Advice for UM3X, SM3, JH5 coming from and loving ER-4P?
Sep 23, 2010 at 7:52 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Aug 16, 2010
First I’d like to thank everyone on here for all the knowledge.  I will say that this is an amazingly civil and informed group and has already helped me immensely.  A few months ago I was looking to get a good pair of IEMs and decided on a pair of ER4ps. I will say they are wonderful but also a gateway “drug” to me.  I’m looking for the perfect upgrade and have searched the forum but need a little help.
First, the majority of my music will be coming from an Iphone 3gs and bought through Itunes.  I plan on upgrading to either the Iphone4/5 or whatever comes next.  I really thought long and hard about going the separate DAP and/or Amp route but in the end it comes down to convenience.  I travel a lot for work and like to pack light as I already have enough junk to bring.
That being said isolation is very important (plane rides) and I’d like something to rival the ER4’s.  I love the triple flanges as I am used to wearing hearing protection of the same design. 
So bottom line, I love the sound a of the Er4p’s but would like to upgrade.  I love the clarity and the tight punchy bass, but feel they get washed out a little too much when some songs get busier.  Separation, clarity, isolation, and durability are my main priorities.  Looking at the SM3s, UM3x’s, or maybe JH5’s but if the JH10X3s/ES3x are that much better can stretch it.
The SM3s seem like a near consensus selection for universals, however not sure on sound sig.  Also, how is customer service if I say need to replace cables.  UM3x: worried about driving with Iphone at higher impedance, also seems the SM3 is almost unanimous over these.  Should I just step up to customs and if so, would the Jh5s be too colored if I love the sig of the ER4P.
Thanks in advance for the help and sorry for the long post.
Sep 24, 2010 at 5:36 AM Post #2 of 10
I couldn't say sm3 is better than um3x, just different, tops.
Whats better on um3x than sm3:
- More bass impact
- More detailed 
- Superior clarity
- Better instrument separation
Whats better on sm3 than um3x:
- Less bass quantity/faster
- Really smooth and more forgiving, but sometimes I feel guitars/drums lack aggressiveness
- Bigger sound-stage/imaging
- Don't sound congested
- Great treble
If only the bass on the sm3 didn't sound so easy on the ears, I would say they're perfect, but they do lack impact and bass details compared to the um3x, it's quite noticeable.
Sep 24, 2010 at 7:15 AM Post #3 of 10
Thanks for the reply.  Just read through many of the detailed reviews on both the SM3 and UM3x.  It seems like they are both great.  I just ordered the UM3X.  What it came down to me was the clarity and seperation.  I listen to everything from rap to jazz, but mostly listen to adult contemporary/mellow rock (Jack Johnson, Blues Trav,....).  On the ER4-Ps love hearing details and I'll need to do a comparison between the UM3X. 
Sep 24, 2010 at 9:16 AM Post #4 of 10
very interested in hearing your thoughts on how the UM3s compare to the ER4s.....
I recently went from SM3 to Ety HF5 - sounds weird, I know, but the added clarity and definition of the Etys does the trick for me, at less than a quarter of the price of the SM3s.
Thanks for the reply.  Just read through many of the detailed reviews on both the SM3 and UM3x.  It seems like they are both great.  I just ordered the UM3X.  What it came down to me was the clarity and seperation.  I listen to everything from rap to jazz, but mostly listen to adult contemporary/mellow rock (Jack Johnson, Blues Trav,....).  On the ER4-Ps love hearing details and I'll need to do a comparison between the UM3X. 

Sep 24, 2010 at 11:17 AM Post #7 of 10
To Mark as promised? Or did you have some other buyer. I mean he has been suspiciously quiet, if he bought these. And sorry for the off topic

Sep 24, 2010 at 11:26 AM Post #8 of 10
Yep, Mark bought them.  But when he received them, something had gone wrong with one of the drivers in the left earpiece, so I've had to send them off for repair and am waiting for them to come back before sending them on to him - hence his silence.
To Mark as promised? Or did you have some other buyer. I mean he has been suspiciously quiet, if he bought these. And sorry for the off topic


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