AKG K240s and Koss Pro DJ 100 (two favorite headphones)
Oct 11, 2010 at 6:58 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


Headphoneus Supremus
May 1, 2007
Portage, Michigan
I got the AKG K240 (Studio) in the mail a few days ago and so far I've burned them in for two nights straight and have listened to them for 5 hours yesterday and even more today. Right now I'm really addicted to them. Last night I couldn't wait until I could listen to them when I woke up.
I know that a lot of people use them for studio use, but they don't seem to be suggested here much and I wonder why. For $99 they're a really good deal considering how good they sound.
The sound signature is near perfect to me. Here's the strange thing though..People seem to think they're VERY bass heavy. They were when I first got them, but now it's not bad at all. I think it's very well controlled and doesn't show up at the wrong times. I felt the DT-770 32 ohm also had similar amounts of bass. Even that headphone didn't seem bass heavy.
I burned the K240 in for 2 days and maybe that tamed the bass a bit. I also use them with a good portable amp and maybe this is what seems to control the bass. Who knows. I do now think that these are definitely not good without an amp. I tried them even with my (terrible) Nuforce Mobile amp and I couldn't get them loud at all. I had to switch to the Total Airhead.
For me, this is an all around good headphone. It's comfortable and the mids are very good. Vocals are good and I have very few complaints about this. The bass doesn't drown out the mids at all ever. I'm still confused why this is even considered bass heavy now! It was the first few hours, but not now.
People can tell me burn-in is worthless and doesn't do a thing, but I know for myself it does. My Koss Pro DJ 100 died due to my own fault so I got a replacement and it sounded TERRIBLE out of the box. I burned it in for 2-3 days and it's now just like my old pair. Strangely with that headphone the bass also seems to get reduced after burn-in and the mids are more forward and clear. Out of the box they even felt recessed!
Since I'm bored, here's a few short comparisons between my two favorite headphones (I've tried at least 2 dozen now!)
AKG K240 (studio):
  1. Good mids and vocals, not recessed or even close
  2. Bass is very well controlled with an amp and burn-in. NOT bass heavy in ANY way to me. I'm picky.
  3. No clamping force. Feels light on the head and extremely comfortable. PERFECT for 5+ hours! Comfort 9/10
  4. Semi-open with good soundstage
  5. Dirt cheap at only $100. Got mine for $70!
  6. Great for Classical music
  1. Accuracy with a few instruments seems slightly off, but not too bad
  2. Sometimes hard to pinpoint specific instruments. Could be due to the open design.
  3. Not very portable and REQUIRES an amp.
  4. Mostly all plastic, but seems well designed and built
  5. Highs may be slightly rolled off to some. I don't agree. About the same as the SRH-840.
Koss Pro DJ 100
  1. Best male and female vocals i've ever heard. Even better then my HD-600.
  2. Well built and light design. Very little clamping force.
  3. A VERY non fatiguing sound signature. Maybe too much.
  4. Cheap
  5. Works with Pearstone Velour pads without degrading sound
  6. LOTS of detail. Mids are very forward, but not too much (with Burn-in, more then K240)
  7. Comfort with pleather pads is a 7/10, 9/10 with Pearstone
  8. Instrument Separation, Soundstage and Imaging is good for a closed headphone.
  9. Amazing for female vocals, especially Jpop and Cantopop
  10. Very neutral (this is a negative for some!)
  1. Lack of bass to some. I don't find it bass light AT ALL though.
  2. Needs a good amp despite the 38 ohm rating. Sounds bad with my E5 and Nuforce Mobile.
  3. Coiled cable
  4. Needs 2-3 days of burn-in for some pairs.
  5. Comfort is only good with included pads.
  6. Lower bit-rate mp3s sound like garbage, more so then most headphones.
  7. Not great for movies or games due to being closed. Soundstage is still not too bad.
  8. Not good for a LOT of genres. Just OK for classical. I'd skip them for bass heavy music and Metal.
  9. Slightly rolled off highs. Not as bad as the HD-600 though. "Worse" then the K240.
  10. Probably only for specific requirements. They're perfect for me.
Oct 11, 2010 at 7:11 AM Post #2 of 2
Nice comparison. I agree the DJ100 definitely needs burn-in - probably would have kept it had I not found the highs and bass so chopped off.
The K240S is often not suggested because additional amplification is often recommended - just as you have done here. It's main and minor criticism has been a mid-bass hump. Other than that, it doesn't surprise me that you like K240.  I've often considered buying it myself. Thanks for the review.

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