AKG 271, Senn HD280, any other high isolation headphones?
Sep 27, 2003 at 3:19 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


smooth, DARK
Jul 15, 2002
I'm auditioning the AKG 271s and Senn HD280s right now. I think they're both superb headphones, and very different indeed, ying and yang for sure.

My question is, are there any other headphones that offer this high an isolation with this good of a sound quality? I don't want to miss the boat or the forest for the trees or whatever cliche you want to use in trying to hunt down a treasured pair of high isoation good-sounding headhones. Isolation at least on the order of the 271s and HD280s is essential; V6 type isolation and Eggo type isolation just won't do, I can spruce up the sound of my V6s easily enough with EQ. What I need is the isolation.

Ety's are not an option for me, because in my particular family situation I need to be able to whip the phones off and on depending on the demands of my wife, 3-year-old, and 6-month-old.

I tried the Koss 4AAts and they do have good sound (in my view) and excellent isolation but to me not quite as good as the Senn HD280 or AKG 271s, and they are too heavy for me. They are for people with well-fortified necks. I don't know of any other good-sounding high isolation headphones. Am I missing something?

Sep 27, 2003 at 3:21 PM Post #2 of 11
How are the HD280s bass wise?
I heard they're analytical... some people say they're bass monsnters and some say they're lacking bass? X_X
Quite confusing :p
Sep 27, 2003 at 3:26 PM Post #3 of 11
For me, the HD280s have perfect mid-bass and moderately exaggerated low bass, but it's a subject of much conroversy, as you know.
They are definitely, definitely analytical phones.

But back to my plea.... any other good high isolation, non-ety, non-Koss 4AAt headphones out there?


Originally posted by Ymer
How are the HD280s bass wise?
I heard they're analytical... some people say they're bass monsnters and some say they're lacking bass? X_X
Quite confusing :p

Sep 27, 2003 at 6:37 PM Post #11 of 11
So how are the sound and comfort of the HD280s and AKG 271s compared with the ultrasone hifi 650 trackmasters?

Highs, lows, mids, comfort?

Meier says the ultrasones have high isolation, so I'm interested. I noticed Davie (who has similar taste to mine) liked the HD280s better than the ultrasone trackmasters. Meier says they sound good, but my taste is more like Davie's than like Meier's. I notice Meier says the 650s are not too comfortable.

But anyway, I'm interested....

Meier says:

Due to its weight and the rather warm paddings the Ultrasone HFI-650 Trackmaster is not the most comfortable headphone around. However, sonically this is simply one of the best closed systems available.
Moreover, it makes a nice travelling companion, as it provides high acoustic isolation and is sturdy and foldable.


Originally posted by noiseunit


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