Alambic Ears - Impressions thread - Mentawai, Mavericks, Mundaka, Noosa
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:36 AM Post #256 of 320
I'm fortunate to count @Aldo40 as a friend, for years now. The Mentawai are a very special project, showcasing the prowess of his designs at offering an energetic, vibrant full spectrum sound.

It took a while to fine tune the final rendering, 99% was already there, thus emphasis on fine. I'm happy to say that after getting feedback from a few of us 'beta testers', the process is complete.

I have quite a few sources at my disposal : DX312EXN, M17, QLS QA361, R3 Pro and DTR1 paired with portable amplifiers (ALO Continental v5 for the Hiby and RSA F-35 for the Dethonray), as well as desktop gear like an iFi Pro combo (iDSD + iCan).

@DaveStarWalker only has his cherished Aune M1S. It's an excellent dap, he's been using it for years and felt no need to replace it no matter what more recent and expensive daps he tried.

Last Saturday when he came over, we were both astounded by the difference in restitution between the M1S and my sources listening to the latest Mentawai model. His older 'prototype' was indeed fine on every source, but something in the final configuration of the Mentawai did not agree with the Aune dap. It also probably explains why Dave and I have such polarized opinions on several inears such as the VE7 we tested during a Paris AV show. It seems the M1S can be quite picky.

Regarding the differences in tuning, I compared our two models on my Pro iCan, both plugged in the dual 6,35 headphone outs so that I could switch pairs easily. Apart from the lower end being a few dBs less pronounced on his prototype - which suits his tastes perfectly - let me reassure you all : the differences were extremely marginal. The pleasure and engagement in the music was maximal whatever pair I was listening to.

Dave has very sensitive ears and discernment, and his requirements for a piece of gear to match his tastes are an absolute. I respect that so much that he's one of the few that I go to for opinions and general stimulation (we share a lot of interests beside music). I know him IRL, so it's easier for me to understand exactly what he writes and how impactful the differences he notes are for my own sensitivity. For example:

On the Lafeuill's dap dx300 with its AMP12EXN GAIN MEDIUM, his Mentawai were a little fatter at the bottom, a little less incisive and nervous than my Mars. A little warmer too. But we remained in a close sonic family as I said before.

"Little" = "very very subtle" for me, most likely a consequence of the general tilt of his prototype signature leaning towards slightly brighter because of the aforementioned decrease in the DD bass. If I didn't know him IRL, reading that would sound like a bigger difference that it really is for me.

So there we are : we all try and get an idea of the reality of the listening experience based on other users comments, try to make sense of it if consensus emerges in one way or another.

The thing is that there are too many variables : listening volume level being one of the biggest blindspots in my opinion, as well as gear synergy and music preferences of course.

Solution : demo. Get in touch with @Aldo40 and try the Mentawai yourself. If you're after a potent AND refined sound, they're great inears to enjoy daily. My favorites.
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Apr 10, 2023 at 12:12 PM Post #257 of 320
I'm fortunate to count @Aldo40 as a friend, for years now. The Mentawai are a very special project, showcasing the prowess of his designs at offering an energetic, vibrant full spectrum sound.

It took a while to fine tune the final rendering, 99% was already there, thus emphasis on fine. I'm happy to say that after getting feedback from a few of us 'beta testers', the process is complete.

I have quite a few sources at my disposal : DX312EXN, M17, QLS QA361, R3 Pro and DTR1 paired with portable amplifiers (ALO Continental v5 for the Hiby and RSA F-35 for the Dethonray), as well as desktop gear like an iFi Pro combo (iDSD + iCan).

@DaveStarWalker only has his cherished Aune M1S. It's an excellent dap, he's been using it for years and felt no need to replace it no matter what more recent and expensive daps he tried.

Last Saturday when he came over, we were both astounded by the difference in restitution between the M1S and my sources listening to the latest Mentawai model. His older 'prototype' was indeed fine on every source, but something in the final configuration of the Mentawai did not agree with the Aune dap. It also probably explains why Dave and I have such polarized opinions on several inears such as the VE7 we tested during a Paris AV show. It seems the M1S can be quite picky.

Regarding the differences in tuning, I compared our two models on my Pro iCan, both plugged in the dual 6,35 headphone outs so that I could switch pairs easily. Apart from the lower end being a few dBs less pronounced on his prototype - which suits his tastes perfectly - let me reassure you all : the differences were extremely marginal. The pleasure and engagement in the music was maximal whatever pair I was listening to.

