Dec 12, 2011 at 4:36 AM Post #91 of 123
Honestly as much as I love the HD650s. ( They were my first real cans and I still love them even now) I still don't think they do classical too well.
The rolled off treble is probably to blame but I didn't find that I particularly liked its classical performance.
An amplifier will definitely help but it won't change the overall signature of the HD650.
I think the OP should sell off the HD650 and instead get something like Denon D2000 as I found them much better for classical music and also easier to drive.
Dec 12, 2011 at 9:08 AM Post #92 of 123

Idno. Why can't he just bring his HD650 to an audio store, pretend to audition some amplifiers/stereos, plug them in and see if the HD650 is what he wants? Surely there are audio stores around, or maybe friends/neighbours/relatives who have amps/receivers........ 

There aren't around me so I wouldn't say surely....
Anyway, I am just tired of people focusing on this bass issue. OP has reiterated time and again that he listens to classical music and wants balance with overall good sound. He just wants bass that has good impact but he isn't really saying that correctly. The HD650 still sounds like a good headphone for him. He just needs equipment. I mean, at least recommend him a headphone that'll do classical well or is made for it.
Dec 12, 2011 at 10:00 AM Post #93 of 123
lol i came here looking for help but i got more confused than before!

and yes! bass are not my top priority ive just mentioned it as one of the beats advantages over the poorly amplefied hd650
here is all what i want to say that i didnt get clear answeres for:
1-should i get the e9 amp?
2-are there any better alternaitves???(amps)
3- should i upgrade my source which my ipod and my vaio?
4-are amps gonna improve sound quality??
5-finally, are bass good when drived with a good amp??(as i said not the most important thing but a nice bonus if it did)
and i dont think ill get another headphones as i am afraid to get in all this trouble again!
Dec 12, 2011 at 10:09 AM Post #94 of 123

lol i came here looking for help but i got more confused than before!

and yes! bass are not my top priority ive just mentioned it as one of the beats advantages over the poorly amplefied hd650
here is all what i want to say that i didnt get clear answeres for:
1-should i get the e9 amp? You should get a desktop amp powerful enough to drive your HD650.
2-are there any better alternaitves???(amps) No idea, ask the HD650 owners. If you want to go cheap, O2 Amplifier by Nwav and E9.
3- should i upgrade my source which my ipod and my vaio? No need to for now. Amplifier is a lot more important.
4-are amps gonna improve sound quality?? Yes, it is. You are underamping your HD650. With a good amplifier, it will definitely sound better.
5-finally, are bass good when drived with a good amp??(as i said not the most important thing but a nice bonus if it did) Yes because you are underamping your HD650 now.
and i dont think ill get another headphones as i am afraid to get in all this trouble again! 

Dec 12, 2011 at 10:17 AM Post #95 of 123
For the price of the e9, you just get it; especially if you have the e7 already. This should be a good start for your hd650's and i think you would be very satisfied. You won't feel the need to upgrade amps anytime soon after.
1-should i get the e9 amp?

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Dec 12, 2011 at 10:23 AM Post #96 of 123

For the price of the e9, you just get it; especially if you have the e7 already. This should be a good start for your hd650's and i think you would be very satisfied. You won't feel the need to upgrade amps anytime soon after.

There are some problems with the E9 though. I don't know if this has been fixed. 
Dec 12, 2011 at 10:52 AM Post #97 of 123
Well... My audiophile journey pretty much started the same

I had a creative 20 dollar earphones.. Decided to try something expensive so went for the grado sr125.. Well? I hated it... I bought it based on the reviews it got. I could not tell the difference compared to my creative earphones.. With more bass on the creattive earphones.. I assumed it was better! it was only after spending a few days maybe even weeks to even know what to listen out for..

What i am saying is that this audiophile thing is not sometjing u just rush into.. I can pass 10 person my lcd2 and they would prob give me the "What is this.. No diff from my ipod earpiece" or that the beats are better

So maybe take a few days.. With whatever you have.. Lie on your bed with your eyes closed.. Listem carefully paying attention to the little things.. How the instrument floats around your head with the 650. Read reviews to see how people deacribe the sounds and try listening out for them..

:) worked for me.. I was wondering how i even lived with my previous earphones
Dec 12, 2011 at 11:20 AM Post #99 of 123

Well... My audiophile journey pretty much started the same
I had a creative 20 dollar earphones.. Decided to try something expensive so went for the grado sr125.. Well? I hated it... I bought it based on the reviews it got. I could not tell the difference compared to my creative earphones.. With more bass on the creattive earphones.. I assumed it was better! it was only after spending a few days maybe even weeks to even know what to listen out for..
What i am saying is that this audiophile thing is not sometjing u just rush into.. I can pass 10 person my lcd2 and they would prob give me the "What is this.. No diff from my ipod earpiece" or that the beats are better
So maybe take a few days.. With whatever you have.. Lie on your bed with your eyes closed.. Listem carefully paying attention to the little things.. How the instrument floats around your head with the 650. Read reviews to see how people deacribe the sounds and try listening out for them..
worked for me.. I was wondering how i even lived with my previous earphones

i dont think being in denial would help my case here. 

i think your setup helped too.
mine is just my little ipod and a fiio e7

Dec 12, 2011 at 11:32 AM Post #100 of 123
I too dunno about any issues with the E9, other than the 3.5mm input being a pain in the ass at times, and sounding inferior to the 1/4" input. Also, not an issue, but a pet peeve is that at times the volume knob has noise while adjusting the volume. ONLY when adjusting the volume, and it's sporadic.
Dec 12, 2011 at 12:12 PM Post #103 of 123
I'll throw my 2 cents in:
I love my HD650's out of the E7/E9 combo, but I'm going to side with those suggesting you sell it off and go for a different headphone (D2000 or an iem possibly).  If you don't like the sound now, I have a feeling amping it better still won't be a night and day revelation for you.  Don't force yourself to like something just because a majority of others do, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble/money/time just finding a cheaper solution.
Dec 12, 2011 at 4:24 PM Post #105 of 123

I too dunno about any issues with the E9, other than the 3.5mm input being a pain in the ass at times, and sounding inferior to the 1/4" input. Also, not an issue, but a pet peeve is that at times the volume knob has noise while adjusting the volume. ONLY when adjusting the volume, and it's sporadic.

 E9 is a great little amp for the price, not that it really matters but I'm still a tad confused as to why they added the
 following 2 features:
 1) 3.5mm headphone out ~ have you ever heard a headphone that sounds good through it? I haven't.
 2) The gain switch - why would you use it? Prat and sound stage bunches up when in hi-gain, low gain has
      enough volume to make a DT990-600ohm and HD800 loud as you would want.

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