Ab Exercise Advice?
Feb 18, 2005 at 9:04 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Headphoneus Supremus
Oct 14, 2002
Well I've spent too much time concentrating on the things that I like (lifting weights, biking etc.) and too little on the thing I hate (strengthening up my abs). Time to rectify this mistake!

So I was about to start a program of regular old sit ups or crunches when it struck me, they have never worked that well for me before... why should they work now?

So I'm asking you... you fitness freaks of head-fi (I know you're out there) what ab exercise program works for you? I'd prefer something that doesn't use machinery (I'd rather do this part of my exercises at home, not down at the gym) but I could flex on that. (Maybe something that uses dumbells? I've got some of those laying around) Or if the tried and true crunch is your key, do you have some tips?

Thanks as usual.

Edit: And, before someone says it, I know that the key to great looking abs is exercise combined with a very good diet. I'm really in this more to actually strengthen the muscle than to gain the look.
Feb 18, 2005 at 9:14 AM Post #2 of 11

ding ding ding rock hard haha kidding mine's jelly soft, too darn lazy. Anyways ygpm. Its been a while I wonder if any headfiers have had any results using those techniques. I think it tones more then anything else, losing the gut requires more work like running hahaah. Anybody with positive results?

edit: whoops I think I might have sent it to you twice... dang it I need sleep now
Feb 18, 2005 at 9:32 AM Post #3 of 11
Hey should have run a search for that... Thanks for the link.

Anyway, just tried it and (assuming I got it right) that's one devil of an exercise. Just a couple of reps and I started feeling a bit of burn. Also, it feels pretty good on the back... not like regular crunches. Thanks a ton, I could see this working.

Oh and I found illustrations for it from the thread you linked:

Now anyone know a good schedule for this? The instructions say that you should do it on off days, but would a little more aggressive time-table (say every other day) be okay? Some half-memory tells me that you aren't supposed to work abs more often than that.
Feb 18, 2005 at 10:49 AM Post #4 of 11
Reminds me of one of my sister's conditioning exercises, although in that one the idea was just to hold it for as long as you can. Seemed harmless enough for the first half minute, but after two minutes I almost fell down.
Feb 18, 2005 at 1:26 PM Post #5 of 11

You can do some more searches on that site and find all kinds of good ab exercises. My advice would be to do a few different ones that stress different abdominal muscles and do them 3 times a week.

Various crunches really are the ticket. The trick is to not worry about how many you do and concentrate on getting your form perfect. If you go to fast, or try to do too many and wind up out of form you'll just stress your back (or other muscles) without really getting a good ab workout. When you get it right, your abs (and only your abs) will hurt enough that you'll know it!
Feb 18, 2005 at 4:31 PM Post #6 of 11
Personally, I like 8-minute abs. It's a good workout, and it's not very long, so you are more inclined to do it. If you do try it, give it several of days before you decide you hate it. If your form isn't right, you'll invariably end up with a sore neck, which goes away once your form is better.

Additionally, the abdominal muscle can be worked out daily, as long as you aren't doing *strenuous* exercise on it (which primarily includes machines where you can adjust the weight). But, do whatever you're comfortable with.

Feb 18, 2005 at 10:46 PM Post #8 of 11
Here's a exercise plan that I am trying to follow:


I've also been doing some ab workouts with one of those pilates balls. The ball is nice because it helps balance the muscles, kinda like when you use free weights vs. a machine.

After two weeks I noticed that my running posture is much better. I used to slouch towards the end of a long run, but now I'm pretty much the same through out no matter how tired I am.

Hope that helps.
Feb 18, 2005 at 11:55 PM Post #10 of 11
Abs are like all the other main muscle groups. They need rest, but every other day should be fine.
Feb 19, 2005 at 12:09 AM Post #11 of 11

Originally Posted by zachary80
Abs are like all the other main muscle groups. They need rest, but every other day should be fine.

This is a misconception. You can work out your abs EVERY DAY( because it is heavily layered), especially if its your weak point. It is one of the two muscles you can work out everday(The heart is the other). For ab exercises, you should use the "shock" technique and introduce multiple abdominal exercises when you workout. Keep doing new ab exercises. I dont know your fitness level so I cannot reccomend any abdominal exercises to you. The trick to abdominal exercises is not to rest your abs while you exercise, do it until fatigue. Hope this helps you. Dieting is also important... If you put in $hit you get out $hit.

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