An audiophile and petrolhead's journal: Buckle up!
Aug 17, 2015 at 12:07 PM Post #9,301 of 9,499
My favorite shot from the weekend:

That's what over $100M in classic Ferraris looks like. Makes you want to sit and listen to some Rush, doesn't it?

In a sea of Rossa Corsa, only the blue shades in the rear really stand out.
Aug 17, 2015 at 12:45 PM Post #9,302 of 9,499
There's also the 2 Testa Rossas in the back, one of them causing quite a stir because it supposedly didn't exist, having been reported destroyed in a racing accident >50 years ago. The guy was pretty cagey about it too, only saying that his father had bought the car all mangled and burned and had it restored and then squirreled it away in his garage since 1970. Apparently the numbers do match, though, and I'm sure there are other rare gems hidden away that aren't publicly known and seldom ever see the light of day.

Speaking of which, I was also shown a photo of a pair of McLaren F1s sitting in a middle eastern "garage" (looked more like an old hangar/bomb shelter) that are completely undocumented and untouched since delivery, both ostensibly for sale for somewhere in the neighborhood of $30M. An obviously Arabic fellow in a very nice Italian suit said, "Come to X with cash and we'll take you to them." Sorry, but that requires larger testes than I'll ever have.
Aug 17, 2015 at 12:50 PM Post #9,303 of 9,499
Really? Go into an Iraqi bomb shelter alone with 30 meg in cash.What could possibly go wrong there?
Although I would not rule out a quick call to Homeland Security. 30 meg buys a lot of arms these days.
Aug 17, 2015 at 12:53 PM Post #9,304 of 9,499
Speaking of which, I was also shown a photo of a pair of McLaren F1s sitting in a middle eastern "garage" (looked more like an old hangar/bomb shelter) that are completely undocumented and untouched since delivery, both ostensibly for sale for somewhere in the neighborhood of $30M. An obviously Arabic fellow in a very nice Italian suit said, "Come to X with cash and we'll take you to them." Sorry, but that requires larger testes than I'll ever have.

Not to mention that the cars themselves (if legitimate) have probably deteriorated to the point that they're not worth that cash anymore.
Aug 17, 2015 at 12:58 PM Post #9,305 of 9,499
Iraq? Oh no, it's much worse than that. I might actually consider it if it was Iraq. (After seeing more concrete evidence.)

Cosmetically they looked fine, having remained covered in a very dry climate all this time. Mechanically they'd need to be completely rebuilt, but so does any other F1 after more than a few years of sitting dormant.
Aug 17, 2015 at 1:08 PM Post #9,306 of 9,499
Iraq? Oh no, it's much worse than that. I might actually consider it if it was Iraq. (After seeing more concrete evidence.)

Now you've got us guessing. My money is on Syria or the West Bank.
Aug 17, 2015 at 1:31 PM Post #9,307 of 9,499
Then again, one of the bin Laden partiarchs just died. Could be a mid eastern estate sale. Hurry, get there before the bunker busters do.
Aug 17, 2015 at 1:50 PM Post #9,308 of 9,499
  Then again, one of the bin Laden partiarchs just died. Could be a mid eastern estate sale. Hurry, get there before the bunker busters do.

That's actually a rather compelling point, though obviously speculation. Are you referring to the recent plane crash, or did somebody else pass away since then?
Aug 17, 2015 at 2:45 PM Post #9,309 of 9,499
and I did get into trouble once, because it wouldn't be a trip to Monterey if I didn't. :p I didn't notice a sign that said you couldn't sit in the Aventador SV roadster, because there was only one and it was on the other side of the car, so I climbed inside and checked it out. Well, the poor little fella they had guarding the thing lost his mind and started rapidly speaking in Italian, pointing for me to get out. For a few moments I just stared at him, which seemed to freak him out even more. So he waddled away and got his boss, who also became agitated and began babbling in broken English, waving his arms around. I swear to God, I would have climbed out at that point if I wasn't so entertained, so I stayed in the car and kept looking it over. Then Jason Chinnock, the marketing director of Lambo America, came over and climbed into the passenger seat and said;

"Mr R, they're upset that you're sitting in the car".
"I know, but I have no idea why."
He nods. "There's a sign over here saying not to touch it."
"Really? I approached from this side and didn't see a sign."
"Ah. That makes complete sense."
"and they're really funny when they get worked up."
"Yeah, they do that."
*at this point I'm still fiddling with switches and the car menu, playing the entitled white butthole card*
*he fidgets a little and right before he speaks I ask...*
"Can I get one in Rosso Bia?"
"Uh, yeah, we can do that."
"Okay, I want one."

So we sit in it for the next 15 minutes while we talk about options and he writes down what I want, then this morning I get an email asking about deposit and delivery information. It was the most pleasant experience I've ever had ordering from an Italian car company, bar none. :D
Aug 17, 2015 at 2:54 PM Post #9,310 of 9,499
That was a great story!  I could see you in that car..................
Aug 17, 2015 at 8:33 PM Post #9,311 of 9,499
This has nothing to do with anything, but I just think it is funny...


Oh - and Magick? Look who I found...
Aug 18, 2015 at 2:16 PM Post #9,312 of 9,499

Obviously a mirage! :blink:

Oh, I forgot my NSX story. I was looking at the prototype and an Acura girl came by with a clipboard asking what I thought of it. Before checking my tone I said, "It looks like crap, it's heavy, and the designers are only repeating what every other car company is doing right now. How is that "New" or "eXperimental"?" Her face practically crumbled, like I'd insulted her child. "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way sir, we think it's very special." My wife then piped up with, "So is having two left feet, but that doesn't mean you can run in a straight line." The girl then quickly scurried away. :rolleyes:
Aug 18, 2015 at 2:19 PM Post #9,313 of 9,499
"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way"
There is no more condescending phrase in current use in the English language.
Aug 18, 2015 at 11:18 PM Post #9,314 of 9,499
Oh - and Magick? Look who I found...

Obviously a mirage!

To come back on such a trivial thread is quite interesting. I wonder if he'll eventually wander over this way again.
Aug 20, 2015 at 11:07 PM Post #9,315 of 9,499
Anyone interested in an E46 M3 comparison; maxed-out-N/A vs turbo vs supercharged, each with >400bhp and costing <$15k?

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