Dave has very sensitive ears and discernment, and his requirements for a piece of gear to match his tastes are an absolute. I respect that so much that he's one of the few that I go to for opinions and general stimulation (we share a lot of interests beside music). I know him IRL, so it's easier for me to understand exactly what he writes and how impactful the differences he notes are for my own sensitivity. For example:

"Little" = "very very subtle" for me, most likely a consequence of the general tilt of his prototype signature leaning towards slightly brighter because of the aforementioned decrease in the DD bass. If I didn't know him IRL, reading that would sound like a bigger difference that it really is for me.

So there we are : we all try and get an idea of the reality of the listening experience based on other users comments, try to make sense of it if consensus emerges in one way or another.

The thing is that there are too many variables : listening volume level being one of the biggest blindspots in my opinion, as well as gear synergy and music preferences of course.

Solution : demo. Get in touch with @Aldo40 and try the Mentawai yourself. If you're after a potent AND refined sound, they're great inears to enjoy daily. My favorites.

It really is a daily driver for me. Works across genres and has an really nice low end. I've tried a bass cut on EQ to recreate @DaveStarWalker set. Despite favouring a more neutral set I prefer the retail Mentawai tuning without the adjusted bass. The character of the Mentawai is heavily invested in the 10mm DD, it's quantity and how it makes the midrange lush and weighty. I wouldn't change that and I think @Aldo40 has tuned the Mentawai really, really well.
Apr 10, 2023 at 12:28 PM Post #258 of 320
It really is a daily driver for me. Works across genres and has an really nice low end. I've tried a bass cut on EQ to recreate @DaveStarWalker set. Despite favouring a more neutral set I prefer the retail Mentawai tuning without the adjusted bass. The character of the Mentawai is heavily invested in the 10mm DD, it's quantity and how it makes the midrange lush and weighty. I wouldn't change that and I think @Aldo40 has tuned the Mentawai really, really well.
Normal: In any cases, an EQ is not a recreation of a full tuning. 😉

Too many parameters come into play.

That being said, I really enjoyed my friend Lafeuill's Mentawai... with his dx300. It was GREAT and completely my stuff. 🥰

Also note, for the 2 pairs, the comfort and fit are the best I personally know. Perfect. 😎👍

In any case, I think too @Aldo40 has tuned the Mentawai really, really well. Big YES. 🤘🏆
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Apr 10, 2023 at 12:30 PM Post #259 of 320
Normal: In any cases, an EQ is not a recreation of a full tuning. 😉

Too many parameters come into play.

That being said, I really enjoyed my friend Lafeuill's Mentawai... with is dx300. It was GREAT and completely my stuff. 🥰

Also note, for the 2 pairs, the comfort and fit are the best I personally know. Perfect. 😎👍

Ofcourse EQ doesn't equate given that your version also has different circuity.

Regardless, I'm glad we are all so happy with our Mentas. @s2kphile recently got his and I'm looking forward to hearing what he likes about it when he has burned it in.
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May 6, 2023 at 7:43 PM Post #260 of 320
I look forward to @s2kphile comparing both. I also have both to hand so might be able to shed some light:

CharacteristicAE Mentawai (1DD, 6BA, 4EST)Neon Pro (10BA)
TonalityW shape
Warm-mid centric
U/V shape
Flat-bright (balanced with bass switch on)
Bass Greater quantity
Greater impact
Greater sub bass extension

More mid bass focused
Less impact
More atmospheric & dimensional, with softer leading edge
Greater detail and nuance
MidrangeVocals more forward
Warmer and fuller lower midrange
More natural timbre
Upper midrange less emphasised

Vocals brighter, less forward, more balanced between male female
Less note weight throughout the midrange, less palpable string replay & piano hits.
Lower treble less emphasised
Much less likely to be sibilant/shouty with vocals
Less appreciable air
More resolving treble
Switch on or off, treble feels more accentuated and always feels the focus of the presentation
Narrower soundstage (but can be opened up significantly with changes to chain)
Instrument separation is closer and imaging is slightly less informative but remains well layered closely competitive
Intimate and more 'natural' presentation

Better macrodynamics
Wider, taller stage and greater instrument separation gives a very analytical but 'atmospheric' appeal. This is accentuated by the lighter note weight and comparatively softer bass presentation.

Better microdynamics
Instrument timbreMore 'natural' and organic Less natural owed to top and bottom tonal emphasis and lighter note weight and softer leading edges.

