Akg K400
Aug 12, 2013 at 5:31 PM Post #316 of 394
I have 2 EP K400's with the rubber headband, same driver, and both sound different! <(x_____X< ) My first K400 was in veeery good shape, looked almost like new. The only hint, that it gave me were the pads. They were extremely used and smoooth / worn-out. My second pair was even in better shape, almost new. BUT . . . this time . . . even the pads were like new. Stiff and not so smooth.
The older one sounds warmer and more organic. The newer, unused one sounds colder and . . . more like a K401 / K500, kinda more analytical. I think, maybe it needs to be burned in (really like new, haven't gotten much playtime i guess) OR . . . it's because of the pads! I haven't had the time, to switch the pads and test out, if the older one sounds like the new one and vice versa. I really think it's because of the pads, because they even feel so different.
That said, to all K400 / 401 / 500 / 501 owners: Dont switch out your old pads, because they're worn out. They sound good as they are, new pads will affect the sound . . . to the negative ~ at least for me. But maybe for others it's the other way around and they favor the colder sound with the new pads.
Aug 12, 2013 at 10:44 PM Post #317 of 394
Recently I sold my AKG Q701, K702 and returned to the K400, K500 & K501. I can't explain why, but the new AKGs have lost the magic. The old ones have it and it works out so well. I also think, they sound much better than the k7xx series. K400 / 500 / 501 magicians, unite again  ;D
greetings from Germany

Glad you are enjoying your classic AKG's!  I was never able to find a good K501 to try myself but I'd like to know how it compares to the K500 which I used to own.  I ended up preferring the K400 because it was a more musical headphone and I could get more detail from my K240DF so I let go of the K500.
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Aug 13, 2013 at 5:19 AM Post #318 of 394
For me also, the K400 is the most musical and organic one and it has the biggest soundstage of those 3. The K500 is similar to the K501, both have also a similar soundstage. The K500 has a bigger soundstage than K501. Thats, what makes me sad. As the numbers go up in the series (K501, 601, 701) the soundstage is getting smaller and smaller. The older your akg model, the bigger the soundstage you get.
So the K400 has (for me) the biggest soundstage here . . . BUT . . . k500 & 501 are a little bit more detailed & clear. The K501 has the best midrange of them all, and this is, what really makes him shine above all others. K400 has more bass than both, but k501 has more bass than k500. Both sound more neutral and analytical than K400.
My favorite combination would be a K400 + the midrange of the K501. That would be so awesome x____X  You Guys, if you have the time to test, listen to the 2nd seasons opening theme of Game Of Thrones. When the cello starts, you can see the clear difference between a K400 and a K501. The K501 makes the cello sound more lively and the seperation is better.
Sadly . . . i miss the organic / romantic / i-don't-know-what Feeling of the K400. I really like it, so i keep going back to the K400. Shure, the others sound clearer and a bit more detailed . . . but that not everything that we search in music, is it?
Sep 5, 2013 at 10:28 PM Post #319 of 394
This new EP K400 is really amazing! I'm on hour 4 or 5 of listening to it today. Totally better than the other version I had. That one was way too thin and trebly. Required K601 pads to have decent bass and enough warmth.
This pair is so smooth sounding. Even more so than the K601 and almost as smooth as my HD-598. I think it's actually ALMOST dark sounding. Even the most harsh, bright and fatiguing tracks are really no problem at all. On the Q701 they're much worse.
It does sound quite warm. I'm actually surprised since K400 pads usually don't give me enough bass. The bass rolls off way earlier than my Q701 and HD-650, but no big deal.
Using it with Micro Amp and Modi. Sounds pretty close on the O2 also..
The mids are also just right and not too forward. I think the key for this pair is the deeper pads. On the other K400 it has the much more shallow pads with brown rings.

Sep 11, 2013 at 7:48 PM Post #320 of 394
If anyone is curious, the Q701 pads are the best pads for the K400 LP (slightly trebly K400 version IMO).
I tried them on my EP which is darker and they were pretty awful. I need to double check them on my EP.
Somehow K601 pads reduced the treble, added some warmth but I lost a lot of airyness. I hated them and the bass didn't really change much.
Strangely the K400 EPs pads with the clear screens and without foam backing inside sound better than the K400 pads with brown rings on the back.
K400 LP with Q701 pads now seems to have more bass than my Q701!! It has smoother treble too. It's quite warm but never muffled or congested sounding like with Annie pads.
K400 EP is nearly perfect stock! I think those pads are better than the K601 pads.
Sep 11, 2013 at 8:58 PM Post #321 of 394
I enjoy the Annie Pads with my K400 over my stock K400 pads with most music.  The original pads I have are still in perfect condition and provide the best soundstage and add some more airiness to the treble.  The Annie pads allow for a more impactful and full sound which I really enjoy.   
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Oct 12, 2013 at 4:32 PM Post #323 of 394
  Hey guys! How can I tell if my K400 are EP or not?
Bought a K400 without pads and going to buy some K601 pads and foam. Is this still the way to go?

This is probably what an EP looks like:
I have that one that came with clear screens on the pads and it has less treble than my LP. The EP is actually almost close to being dark. It has similar amounts of treble as the K601, but maybe even less.
Between both, the EP is probably my favorite.
Oct 12, 2013 at 4:35 PM Post #324 of 394
  Hey guys! How can I tell if my K400 are EP or not?
Bought a K400 without pads and going to buy some K601 pads and foam. Is this still the way to go?

Plastic headband, thin cable and all golden look plug is EP.
Leather headband, and mostly black plug is later version.
If the 601 pads is stil the way to go is a matter of taste, I liked it a lot. But AKG has different earpads for K701 also (like the "Annies" ) that you can try.
Oct 12, 2013 at 5:09 PM Post #325 of 394
Plastic headband, thin cable and all golden look plug is EP.
Leather headband, and mostly black plug is later version.
If the 601 pads is stil the way to go is a matter of taste, I liked it a lot. But AKG has different earpads for K701 also (like the "Annies" ) that you can try.

I think many things vary because I have an LP with no leather headband. The drivers look totally different. My LP came recabled.
Both my LP and EP have the plastic headband and sound different.
Maybe there is many different changed we don't know about.
My K400 EP looks like it has a K501 driver in it! Doesn't sound like a K501 though.
Oct 14, 2013 at 3:15 PM Post #327 of 394
I don't use them for metal and not for todays rock. But they're perfekt for oldschool stuff like simon & garfunkel, pink floyd or mike oldfield etc. I use them mainly for intrumental music, new age, ethereal, jazz, classic , instrumental soundtracks etc.

For metal i mostly prefer the superlux hd681 & hd681-EVO over the akgs. For these genres i need more body & impact & the 681 / evo does a remarkable job here ;D
Oct 15, 2013 at 12:48 PM Post #329 of 394
Twist off the pad and give us a photo, please.

It's this one here:
Actually, it looks like a K500 driver minus those ridges.
My other K400 looks very different. I would say the EP sounds best, but the LP has more treble. The EP is in the above photo.
MY LP almost requires K601/Q701 pads to sound decent to my ears. Otherwise it's too thin sounding. This K400 EP is just fine stock.
Also, I noticed that the back of each driver looks different too. One of them had a bass port (as found on the Q701 etc) that was open. Another one had a much different larger hole.
Wish I had taken pictures of the differences.
Oct 17, 2013 at 1:46 AM Post #330 of 394
Both of my K400 EP's look like that:

My K400 LP looks EXACTY like my K500, which looks exactly like the K501. I borrowed my K400 LP to a friend for testing stuff, so here's a pic of my K500 Driver, they are exactly the same:


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