Anime Music
Aug 25, 2003 at 1:47 AM Post #2 of 33
anime soundtracks are usually more interesting to listen to than most American cartoon soundtracks [think Shrek - they usually involve the use of pop artists; i could be wrong, though...I found the score for Finding Nemo to be pretty good]

I don't remember who did the score for Akira..I liked the Tetsuo theme the best....

..Jo Hisaishi has scored most, if not all of Miyazaki's films...

another really good composer is Yoko Kanno, who has composed scores for several anime series using many different types of music [ie. the soundtrack for Cowboy Bebop has a lot of Jazz, while Turn A Gundam has a lot of orchestration]....
Aug 25, 2003 at 2:59 AM Post #3 of 33
Anime music is hit and miss, like any other type of music. Some of the best composers in my opinion are Yoko Kanno, Jo Hisaishi, Kenji Kawai, and Hajime Mizoguchi. Kanno's Brain Powerd OSTs and Cowboy Bebop are both excellent, as is her recent Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex OST. Hisaishi's films for Miyazaki are all very good, the Princess Mononoke one being the best known...Mizoguchi's Jin-Roh OST has always been a favorite of mine.

Akira was composed by Shoji Yamashiro, and performed by the Geinoh Yamashirogumi. Great OST, certainly.
Aug 25, 2003 at 2:59 AM Post #4 of 33
Not all series have great music, but the nice thing about anime music is that there's a wide variety. You've got the jazz/bebop style of Cowboy Bebop, insanely catchy j-pop from Slayers and Magic Knight Rayearth, majestic symphonic scores from Princess Mononoke (and anything else by Joe Hisashi), j-rock from Bubblegum Crisis 2040, brooding grunge and industrial from Serial Experiments Lain, etc... So there's plenty to check out.

Interestingly, series usually have collections of both vocal songs and background music. So, the vocal collections may be good while the background music just average, or vice-versa. Be sure to check out both.
Aug 25, 2003 at 3:29 AM Post #5 of 33
In addition to what's been mentioned, Haibane Renmei really impressed me with it's music.
Aug 25, 2003 at 3:48 AM Post #6 of 33
i just got the Princess Mononoke soundtrack and it's an excellent album...currently my favorite listen...I didn't like the Spirited Away music much though...i'll have to check out Akira...
Oct 15, 2003 at 11:56 AM Post #7 of 33
I have full metal panic 1 and 2 's ost coming my way

and I will be borrowing my friend's Gundam SEED best collection
Oct 15, 2003 at 2:14 PM Post #8 of 33
I strongly recommend the music from Rurouni Kenshin (OAV). It is excellent imo!
Oct 15, 2003 at 3:13 PM Post #9 of 33

Originally posted by strohmie
Kanno's Brain Powerd OSTs and Cowboy Bebop are both excellent, as is her recent Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex OST.

Personally didnt like the Bebop music that much, but the GITS: SAC OST is a deffinete seconded recommendation, I get the impression that there should be a second one too before the first season ends. (and theres also the second season to look forward to)

Edit: I did like the music and general feeling of the Cowboy Bebop Session XX tho.... But Im not sure if thats on any of the soundtracks
Oct 16, 2003 at 7:16 AM Post #10 of 33

Originally posted by Bonkura
Personally didnt like the Bebop music that much,
Edit: I did like the music and general feeling of the Cowboy Bebop Session XX tho.... But Im not sure if thats on any of the soundtracks

thats a little bit like saying "I like the first Star Wars trilogy, just not a fan of all the space battles."

personally, I am a fan of the music from flcl(furi kuri). It is annoying as hell, but I can't help but listen to it all the time. Something about it being in another language makes me able to fool myself into listening to pop.

EDIT: hey bonkura, when are you going to write me a review, for the at100ti. I need to build my rating up so I can start scamming people.
Oct 16, 2003 at 7:20 AM Post #11 of 33

Originally posted by raif
thats a little bit like saying "I like the first Star Wars trilogy, just not a fan of all the space battles."



personally, I am a fan of the music from flcl(furi kuri). It is annoying as hell, but I can't help but listen to it all the time.

it's not annoying
its cool
if u like it then The Pillows has another 3 albums hat you should check out, several of the flcl songs are on the albums or they are intrumental versions of songs on the albums. Also, flcl has 2 osts
Oct 16, 2003 at 7:31 AM Post #12 of 33
my favorite thing in the world has got to be japanese people singing music in phonetic english. When I was in japan I heard a blues band play and they sang all in english. It was hilarious.
Of course I am sure the girls I was talking to were laughing alot more at my paltry japanese.
Oct 16, 2003 at 7:39 AM Post #13 of 33
i've never seen the movie, but i do rather enjoy the princess mononoke soundtrack.

the animatrix soundtrack didn't really impress me at first but i really like it now.

and that's all i got.
Oct 19, 2003 at 9:56 PM Post #15 of 33

Originally posted by TheRed
I love the Gasaraki and SE: Lain animes, but I was wondering, are the soundtracks any good? As for Cowboy Bebop, the soundtrack is definitely worth checking out.

I didnt love the lain ost, but music is so extremely subjective so youll just have to find out yourself I guess

the opening song is really good tho..duvet...theres a nice remix of it as well.... Other than that, the other songs didnt catch my fancy, but again....imo...

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