It's very hard to say which one I prefer. They are both exciting but the Mentawai has more bombast. The NP is more technical and with its bass switch, it arguably has more genre versatility given that both tunings (switch on and off) and really well executed. I prefer electronic music & OST with NP and more mid-centric genres (instrumental/vocal) on Mentawai.

Either way, I feel grateful to own the Mentawai and to have heard a demo of the NP (if I had the money I would also add NP to my roster...). For the price of a single TOTL set from bigger brands, that are now typically retailing for $3k+, you could get both the Mentawai and NP. You would also be supporting small, emerging brands that deserve a place in the market.

See the tonality plot (to be read on all axes) for the relative position that I feel the Mentawai / NP sit. They are in very different positions:

mentawai tonality.png

Hope this helps some!
Very nice comparison !

If you can, can you please compare the Mentawai with the SR8 ? I think it would be a really nice comparison given so much praise on the SR thread and all the comparisons to TOTL $3K+ iems....
May 7, 2023 at 4:31 AM Post #261 of 320
Very nice comparison !

If you can, can you please compare the Mentawai with the SR8 ? I think it would be a really nice comparison given so much praise on the SR thread and all the comparisons to TOTL $3K+ iems....

I think comparisons to $3k+ IEMs for the SR8 is pushing it a bit. I believe it hits the mark in the $1k realm.

As for the Mentawai vs SR8:

  • Tonality - Mentawai is warmer, more organic, more vocal orientated - a very versatile W shape. SR8 in default 1-1 is more V shaped to my ears.
  • Bass - Mentawai has greater subbass presence and more convincing 'wobble' and 'rumble' that even in 1-1 the SR8 can't match, SR8 resolves more texture in the bass and low midrange so reveals more nuance instrumental texture
  • Midrange - Mentawai is vocally more forward, instrumentals are weightier, warmer and more organic in texture throughout. Focus is weighted towards fundamental notes as opposed to harmonics due to a cut in the upper midrange that prevents sibilance.
  • Treble - Mentawai has classic EST finesse in the upper treble, sounding more fragile and resolving, with greater air than SR8. Setting 0-1 on the SR8 can recreate some of this air but I still hear it as a 'BA treble' and it loses organic warmth and weight in 0-1 while also lacking the finer nuance of the ESTs.
  • Technicalities - Mentawai has a more spherical stage with more informative layering but slightly narrower instrument separation and stage width. Mentawai feels more 'natural' in dimensions whereas SR8 is slightly flatter at the extremes of the image.
  • Timbre - this is a tough one, Mentawai, sounds more 'organic' and natural throughout (in terms of tonality and driver behaviour) but it does have an upper midrange cut that dulls some harmonics that contribute to my perception of instrumental timbre. Juries out on this one until I get more time to compare.

I hope this helps!
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May 7, 2023 at 12:43 PM Post #263 of 320
Mentawai ordered. Looking forward for it after reading some impressions.
May 7, 2023 at 6:59 PM Post #264 of 320
Originally I picked up a full clear smoke shells design but ended choosing clear smoke shells with forged carbon and gold faceplates. The same design as the unit from @DaveStarWalker.
May 8, 2023 at 2:48 AM Post #265 of 320
Gorgeous finition indeed 😎🥰
May 9, 2023 at 10:47 PM Post #266 of 320
It really is a daily driver for me. Works across genres and has an really nice low end. I've tried a bass cut on EQ to recreate @DaveStarWalker set. Despite favouring a more neutral set I prefer the retail Mentawai tuning without the adjusted bass. The character of the Mentawai is heavily invested in the 10mm DD, it's quantity and how it makes the midrange lush and weighty. I wouldn't change that and I think @Aldo40 has tuned the Mentawai really, really well.
Hi Ian,

Just saw you were trying to sell the mentawai last year in your profile? Did you change your mind? Thanks!
May 10, 2023 at 12:26 AM Post #267 of 320
Hi Ian,

Just saw you were trying to sell the mentawai last year in your profile? Did you change your mind? Thanks!

Sorry, I ended up deciding to keep the Mentawai.
May 14, 2023 at 11:32 AM Post #269 of 320
Could you please share your impressions of the Mentawai and Alita? Thank you!

I reviewed the Alita here and have provided my impressions on this thread of the Mentawai. As for putting them side-by-side I'm not sure how valuable that will be. I think it would suffice to say that Alita is flatter in sound than the Mentawai. It has a more reference sound, with more microcontrast than macro compared to the Mentawai. Two very different sounds.
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May 31, 2023 at 10:34 AM Post #270 of 320
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