most recent bunch of simulcasts in the last few pages, though I think there are usually at least "good" and "entertaining" stuff coming out most seasons.  You just take the good with the bad.
As far as liking contrasting stuff, I still like K-On a lot...and one of my favorite series of all time is Texhnolyze.  Go figure.  Heh.
Aug 9, 2011 at 2:30 AM Post #4,799 of 6,444
I've only taken a look at the last few pages, but it's nice to see people not hating on K-ON. People don't seem to realize that there are certain anime that exist for certain demographics. Not every anime has to cater to the tastes of one individual, and a lot of people don't understand this. I don't see why they can't just enjoy anime and manga in all its facets. I mean, hell, K-ON and Hidamari Sketch are my favorite anime series, but Berserk and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure are my favorite manga series. I don't limit myself to just one subset of the anime/manga world, and it's always disappointing to see people criticize on a series just because it doesn't conform to their very specific and limited tastes.
Whoops, didn't mean to type up a wall of text. I get the feeling someone has already made arguments like this before somewhere in here, but oh well, might as well just post this anyways.

This isn't really directed at you, Sourdough.
I've been watching K-On for the past week or so (I downloaded both seasons, so it'll probably continue for a week or two) and I'm only continuing because I very deeply don't understand the appeal of the show. Earlier in the thread, someone said that it's geared towards older males, which blows my mind. There isn't really anything that explains why this is, either. There is absolutely no sexual anything in the show, despite being as cute as possible at all times. I understand the appeal of the "Lets watch cute girls do cute things" genre, but this show isn't believable at all, which is kinda part of why I enjoy the genre. First, there are no men. Okay, it's an all-girls school. BUT NO, there's men in several scenes in the school. Second, the girls don't even act like high schoolers. They act like 12 year old children. Both of these things are acceptable for an audience of young viewers, but I'm told the audience is actually men.
My conclusions are the following.
1. The show has to appeal to young viewers.
2. Older males that view this act like young children.
Yes, I overthink everything I watch.

As far as liking contrasting stuff, I still like K-On a lot...and one of my favorite series of all time is Texhnolyze.  Go figure.  Heh.

YES. I was hoping someone would mention that show eventually. I watched like 3/4 of the show and was completely engrossed in it, and then had to leave on vacation or something popped up and I had to stop watching for a week or two. When I came back I lost a lot of the plot, which was disappointing. Plus you really have to be in the "**** the world, lets roll in filth" mindset to really enjoy it, which is difficult for me to get into. I'm waiting for a couple rainy days to come up and me to be in the right mood to watch it gain from the beginning.
Aug 9, 2011 at 2:48 AM Post #4,800 of 6,444
So, if I follow your logic I am an older male who acts like a child and also slips into a "**** the world" mood.  Makes me sound like a I should be locked up.  ^_^
Just kidding.  I've talked to people who don't like K-On or Azumanga Daioh, both of which I love and find entertaining.  On the same token, I've talked to people who loved Seinfeld and you couldn't pay me enough to watch it and not want to brain myself on the nearest solid object.  To each their own.  Heh.
On Texhnolyze, my friend lent the series to me and told me I had to watch it.  He was the one who got me back into anime after being away from it for a loooong time, and he's one of those folks that likes to see your reaction to things he thinks are good.  I watched the entire series during the course of a week, and when I returned the DVDs my friend had this HUGE grin on his face and asked me what I thought.  I told him it was amazing but I wanted to kick him in the family jewels for subjecting me to that.  I think it's been about 2 years since I watched it, so it may be getting around time that I can watch it again.

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